

Waking up the next day Alex and I ate our breakfast and said goodbye before walking to our new possible Clubs. As I arrived I saw Eric had just made his way over too. We got there a little bit after nine in the morning. I just continued to drink my coffee as Eric knocked on the door and couldn't open it due to it being locked this time. A couple of minutes later the same guy Eric talked to yesterday answered the door with a tired look. 

"Come in then, Jesus it is cold outside," the guy says as it is now mid-October and global warming doesn't appear to be in this world. 

Walking inside we see the same house as yesterday though this time there are a bunch of guys walking around going about their morning. With many watching TV and eating breakfast at the same time. Along with a handful of others in the kitchen talking while eating breakfast. Then Jacob Reynolds sees us and since he is my sponsor this year he walks over to us. 

"Theo, get in here your Freshman is here!" Jacob says while walking over to us. 

"Gabe, follow me. I'll introduce you to some of the guys and give you the tour while explaining what we expect from you," Jacob says to me arriving over to us as the guy who let us in already left to go back to the living room with some of the other guys. 

Eric is left behind as Theo finally arrives a few seconds later as I follow Jacob into the kitchen. Getting there I see the few guys here talking about school gossip and some of the women that go here. Then they all go quiet seeing Jacob come back with me, as they all give me looks judging me. 

"Guys, this is Gabe. My sponsor for this year, Gabe these are some of the guys that live here. These two are Michael but everyone calls him Mickey and this is William but everyone calls him Will. The other two are James and Josh," Jacob says to me as they all just nod their heads to me in greeting. 

"Hey everyone," I say as they all just continue to stare at me with judging looks. 

"So… Do you just cheat or study all day every day?" Will asks me breaking the silence from the others as they all look at me curious about my answer. 

"Neither, I have a perfect memory so to speak, and once I read or see something I remember it forever. So I can just read the textbook or pay attention in class and will retain the information forever," I say to them with a shrug knowing I was given the ultimate cheat in this life because of it. 

They all look at me with the same mixed emotions of surprise, disbelief, and jealousy. As they each have the three emotions flash across their face in different orders with some landing at different emotions at the end. 

"No fucking way! Can we test that?" Josh says as the others nod their heads while Jacob shrugs seeing me look at him. 

"Sure, how did you want to test it?" I say to them shrugging my indifference. 

"Depends… how long do you need to remember something? Like a glance or a few seconds?" Josh says to me. 

"Depending on what it is, it could be just a glance or a few seconds or more. As if it is just a word, all I need is a glance. If it is a sentence, I need a second or two to read it. A picture I would need a few seconds to remember all the details," I say to them as they all nod their heads.

"Then let's all put a word on our phones. You will glance at them all and then close your eyes. We will switch the phones around and you can tell us the word on the phone that the person is holding even if it is not their original phone," Josh says as I sigh but nod my head since I just want this to be over already.

Everyone then writes a word on their phones, with me getting maybe a second or two to see the word on each phone. Then they all put their phones face down on the table, I close my eyes for a few seconds as they all trade phones or whatever. They then tell me to open my eyes and I look down at the phones on the table and correctly answer what each phone has what word. 

"Holy shit! That is such a bullshit ability!" Will and Josh say at the same time as the others all nod their heads in agreement. 

"Gabe would make a perfect future President, Vice President, or at worst the Treasurer," Mickey says speaking for the first time and surprised by my ability. 

'Please God no,' I think to myself not wanting even more responsibility if I get into this club. 

"Now I see why everyone calls you Mr. Perfect. The nickname suits you," Jacob says as we walk around the house and he shows me the different rooms here. 

The house has ten bedrooms with two master bedrooms, which are for the president and vice president. There were also five full bathrooms with the master bedroom having its own private bathrooms. While the other members of the club don't live in the house but in an apartment or in a dorm. The ones who live here are the upperclassmen or more important members of the club. 

The house also has a large kitchen, dining room, and living room, and the basement has a decent-sized mini bar with a well-built smaller dance floor. Overall the place was a very nice house and I can see that the guys who live here do well to keep it clean and in good shape. Jacob also told me what it would take to become a member of the club at the end of this year and starting next year. 

First, I would need to attend every event the club held or was a part of, regardless of when or where it was. Second, I would need to keep my grades above a 3.5 GPA minimum during my first year. Third, I would need to be the errand boy at all parties hosted by the Club, meaning I would be doing all the manual labor of keeping the party perfect. Lastly, at the end of the year, the members would vote on who would join, I would need more than half of the members to vote me in, in order to join the club. 

"That pretty much covers everything and our first party will be in a couple of weeks. We host a Halloween party every other year, along with the Bee Club. This year it will be held at our house, instead of the Bee Club's house. So I will be texting you on what I need you to do for the party," Jacob says to me once we finish the tour and my responsibilities. Jacob then traded phone numbers with me and sent me a text message to ensure he got the right number. 

"I do have a couple more questions," I say to Jacob who nods his head waiting for my question. 

"Is there a reason this Club is always associating with the Bee Club?" I say to Jacob who nods his head. 

"Before when there were only Men's Clubs, there was a lot more… Competition between the Clubs. Now that there are Clubs for women too, the men's Clubs teamed up with a women's Club for obvious reasons. To have a guarantee that women would be at hosted parties and because the two clubs together can bring in a lot more money for the clubs instead of doing things separately. Our club chose the Bee Club because it was the first women's club and the most prestigious one matching ours respectively," Jacob says to me as I nod my head to his explanation. 

"Makes sense, now for my last question. I am in a serious relationship and will not do anything that could jeopardize it. So will there be anything that could happen, like one of the guys trying to get me to sleep around or anything like that?" I say to him since I heard stories like that in both lives. 

"Yeah, we know you came here with your girlfriend and live together. No, you would not be expected to sleep around or do anything that you are not comfortable with. We are not savages, plus we have an image to keep and if anyone tries to make you do something that you are very uncomfortable with, come to me," Jacob says to me giving me a reassuring smile and I nod my head happy to hear that. As I would just walk away no longer dealing with the Club if it came to that. 

"Though I will be honest there will probably be some things we try to make you do that will embarrass or make you slightly uncomfortable. But we will not be forcing you to have sex with anyone," Jacob says making sure I understand that hazing is a part of joining a club. 

"Yeah I get that, I just didn't want anyone to be like, 'You have to fuck three girls and have proof or I won't vote for you' or something like that," I say to him as he nods his head.

"I get it and some of the guys might try that, but I'll talk with them. Since Eric might be doing that anyone from what I hear about him. I'll make sure they understand you aren't like that," Jacob says to me, as I chuckle nodding my head knowing Eric is like that. 

"Anything else?" Jacob says to me with a waiting look. 

"No, nothing I can think of. But I assume I can text you with any other questions I might have," I say to him. 

"Yeah, though I might not get back right away," Jacob says to me as I nod my head. 

"Well, then I'll keep you posted on what I need from you for this upcoming Halloween party," Jacob says to me as we shake hands and I leave. 

Since today is the weekend, I have nothing I really need to do. Plus it seems Eric is still doing whatever here, while Alex is still at her possible Club. It seems she will be busy too for the next hour or so, as I am sure Alex is asking a thousand and one questions. Seeing that I am by myself, I decide to just aimlessly walk around campus while grabbing another hot drink of tea and enjoying the cold weather. 

After about half an hour of walking around aimlessly, I enter a local coffee shop to just get out of the cold and maybe have another coffee or tea while waiting for Alex or someone else to hang out with. I ordered another green tea and sat at one of the tables while browsing Reddit on my phone passing the time. 

"Mr. Hunter, what a surprise seeing you here. Did you complete your homework for Monday's class?" I hear a very similar feminine and look up to see Ms. Cathay and Dr. Burke in the same cafe as me. 

Both are wearing fall clothes, but their jackets still show off their very shapely figures. While Ms. Cathay gives me the same look in class like she is trying to seduce me and win my affections. While Dr. Burke has a raised eyebrow at hearing the subtle flirtatious voice from Cathay and looks between us. Dr. Burke's eyes seem to be piercing my soul while she waits for my response and Cathay is giving me what seems like the 'fuck me' eyes. 

'What the fuck…' I think to myself seeing the two women and wondering if God is fucking with me here, by throwing a very horny Milf my way knowing I am in a relationship.