

I'm thinking of doing a rewrite with more reasonable pacing, and also less alteration in the whole kingdom aspect. I'll keep this up, but I'll eventually post the new one.

Reasoning: I reread it, and found many unreasonable things inside of it. I'll probably keep the skills and junk, Zero will just be way more reasonable in terms of strength and power.

I'll also try to go less "Saga of Tanya the Evil" and maybe just skip the whole military thing. 

I'll also get to the main story a lot quicker too, and find some bull crap reason to be able to time travel with the others.

If you have any ideas, just comment, no matter how stupid they may sound. I may even use one of them.

Thank you to all of your support! I will still read comments and crap, so feel free to drop one.

Aura_Of_Despaircreators' thoughts