
Reincarnated in the trash of the counts family

In a twist of fate, Adrian Nightshade meets an untimely demise only to find themselves reincarnated into the count's family novel. Confronted by the god of death, they are granted 10 wishes that could start a brand new adventure and a novel world he's always wanted be a part of. As they navigate this newfound existence, the choices they make hold the power to rewrite the narrative and alter the course of their second life.

Skylar_Motty · 其他
9 Chs

Chapter 4: “Awakening in a New World” Cale pov

Cale POV

Kim Rok Soo groaned as he opened his eyes, his head throbbing with pain. He tried to recall what had happened, but his memories were hazy. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep after a long day at work. However, as his vision cleared, he realized he was no longer in his familiar apartment.

He found himself in a lavishly decorated room, lying on an opulent bed surrounded by expensive furnishings. Confusion turned to panic as he struggled to sit up, his body feeling strangely heavy. His heart raced as he looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"What the...?" he muttered, his voice sounding foreign even to his own ears.

The door to the room creaked open, and a young maid entered, carrying a tray with a teapot and a cup. She gasped in surprise when she saw him awake.

"Young master Cale, you're awake!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock.

Cale? Kim Rok Soo's mind raced as he tried to piece together the puzzle. He glanced at the maid, then down at his hands. They were not his hands. They were delicate and pale, not the rough, calloused hands he was used to. He looked into the mirror across the room and saw the reflection of a young man with auburn hair and red eyes staring back at him.

It all clicked into place. He had somehow transmigrated into the body of Cale Henituse, the infamous trash of the Henituse family from the novel he had been reading before falling asleep.

Kim Rok Soo—now Cale—took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He needed to think clearly and figure out his next steps. According to the novel, Cale Henituse was a notorious troublemaker, despised by his family and feared by the servants. However, he also knew that Cale's fate was not set in stone. This was an opportunity to change the story and create a better future for himself.

"Water," he croaked, and the maid quickly poured a glass and handed it to him. He drank it slowly, buying himself time to think.

"Are you feeling alright, young master?" the maid asked nervously.

Cale nodded, trying to muster a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. Just a bit disoriented."

The maid nodded and quickly left the room to inform the other servants. Cale knew he needed to gather more information and plan his next moves carefully. The first step was to avoid making the same mistakes as the original Cale and to navigate this new life strategically.

As he got out of bed and stretched, he felt the unfamiliar weight of his new body. He looked around the room, taking in the luxurious surroundings. He needed to get used to his new life and the people in it.

He remembered that in the novel, the first major event involved Choi Han, the protagonist, arriving in the Henituse territory. Cale needed to ensure he made contact with Choi Han and established a good relationship with him. Choi Han was a powerful ally, and having him on his side would be crucial.

Ron stepped in to help get his young master Cale dressed and prepared to face the day. Cale resolved to use his knowledge of the novel to his advantage. He would change his fate and the fate of those around him. This was his chance to rewrite the story.

Until Ron told him about Adrian showing up at the territory three days ago, saying that the village in the forest was going to be attacked by a group called ARM. He had come to inform Cale's father of this oncoming attack, and he had been getting medical attention since.

Cale Henituse stood in the expansive library of the Henituse estate, poring over ancient tomes and scrolls in search of any information that could shed light on the mysterious visitor known as Adrian. His mind buzzed with questions, and he was determined to uncover the truth behind Adrian's cryptic warning about the impending attack on the village.

As he sifted through the dusty pages, Cale's thoughts drifted to the events of the past few days. Adrian's sudden appearance had sparked a flurry of activity within the estate, with servants bustling about and guards on high alert. Yet amidst the chaos, Cale couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Adrian's story than met the eye.

Just then, the heavy oak door creaked open, and Ron, the trusted steward of the Henituse household, entered the library. His expression was grave, indicating that he bore news of importance.

"Master Cale," Ron began, his voice low with urgency. "I have received word from the scouts. It seems that ARM is indeed preparing to launch an attack on the village, just as Adrian warned."

Cale's heart sank at the confirmation of Adrian's dire prediction. He knew that time was of the essence, and they needed to act swiftly to thwart the impending threat.

"Gather the guards," Cale instructed, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "We must fortify the village defenses and prepare to repel the attackers."

Ron nodded, his eyes reflecting the same steely determination as Cale's. "As you command, Master Cale. I will see to it immediately."

With a sense of grim resolve, Cale returned his focus to the ancient texts before him, searching for any insight that could aid them in their battle against ARM. As he delved deeper into the pages, he couldn't shake the feeling that Adrian held the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding their enemy's motives.

Determined to uncover the truth, Cale vowed to confront Adrian and learn the secrets he held, no matter the cost. For in the looming shadow of war, knowledge was their most potent weapon, and Cale was prepared to wield it with unwavering resolve.

Adrian's POV

I was laying in bed trying to deal with the unbearable pain in my side and in my head when I heard a knock on the door. I answered that he could come in. I looked up and saw a crimson-haired man that I knew as Cale. I had been debating this for three days and finally come to a conclusion. And I would tell Cale that I am a reincarnated, that this was the only big change that I was ever gonna make unless it had to be made.

Cale had stepped in. I greeted him with a small bow of my head. I let him talk first.

I greeted him with a respectful nod, acknowledging his status as a noble of Henituse family. Despite my physical discomfort, I remained composed, steeling myself for the conversation that was about to unfold.

Cale's piercing gaze bore into mine, and I could sense the curiosity and concern behind his eyes. He spoke first, his voice measured yet tinged with urgency.

"Adrian," he began, his tone serious. "I've received word about the impending attack on the village. Ron informed me of your warning, and I wanted to discuss our next course of action."

I nodded, grateful for the opportunity to address the situation directly. "Yes, Cale. I've been pondering the same thing for the past few days," I admitted, my voice strained with pain. "But before we proceed, there's something important I need to tell you."

Cale's brow furrowed in concern, and he stepped closer, his expression unreadable. "What is it, Adrian?

I took a deep breath, steadying myself. "Cale, there's something you need to know about me. I'm a reincarnator. I remember my past life. In that life."

Cale's eyes widened in shock, but he stayed silent, letting me continue.

"I was reincarnated into this world, into Adrian's body, this body was created for me by the god of death he had accidentally killed me too early and given me this body as an apology" I explained, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions inside me. "And, Cale, I know something about you too. You're not the original Cale. You've been transmigrated into this body. In your past life, you were also Kim Rok Soo."

Cale's expression shifted from shock to something unreadable, a mix of confusion and realization dawning in his eyes. "What... how do you know that?"

"Because I have my memories the noveli had read wasn't the birth of a hero, but trash of the family trash, it was about you being the protagonist instead of Choi Han "," I said gently. "I remember our life. I recognized you, the way you handle things, your habits. It all matches with who Kim Rok Soo was."

He took a step back, processing this revelation. "So, you're saying we're both from the same world, both connected by our past lives as Kim Rok Soo?"

I nodded. "Yes, exactly. I didn't know how to tell you before, but you deserved to know the truth. We're both navigating this new world with our shared past."

Cale remained silent for a moment, then finally spoke, his voice softer. "This changes everything, but also explains a lot. I... I felt out of place, but now it makes sense."

I gave a small, reassuring smile. "We're in this together, Cale."

Cale nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Alright, Adrian Let's face whatever comes next. Together."

"Together," I agreed, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie and hope."