[Few Weeks Later]
Breathing heavily while sitting on the floor, Cain looked up to see Yoda calmly standing in front of him, not even showing the slightest sign of exhaustion.
"Good, mediate you shall. Recover strength." Yoda ordered Cain as he sat down on a nearby cushion.
"I-I..I'll do that," Cain said while panting heavily.
Groaning from pain, Cain slowly tried to calm his mind and began meditating, but before that, he went to check on his progress from the past few weeks.
Name: Cain Addams
Race: Human
Force Level: Jedi Knight(23%)
Strength: 23
Agility: 25
Stamina: 22
Intelligence: 29
Wisdom: 30
Credits: 1,858,450
Skill Points: 6
System Points:5,410
Meditation: A
Mental Shield: B
Breath Control: B
Battle Instinct: A
Force Power: [Telekinesis A, Mind-Trick C, Precognition A(Future Vision), Body Enhancement A, Telepathy A, Heal A, Empathy B, Sense A, Menacing Presence C, Stasis C, Bond C]
Swimming: C
Gun Mastery: A
Hand Combat: B
Blade Mastery: A
Mechanics Mastery: A
Piloting: C
Jet-Pack Mastery: B
Languages: Galactic Basic(100%), Binary(80%), Huttese(50%)
Lightsaber Forms: Form I: Shii-Cho(100%), Form IV: Ataru(83%), Form III: Soresu(63%), Form II: Makashi(51%)
For the past few weeks, every single day Cain was pushed by Yoda to improve his skills with the lightsaber. The Grandmaster showed absolutely no mercy in attacking and throwing Cain around like a rag doll. Yoda even amped up the training by throwing more Force attacks to hinder and distract Cain while fighting.
He once threw Cain so hard that he flew threw the wall. Cain swore that he heard the little devil laugh, but had no proof as he was knocked unconscious.
Yoda seemed so wise and nice in the movies, but in real life, he was the true Sith Lord of training. Experiencing how strict Yoda's training was, Cain almost wished the little alien would hop on his back and make him run an obstacle course.
But no, he had to endure constant attacks, being knocked down and humiliated until he could actually block an attack.
But as an added bonus because of the Temple's increase in training skills, Cain was able to advance most of his Force abilities and his skills with a lightsaber. Also with Yoda's harsh training Cain's stats were steadily increasing at a very fast rate.
"Enough rest, again," Yoda, the slave driver commanded.
Dragging himself back to his feet, Cain slowly circulated energy all around his body to enhance his reflexes. Cain had no choice but to step into a more defensive stance as Yoda was simply too fast. With so much lightsaber training from the Grandmaster, Cain was quickly picking up the different lightsaber forms and had a good grasp on Forms ll, lll, and IV.
Unleashing both of his lightsaber Cain held them protectively at his sides, waiting for the Yoda to attack.
Moving forward at fast speeds, Yoda jumped and struck down at Cain.
Finally able to at least sense Yoda's attacks, Cain quickly blocked the attack and swung his other lightsaber. This attack was quickly blocked by Yoda as he shifted his blade, holding back both of Cain's attacks.
Trying to overpower the Jedi Grandmaster, Cain suddenly felt his instincts warning him. Trusting his body Cain jumped back as Yoda suddenly flipped through the air and sliced where he once was.
"To your instincts, always listen."
Nodding his head, Cain listened to Yoda's advice and prepared himself for the next round of attacks.
Feeling his instincts yell at him once more, Cain decided to go on the attack instead of the defense for once.
Switching his hold over his blades, Cain brought both of them up for an overhand strike while leaping forward. Enhancing his reflexes for a follow-up strike as Yoda swiftly dodged the attack. Falling into a crouch, Cain tried sweeping Yoda's legs from under him, but this caused the Grandmaster to jump in the air.
With Yoda flipping in the air, Cain fluidly pushes out with all his might to send the Grandmaster flying through the air. Almost bursting with joy at his success, Cain was unprepared for Yoda to suddenly land upright against the wall and launch himself.
Cain tried his best to defend against the speeding green bullet, but he was thrown to the floor. Rolling on the ground, Cain tried to get to his feet but he found a lightsaber at his throat.
"I give up," Cain grumbled, as Yoda deactivated his lightsaber.
"Slight improvement, I see in you," Yoda noted.
"I almost got you..for a second," Cain said while picking himself off the floor.
"Hmm...very funny, you are. Enough training today, follow me." Yoda joked then made his way towards the door.
Releasing a sigh, Cain strapped his lightsabers to his back and followed after Yoda. Walking in line with the Grandmaster Cain was curious about where they were going but he knew Yoda wouldn't tell him until they got there.
As Cain walked through the halls of the temple he could see many Jedi bowing to Yoda as he walked by. Many felt honored to just be in the presence of Yoda.
Although Cain trained in the temple, he only trained with Yoda in that one room and kept to himself. So whenever he got the chance Cain enjoyed just walking around the temple.
As they continued to walk through the temple Cain almost walked into Yoda when he finally stopped.
"Enter you shall, alone," Yoda suddenly said to Cain as he stopped at the door.
"Okay then," Cain replied unsure as he walked into the darkroom.
When he walked through the door slammed behind him as the lights in the room suddenly turned on. Finally able to see, Cain looked around the room to see a set of seven large rocks.
Looking closely at the rocks, Cain quickly realized where he was and what these rocks represented.
They were called the Muntuur Stones and they were used to train Jedi in Telekinesis. Each stone weighed a least a ton and the heaviest was over five tons. It was said that Yoda could actually lift five of these rocks.
Seeing the imposing stones, Cain knew what Yoda was trying to test him with them. So after calming his nerves he focused on the first rock and attempted to lift it.
Feeling the weight of the rock, Cain slowly felt the difficulty increase as he began to make the first rock shift slightly. Pushing harder Cain brought both of his hand up to focus on raising the rock.
With a slight groan, the rock began to slightly rise off the floor and into the air. Happy with his success, Cain tried to focus on the other rocks but soon lost his grip over the first stone.
With a loud thud, the large stone crashed back to the ground causing Cain to stumble back. Panting from slight exhaustion, Cain was about to try again but decided to take a different approach.
Out of everything Yoda told Cain he always emphasized that the Force is limitless and it's only limited by our own belief of failure.
Taking the Grandmaster's advice, Cain slowly calmed his breathing as he knelt in front of the stones. Letting go of everything he thought not possible Cain simply imagined the rocks rising, giving no thought to how much they weight. Finding himself ready, Cain slowly raised his arm and made the stone rise.
Slowly following the movements of Cain's arm the first stone rose in the air, gently floating above his head. Continuing the pattern, the second rock soon joined the other in the air. After some more concentration, the third rock slowly wobbled its way into the air.
With the three rocks floating silently above his head, Cain opened his eyes and was amazed by the feat he just accomplished.
[Skill Upgrade: Force Power: Telekinesis(S)]
"Let go, you have."
Turning his head slightly, Cain could see that Yoda was standing behind looking at the stones floating in the air.
"I remember what you said about The Force," Cain said as he continued to focus on the stones.
"Good, first step learning of the Force. With no limits it is, unlike you and I. Undying and All-knowing, the Force is." Yoda explained, as Cain slowly placed the rocks back on the ground.
"So what else?" Cain questioned the Grandmaster, ready for whatever else he needed to learn.
"Nothing, there is," Yoda replied.
"W-hat do you mean?" Cain asked confused by what Yoda meant.
"To teach you, there is no more," Yoda said, shocking Cain.
"There has to be something else. You still beat me up without even trying," Cain argued as he knew that his skills weren't fully upgraded.
"Harh harh. The fast learner you are, but the Jedi path not for you. Find your own, you must." Yoda told Cain as he laughed slightly.
"B-but-" Cain stuttered but was interrupted.
"No buts. Believe in the Force. Find your way, you shall. Our paths shall cross again in the future."
"It was an honor to train under you." Cain bowed formally after seeing that he couldn't change Yoda's mind.
"Hmm...good student you are. Much fun, haven't had in years," Yoda joked at the fact he got to basically beat up Cain for weeks.
Shaking his head at the Grandmaster, Cain was about to leave but felt Yoda toss something at him. He easily caught the item and looked down to see that it was a Jedi Holocron.
"Take this, you shall. Help to further oneself, in the future."
"Thank you." Cain said with gratitude, as Yoda had helped him learn so much.
Once Cain had left the room and the door was closed, Yoda turned to face a seemingly empty corner of the room.
"...He is very strong in the Force, almost too much. He has done was takes most years to accomplish, in a few weeks." A voice suddenly announced.
From the shadows of the room, Mace Windu suddenly appeared and moved toward the Grandmaster.
"Watch the boy, we shall," Yoda said after some thought and began to walk away.
The only sound in the room was Yoda's cane as he solemnly moved out of the room.