
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

Aspiring to become a boxer with almost no talent. Kenta went through blood, sweat and tears to have a chance at being known as a boxer, but... Luck wasn't on his side... The very first amateur boxing match of his career, Kenta suffered a very fatal injury to his knee. Everything he worked for tragically all went down the drain. 8 years of dedication just like that, went because of a injury. Ever since that moment in his life. Kenta dedication to the sport he loved, slowly died. But no matter what, he always hoped for a miracle. Hoping for a life changing event to happen, each year went past until Kenta finally acknowledge at the age of 28 that nothing was going to change. Just like that. Kenta worked a normal job barely scrapping living a normal life. To escape this painful reality, Kenta was lead towards the world of anime. Believing it to be disgusting at first, gradually Kenta came to love all sorts of anime ranging from Slice of life to Harem. But their was one specific anime that struck his heart deeply, Hajime no Ippo. An Anime that was based on his whole past dedication. Boxing I I I I I V Tags - Small Harem, No ruling System, Romance, MaybeNetori, comedy, HandsomeMc, KindMc, ChillMc, BadassMc, Smut, Lemons, R-18, Reincarnated, Hajime no Ippo and lastly, some drama. Warning - I do not own Hajime no Ippo neither the image, everything goes to its respectable writer/drawer.

TruckkunJr · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 11: Meeting the Group

Legs entwind, both teens faced each other. Nyoko's forehead leaned onto Kenta's chest, sometimes rubbing her cheek against it. Kenta had his nose in her hair like the smell of her scent kept him at ease.

Yawning awake, Nyoko eyes opened, directly in the other person's face in the bed. Almost as if he realise she yawn, Kenta's own eyes darted awake towards her. Now eyes locked at one another, Nyoko eyes glanced down to her legs than back up. Her embarrassment was evident clearly on her cheeks completely red.

When she was about to turn away, she felt a rough, yet soft hand lift her chin. Despite the butterfly's going off in her stomach, Nyoko didn't glance away or close her eyes. Simply diving deep in the exotic green eyes of the man she has liked for quite some time.

He couldn't help it but have a smirk on his face. Kenta knew of the budding feeling he had developed on her, as much as he hated it being 35+ mentally older than her, he just couldn't push them away.

Something inside of him loved the reaction he got from Nyoko, being a simple blushing mess by his most simplistic of actions.

Leaning slightly down, Kenta lips were now only centimetres, her body shuddered at the hot breath of Kenta's. Nyoko and Kenta, had no reason to stop and both of their lips met.

At first tenderly and lovingly, both kissed each. Each brush of his lips on hers, Nyoko's whole body leaned further into him, it was undescribable. She hadn't ever felt something like this, her mind just went numb only the rhythm of Kenta's lips kept her somewhat there.

What seemed as second turned into hours in her mind. Whilst kissing, she felt something forcefully prying her mouth opening slipping in it. Her eyes opened straight at Kenta, all she saw was his left eye wink and before she knew it just like before, her mind eroded away.

Her tongue behaving submissive, to the rough behaviour of Kenta's own tongue. This was her first kiss and French kiss, although it wasn't how she expected it to be. She loved every second of it. She loved the rough treatment he gave to her, setting her core ablaze, craving the attention.

Her hands wandered on its own, feeling the muscles on Kenta's chest than going down wards to his abbs, her hands repeatedly went over them as if she was counting them. Blinded by the enormous erection rubbing against her midsection, hard like rock from their interaction

Kenta being the only barely conscious in the horny make out, had to withdraw starting be out of breath. Once his face separated from hers, what was only left was a string of saliva.

Nyoko: "W-why...hah... d-did you stop...?" Speaking out of lament, confused by his action feeling the lost of his tongue and lips.

Dark black eyes misty, breath shallow and steamy, blush lighting her cheeks. As much as her current state wanted him to continue, Kenta eyes went behind him and saw the time on the clock. 11:03am.

Kenta: "You need to go home before your parents start to worry." His voice serious, he slowly backed away, now about to get a quick shower before jogging about to the gym. Before he did, he glanced back to her, the corners of his lips raising.

Kenta: "If your aren't busy with family, come to the gym. It's weird without my little cheerleader beside me." Kenta spoke smoothly than left to shower leaving a smoking women on flames.

Nyoko had to take sometime to fully process his words and when she did, her whole expressed turned into a tomato, hands on her cheek losing herself in dream land. Short after she shaked herself awake, now realising the words previously spoke.

Nyoko: "I-I forgot!!! I have to go out with Kumi in an hour! What am I doing!? If I don't leave soon and get to mine, I'll be late!" she shouted loudly in shock.

Instantly jumping off her knees, grabbing her clothes and putting on her coat. She didn't forget to fix the bed and take a momento of the moment in the form of Kenta's t-shirt.

She'll be keeping that for... reasons that don't need to be disclosed to others.

10 minutes went and Kenta came out, drying himself down and in speed time record, making breakfast, that was literally rice cakes. And, locked his door before running at max speed to Kamogawa gym.


Outside a cafe near where Kumi lived, sat opposite one another. There was Kumi and Nyoko, both individually dressed up for their hang out. Kumi had a red flower dress, while Nyoko had a green top and skirt which went to her mid thigh. It was hard not to gain attention, being dressed up and as beautiful as they were.

As seemed by the bags beside them, both female had already finished their little adventure. Although, despite being the usual hang out they took part in, Nyoko was unusually happy and looked like she had a extra skip in her movements. Which didn't leave the watchful eyes of Kumi.

Kumi: 'I-is it because of Kenta?' seeing the content and happy eyes of Nyoko's face. Kumi felt kind of jealous. Her mind resurfaced back to when saw Kenta on her way to work. The tanned, half japenese, half American lad made her confused with herself.

She had hanged out a little bit with him cause Nyoko but she hadn't really known him that well. So why did she always feel h-hot and b-bothered around him. S-She didn't understand.

Kumi was confused, perplexed by these new sensations abruptly revealing themselves. She stayed there, in her mind, unaware of the eyes of Nyoko's currently on her. Gazing at the blank face of her friend.

Nyoko: "Kumi, you okay? You seem... distant?" her eyes filled with confusion and worry, Nyoko asked.

Snapped out of her inter turmoil, Kumi eyes lighted up, no longer seemingly occupied thinking to herself. All she could do was rub the back of her head, and blush despite not wanting to.

Kumi: "U-umm. I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you, I just had... Something on my mind." She said with a pause. Not wanting to slip up and accidentally tell her what or whom was on her mind.

Noticing the pause in her voice, but dismissing it. Nyoko just nodded. it was best for her to keep out of her business. She'll wait for her to ask for something advice. Hopefully.

So she simply sat there drinking her drink, glancing at the tense Kumi, while the girl she was staring at, felt like all her secrets were revealed already. Guilty for thinking about her best friend's crush.

When Nyoko sighed, clearly tired with all the shopping and Kumi's current predicament. She decided to be a good friend and invite her to come along with her to the gym.

Nyoko: "Come on. We are going." Stood up suddenly, she dragged the confused girl. Who was now not as tense as before.

Kumi: "W-wait! Where are you taking me!?" Kumi shouted nervously, a stutter being the outcome of nervousness.

Nyoko: "We are going to a boxing gym!" Throwing her left arm up in the air. Shouting out of excitement to go back to the gym and meet Kenta.

Kumi: "..."

In the face of Nyoko's excitement, Kumi stayed quite and submissively get dragged to the gym. She accepted it. No matter what she did or said, wouldn't sway Nyoko in her state right now.

As so, she followed along side her listening to the thousand time about Nyoko like of boxing. Since childhood, all Nyoko would talk on and on about was boxing. Most importantly her dad and his career as a boxer. Believed it or not, older she got, the more admiration and respect she had for her father growed.

She supported him along the way even when he retired. No matter what, still whole heartedly proud of the fighter her father was.

There wasn't that much of a distance surprisingly enough only 30 minutes to get there. Above the windows, wrote on red writing, Kamogawa gym. The same gym, Kumi knew her best friend's father trained at.

The gym wasn't flashy outside like her mind though a boxing gym would turn out to be. Surprisingly, it was relatively bland if she could say so. But none the less, her nerves were off the chart when Nyoko opened the door. And tge first thing that greeted them was one of the funniest things she had ever witness.

Kenta and another man of near similar height, were on the floor wrestling with each other. With another boy, extremely small compare to the both of the guys on the floor, trying to reason with them. Quite nervous to see both tall men seemingly trying to get one another in a head lock.

Off to the side, was two guys off relative similar height shouting in ⁰

???: "Argh-! you... bastrad! This what you get for calling me a overside gorilla!" The man with a pompadour shouted loudly, while trying to squeeze away Kenta's neck. Veins on his forehead and forearm.

Kenta: "Is this all you got!? I though Mr 'Number one rookie' was stronger than this, what a shame..." Kenta said trying to anger the pompadour man more. Making worst by snoring.

???: "T-T-Takamura-san, K-Kenta-san..." Whispering to them, and glancing at the two on the side to try and intervene.

???: "No way I'm getting involved. Ask kimura. I bet you he's up for the task. Hahaha..." Stepping back, he pushed the blacked haired guy forward. Whom looked back to him in betrayal.

???: "Are you mad!? You do it!" Grabbing ahold of him, both man's started there own argument. But unlike the main event in the middle, theirs was less aggressive.

This left the short kid in the middle, sweating profusely at what was happening around him. Kumi glanced at the female beside her and saw her face down, expressionless. Gulping, Kumi backed away understanding what will happen.

Nyoko: "What are you guys doing!!!" Clenching her fists and stomping her feet towards them, almost sensing the murderous intent at the door, all of them turned to the door pale.

Only person confused was the short kid in the middle, that lit up like a lantern. Running towards Nyoko, bowing down to her, releasing a happy sigh.

???: "T-Thank you Nyoko-san!! I thought, Kenta-san and Takamura was gonna kill each other." Leaning back up, he wiped the sweat of his forehead. After glancing towards Kumi, who waved back to him. Instantly reddening his cheeks.

Nyoko: "It's no problem. Let me deal with these idiots." Patting his shoulder, she went past him towards Kenta and Takamura. Kumi following after her, flashing ippo a smile.

Kumi: 'He seems nice.' Smiling in her head, she giggled imagining such a shy kid almost cute, fight inside the ring.

Takamura and Kenta, just stood there. Takamura glaring at Kenta while he put his pinky in his ear, cleaning it out. That all came to a stop when Nyoko, with... Another girl? Was infront of them.

Kenta: "Kumi! Hahaha, how have you been! It's been some time, hasn't it?" Kenta exclaimed flashing her a smile than embracing her shortly. Causing a huge blush to spread on her cheek.

Kumi: "Y-yes... it's been a long time..." Muttering to herself, she looked down to her feet. Embarrassed to look up to Kenta. Her reaction hadn't left Takamura's eyes, who eyes widened than went back to normal, as quick as it was shown.

Nyoko didn't feel fazed although chalked up the suspicious behaviour of her friend for future events. This though didn't stop her eyes to glare up to the two big guys beside each other.

Nyoko: "What am I going to do with you Kenta?" Shaking her head in her palm, her eyes slightly softened at him before going to her former steeled gaze.

Nyoko: "Your lucky I saw you lot mess around. Including you two as well, Aoki, Kimura." Giving the nervous boxers on the side a glare, getting a response to both.

Aoki: "H-hahaha... O-oh look at the time, I've got to go back to training! Bye!" Laughing nervously, he looked at his wrist and bolted, leaving Kimura, Takamura and Kenta behind.

Kimura: "You ain't leaving me as well!" Joining as well, he ran before he could get a mouthful like Takamura and Kenta.

Kumi couldn't help but giggle, causing Nyoko glare to fall on her, immediately quiting her. This was only a minute before she got two the real problem.

Nyoko: "I'm disappointed in you two. Your supposed to the role model for Ippo. How is he gonna look up to you two after seeing both of you mess around." Shaking her head, she wagged her finger in there faces. Gaining no reaction from neither guy. Both seemingly uncaring, this furthur angered her.

Nyoko: "You know what! Go back to training! I'll be telling Coach later, of your twos actions! Kenta you stay behind!" Ruffling her head, she glared at takamura than Kenta.

Takamura: "Why do I get told of by a kid." Sulking to himself, he walked away not before flashing a thumbs up to Kenta, that blatant both females saw it.

Takamura: 'Good luck Solider, You'll be missed dearly.' Saluting for his sacrifice, like he saw that, Kenta eyebrows scrunched.

Kenta: 'What the fuck?'

Walking away, excessively quickly to the direct of the staircase, when he got behind the door, he sat against the wall. Tears of 'happiness down his face.

Takamura: 'Lucky bastard!'


Sorry for the update, been having kind of a shitty sleeping pattern. Still have, but trying to sort it out. Also, been trying to look things up consistently around the timeline of Hajime no ippo and watch the anime a bit to resurface some of my forgotten memory about the anime.

It would do me hell of a lot of time if some of you could help me out with when certain events acure like, the pro test and all east rookie tournament. There is as well, the problems that comes with what bracket Kenta joins. I've been thinking A with Ichiro and Machiba, despite the lack of knowledge around the other fighters in that block.

Put it here in which block you want the MC in:

[A Block]

[B Block]

Which ever gets the most will be the block the main character will be in. While we are on that line, do you guys want the PoV of Kenta's future opponents when he gets to the future bouts? It all depends on yours guys thoughts, simply write it in the paragraph here.

If the characters personality seems kind of AU than sorry, I'm not really a good writer when it comes portraying there unique charactistics. This also includes R18+ scene's, its never been my strong suit if you've read my other fanfics.

Anyway, thanks for the support while writing. It's been kind of less toxic with few aholes of course saying stuff, but however despite this, most of you have been quite supportive.

Thank you and have a nice day! Peace! ✌✌