
Reincarnated in grand blue

Grand Blue" follows the life of Kaito, a young college student with a passion for diving.

MASTER · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day, Kaito could be seen driving his BMW i7 towards a supermarket. He needed to buy ingredients for his own meal since he had come completely alone, without bringing his servants to cook for him. He was determined to find a good supermarket to prepare his own food.

"This place looks good," he remarked to himself as he pulled up to the supermarket.

Once he found the right place, Kaito parked his car and stepped out. A group of people stared at him in surprise due to his elegant appearance, handsome face, and expensive car. They all thought he must be a magnate or someone of importance.

Accustomed to drawing attention wherever he went, Kaito paid them no mind and entered the supermarket. Inside, he walked with firm and elegant strides, preparing to choose all the ingredients for making a typical curry. As he pondered which ingredients to select, he suddenly heard a voice from behind.


Turning around, Kaito was surprised to find Nanaka standing there. Quickly regaining his composure, he replied elegantly with a beautiful smile, "Oh, Nanaka-san, I didn't expect to run into you so soon."

Nanaka chuckled softly in response. "I didn't expect to run into you so soon either, Kaito-kun. I thought you mentioned you were planning to leave since your vacation was ending."

Kaito replied with a small smile, "Yes, I had planned to leave shortly after, but I changed my mind and decided to stay a while longer."

He also added a compliment to Nanaka, "To be honest, I really enjoyed diving, and I suppose having you as a teacher made it even more fun and exciting."

Nanaka accepted Kaito's compliment with a smile and said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

After their brief chat, Nanaka asked Kaito what he was doing at the supermarket. He explained that he was thinking of buying ingredients to make curry. Surprised, Nanaka replied, "Ah, I was planning to do the same thing. Kaito-kun, why don't you come over to our house for dinner?"

Kaito was momentarily taken aback by Nanaka's spontaneous invitation and wondered if it was a proposition.

Nanaka realized how her words sounded like a proposition and quickly corrected herself with a blush. "I-I didn't mean it that way. It's just that you gave us more money than expected yesterday, and I wanted to make it up to you."

Seeing Nanaka's reaction, Kaito chuckled softly. Nanaka pouted and said, "Mou, don't tease me, Kaito-kun."

Apologizing, Kaito replied with a smile, " sorry, sorry. It's just that you looked very lovely."

"And I accept your offer. I hope it's not too much trouble," he added.

Blushing again at Kaito's words, Nanaka nodded and assured him it wouldn't be a hassle. She said he wouldn't regret it, as she was a good cook. Kaito smiled and they proceeded to choose the ingredients for the curry.

Once they had gathered all the ingredients and paid, Kaito offered to drive Nanaka home in his car. Initially hesitant, Nanaka eventually agreed. They headed towards Kaito's car, and Nanaka was surprised when she saw it.

"Kaito-kun, is this your car?" she asked.

Kaito replied, "Yes, isn't it beautiful?"

Nanaka nodded dumbly at Kaito's response and got into the car, while people around stared at Kaito's car in surprise. Once inside, they set off towards Nanaka's house

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