
Reincarnated in grand blue

Grand Blue" follows the life of Kaito, a young college student with a passion for diving.

MASTER · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 1

The sun filtered through the half-open curtains of Kaito Tanaka's office, bathing the space in a soft morning light. Sitting behind his imposing dark wooden desk, Kaito was reviewing some reports while his computer screen flashed with data and graphs. The week had been intense, but also exciting, since his company was about to reach a historic milestone: they were in the final steps to discover the definitive cure for cancer.

Kaito couldn't hide his excitement. For years, he had worked tirelessly to bring his company to the forefront of medical research, investing resources and talent in projects that could change the world. And now, they were finally about to achieve it.

Just as he was about to dive into his work, the phone on his desk rang, breaking the silence of the office. Kaito picked it up and saw the name of Dr. Takahashi, his senior scientist, flashing on the screen. With a quickened heartbeat of anticipation, Kaito responded.

"Kaito-san, we've done it!" Dr. Takahashi's voice was full of excitement and triumph. "We have found the cure for cancer."

Kaito's heart skipped a beat. Without wasting a second, he dropped the phone and stood up from his chair. With trembling hands, he hurriedly grabbed his car keys and headed towards the laboratory where the research was being carried out.

When he arrived at the laboratory, he was met with a scene of joy and excitement. The scientists were celebrating, hugging each other and sharing laughter and happy tears. Kaito joined them, feeling a surge of gratitude and admiration for the incredible work they had done.

After congratulating all the scientists personally, Kaito retired to his office, where he sat in front of his desk, his heart full of gratitude and hope. He knew that this discovery would change the lives of millions of people around the world, and he was incredibly proud to be a part of it.

However, his joy was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a gunshot that echoed through the air. Kaito barely had time to process what was happening when he felt a sharp pain in his chest and fell to the ground, his vision darkening as the world spun around him.

In an instant, he found himself staring at a celestial being of light who was observing him with a mixture of compassion and admiration. The being's voice echoed in his mind.

"You are dead, Kaito Tanaka."

Kaito nodded in resignation. He knew this day would come eventually, but he didn't expect it to be this soon, nor this way.

"But anyway, I'm surprised that you saw it coming and prepared so much for this moment," the being of light continued. "I must say that you have made millions of people happy, and your name will be engraved in the annals of human history."

Kaito smiled weakly. He had done everything he could to make sure that the discovery of the cure for cancer came to light, even in case something happened to him. He had placed a device in his heart that would automatically send information to all parts of the world in case he stopped beating.

"But now, what do you want, Kaito Tanaka? Do you want to ascend to heaven, or do you prefer to be reincarnated in a new world?" asked the being of light.

Kaito pondered for a moment. He had fulfilled his purpose in this life, but there was still much to do. He wanted to continue making a difference, even if it was in a different way.

"I guess I just want to live in peace. If that new world is like the ones in Naruto, Bleach and the others, it's a better option to go to heaven," Kaito said, remembering the stories of peace and adventure that he had enjoyed in his previous life. .

The being of light nodded in understanding. "It's a peaceful world compared to all the others. You won't present any major problems."

Kaito smiled. "Then we have a deal."

The being of light said goodbye with a final blessing, wishing him the best in his next life. With that, Kaito closed his eyes and prepared for the next chapter of his extraordinary adventure.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MASTERcreators' thoughts