
Reincarnated in fairy tail with op powers(anime travel pt.1).

What happen when a fate series fan gets reincarnated in fairy tail with 3 wishes given by a bored god. Alternative sypnosis:bandits; ill drop a noble phantasm into you, a wizard; ill also drop a noble phantasm into you, oh a dragon; ill drop noble phantasm with dragon slaying into you.In short: ill drop a noble phantasm into all of enemy Disclaimer: any powers and characters already existing belong to their respective owner. Also the book cover is not mine

kingu14 · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Ch. 17 Hijoshiki

The group of maindoresu entered the cave. Once the maindoresu entered the cave, kingu and scathach followed after them.

Inside the cave was a man-made pathway probably dug by the maindoresu.

Kingu and scathach walk for a few minutes and they suddenly heard noises in front of them

Kingu and scathach walk cautiously as they are afraid to disturb the maindoresu and alert the whole colony as some maindoresu might run away.

Once kingu and scathach reach the pathway, they cautiously glance inside of what seem to be a big cavern.

Inside the carvern, a sight that can make someone vomit was seen by kingu and scathach. If it wasn't for emiya's experienced for sight of dead bodies that kingu had acquired, kingu would have vomited his dinner.

There are large amount of dead bodies. Some of them are bodies of animals while some of them are bodies of peoples.

"Such large amount of bodies. This nest must have been here for quite a while." kingu said

'The village leader said that only a few people have been missing from the village. Don't tell me the village leader was lying about the amount of people that had been missing from the village.' kingu thought as he saw the amount of dead people.

"Freeze them and don't let them make any noise." kingu said as he gestured for scathach to make a move.

When scathach heard kingu, she frooze the beast in ice and proceeded to shattering the beast leaving nothing behind.

After scathach killed the beast, she and kingu approach the pile of dead bodies.

"Scathach can you also please freeze them." kingu said as he points to the pile of dead bodies.

Scathach frooze the pile of dead bodies and also shattered them

"May you all rest in peace" kingu said as he prayed for the dead peoples.

"Let's go" Kingu said after he was finish praying

KIngu and scathach entered another pathway.

Once they reach the end, kingu and scathach an another very large cavern and saw a large amount of maindoresu offering dead animals to a large version of maindoresu called hijoshiki.

Scathach wanted to kill the group of beast immediately but was stopped by kingu.

"Let me fight this one while you step back and cast a strong barrier so that the surrondings won't collapse." kingu ordered as he started walking towards the group of maindoresu

Scathach obliged to kingu's and step back letting kingu fight alone against the group of maindoresu

The group of maindoresu and hijoshiki suddenly notice kingu walking towards them so they howled and started pouncing towards kingu.

Once the beast started pouncing towards him, kingu opened his gate babylon as ripples appeared behind his back and noble phantasm started launcing towards the group of beast killing them one by one. The noble phantasms would disappear into moths of light once it killed a maindoresu and would return to the gate of babylon.

Noticing that the situation was dire for them, the hijoshiki started engaging with kingu.

Large amounts of vile mana started emitting from the hijoshiki as the beast reinforce itself with mana.

The hijoshiki pounce towards kingu in a very high speed and startled kingu when it suddenly appeared in front of him and swipe its right hand claws full of mana towards kingu.

As the claw approaches the body of kingu, he dodge to the right, missing the claw while summoning kansou and byakuya and slash the right arm of the beast.

The right arm of the hijoshiki was cut but it regenerated it immediately and swipe its left claw towards kingu.

As a response, kingu jump back and thrown kansou and byakuya toward the beast which hit it in the chest.

Kingu had done this while still launcing noble phantasm out of the gate of babylon towards the remaining maindoresu which killed all of them

The hijoshiki howled in anger at the lost of all it's subordinates.

"So you also know how to angry." Kingu said as he summon gae bolg and engage in close quarters.

Kingu thrust gae bolg towards the hijoshiki, which the beast dodge and counter by swiping its left claw.

Kingu dodge the claw by spinning his body counter-clockwise towards the right and then he strike the beast with a horizontal sweep and when the hijoshiki is retracting its left hand, kingu once again strike it with a vertical sweep followed by a series of thrust and kingu jump back once again after that.

Once he landed on the ground, kingu unsummoned gae bolg and summon a bow

Kingu projected Caladbolg and loaded unto the bow aimed it towards the hijoshiki.

"My core is twisted in madness, Caladbolg." Kingu chanted and then he let go of the bowstring.

Righr before Caladbolg hit the beast, kingu cast a barrier on himself as a large explosion occured.

When the explosion cease and the surrondings was cleared, the hijoshiki was seen with grevious injuries.

"Oh you're still alive, you beast." Kingu said as he saw the beast.

Kingu suddenly sense a large influx of mana from the beast when suddenly the horn of the beast glowed and a ball of mana appeared in front of its horn.

The hijoshiki then fired a bean of mana towards kingu.

"Rho ais" kingu projected rho ais and then 7 petals appeared in front of kingu as to shield him from the beam of mana.

The beam hit rho ais but it only broke through one petal.

When the beam was gone, kingu unsummon rho ais and declared

"It's time to kill you." Kingu then summon a cursed flag, the noble phantasm of jeanne d' arc alter.

"Go to hell you beast"

"La Grondement Du Haine."kingu chanted the name of the noble phantasm.

Fire suddenly appeared as they proceeded to devouring the beast and dead bodies around kingu. The beast howled in pain as it thrashes.

When the fire receeded, the body of the beast was nowhere to be found and only its head remain since kingu needed it as proof that they had killed the beast.

" That was some nice late-night exercise"kingu said as he walk towards the head of the hijoshiki

"Let's go scathach, our job is finished here." Kingu said as he pick up the head of the hijoshiki and then he and scathach exited the cavern.


Important notice: I'm starting a poll on whether kingu will have harem or not. If kingu will have a harem, it would only around 3 or 4 woman. Comment on what you thought about this matter. The poll will only last for 4 days so be quick.

If you have any suggestions or corrections please comment on the section.

Thank you for reading and good health to everyone.

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Harem or not, comment about your opinion on this matter.

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