
Step it up!

I don't own My Hero Academia, High School DxD or anything else I use.

(Except for My Character)

Please Don't Sue Me.



"Yes!" Asia said excitedly.

"Good job my boy," God said in Izuku's head.

'God. We're gonna have to talk!' Izuku says.




With a snap, Izuku is teleported into a white void.

"Why didn't my powers work?!" Izuku annoyedly asked God.

The temperature gets colder in the space.

God stares at Izuku.

"You forget who your talking to," God says while staring.


'Fuck.' Izuku thought while shrinking at the stare.

"I Apologize!" Izuku said with a bow.

"It's ok. Like I was going to say, good job on letting Asia stay alive. Regardless of she became a devil or not in the end." God said warmly.

"For that, I give you a reward," God said.

"What type of reward?!" Izuku said excitedly.


God stares again

"Sorry!" Izuku bows again.

"I will evolve your healing factor to that of Ban's from the Seven Deadly Sins," God tells Izuku.

Before Izuku can start talking again, God says: "But you also get a punishment."

"Why!" Izuku asks, eyes wide.

"You're trying to base your life off of what Issei would do. If I wanted Issei here, I would have kept him in this world." God explains.

"How am I?" Izuku asks in shock.

"You're not branching off. I mean come on, you have All for One and the best you can do is 55%?" God scolds Izuku.

"You should at LEAST be able to get it to 75%," God says.

"So for that, you will not have any other of your powers except for One for All and your healing factor, until after the Rating Game. Do you understand?" God asks with a glint.

"Yes!" Izuku replies.

"Good. I'll be watching your progress. Bye!" God says quickly.



With a sharp noise, Izuku wakes up in his bed.

"I won't fuck up, I promise!" promised Izuku.

Izuku looks at the clock on his nightstand.

'5 o'clock, Two hours until school.' Izuku thinks while getting out of his bed.

Izuku got out of his bed and walked out of his door to the bathroom.





"AHHHH!" Izuku said after brushing his teeth.

He walked downstairs and goes to the kitchen.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal, sat down, and ate.

He looks sees Asia walking into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Izuku asked after chewing.

"No, I sometimes get up this early too," Asia said while sitting down in a chair.

"How do you like it here, are you uncomfortable?" Izuku asked while looking at Asia.

"No, it's fine. I was a little overwhelmed at first." Asia blushed while thinking of the moment.

"Yeah, mom thought the worst when I brought a girl home with me." Izuku scratched his head while also blushing.

"But overall, she said that it's nice to have you here," Izuku said with a grin.

Asia blushed even harder.

"So, you ready for your first day of High School?" Izuku asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm a little nervous though. I've never been to school before, we just learned things at the church." Asia said timidly.

Izuku got up and put his bowl in the sink. Then he walked next to Asia.

"Don't worry, everyone is really friendly, they'll all be nice." Izuku patted Asia's head.


"Here we go," Izuku said as they walked past the gate.

"Kyaa! It's the prince!" random female 1 said.

"Who is that with him though?" random female 2 asked curiously.

"Are they dating?" asked random female 3.

Both Izuku and Asia gain a small blush.

"Look at her!" said, random male 1.

"She's so cute!" Yelled random male 2.

"That damn bishounen is taking all the girls!" Yelled random female 3.

"Come on, I'll walk you to your class," Izuku said as the walked into the building.

"Ok," said Asia, still blushing a tiny bit.


They arrive at her classroom door.




"Oh yes, you must be the new student, come in." They heard the teacher say from beyond the door.

Izuku walked in first.

Everyone was surprised, even the teacher.

"Kyaaaa!!!" Almost all of the girls yelled.

"Why is the damn pretty boy here!" one of the boys yelled.

"Come on Asia," said Izuku looking in the hallway.

The students hear a quite "Alright."

Asia walked in.

"Wow, she's totally my type!" said one of the boys.

"Yeah, she's cute!" Agreed another boy.

"Look at that blonde hair!" said one of the girls.

"Yeah, it's super cute." said another girl.

"Quite down! Class, this is Asia Argento. She'll be joining us for the year." said the teacher.

"Introduce yourself, Asia." The teacher said to Asia.

"I'll be getting to class now, I'll come and get you at lunch," said Izuku.

"Ok," Asia nodded.

Izuku walked out of the classroom and started walking in the halls.

As Izuku was walking, he heard a loud "WHAT!!!!!!!!".

"They must have learned that Asia is living with me. Ha Ha Ha," Izuku chuckled.

Short chapter, but this has been a looooong week.

Next week is when everything should get back on schedule.

Chaarcreators' thoughts