
Reincarnated in adventure time

A boy named Azael had died and been reborn into the land of Ooo. Follow him as he faces multiple challenges and makes more friends along the way and possibly more..?

Chad0ll · 电视同人
7 Chs

Meeting Marceline part2

The time was night and the figures of two people could be seen through a lovely little home within a...cave?

Marceline- "Okay okay so your telling me that..you where bitten by the vampire king as well?!"

Marshall- "Yeah and I would have kicked his scrawny ass if it wasn't for the fact that he...killed my mother and and ran away right after biting me..."

Marshall looked down whilst clenching his fist.

Marceline was taken a bit back. She had know what it felt like to loose the people she had cared about.

Marceline shook her head and then dug her fist into her palm.

"Don't worry I already dealt with that Butthole..."

Marshall smiled "I knew he was dead but didn't know who did it.." He ran up and gave marceline a hug which she didn't refute.

"Thank you.."Marceline shook her head while slightly blushing. "It was nothing..honestly man." She replied.

After that there was a bit of awkward silence they shared after pulling away from the hug.



"So uh....Vampire queen huh?" Marshall teased while floating around marceline.

Marceline folded her arms watching Marshall float around amused "pftttt and?"

Marshall then floated above her sitting just above her then dropping his head down so his eyes would meet hers while upside down just inches apart from her.

"Annnnd you can't have a good queen without a good king."

He inched ever so closer almost kissing marceline without breaking eye contact "I could be that king you know.."

Marceline looked away and floated a bit backwards a "Well aren't you the romantic ..a guy like you doesn't already have a queen?"

Marshall shrugged "well I guess you shoulda came into my life a lil sooner now shouldn't you have?"

Marceline began to chuckle to the point of tears "hahaha..I like ya Marshall your fun."

"Right back at ya Marcy..by the way is that your guitar at the back there?" Marshall replied

Marceline quick floated and grabbed the guitar "Yeah it is...oh I just noticed you got an axe guitar as well don't you? Even though mines better Ofcourse."

Marshall cheekily smirked "you sure about that little fact?"

Marceline appeared right in front of Marshall's face with her guitar in hand "Oh I'm sure pretty boy."

Marshall swings his guitar from his back to the front of his hands. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Marceline hooked up her amp and cranked her amp to 11 "way ahead of you.."

The two then furiously began to play there instruments in a contest to see who could play better.

The music was so loud that the house,no the cave began to shake.

The two constant rocked there headS back and forth to there Music while letting there fingers dance along there strings.

(Marcy: My fingers will be dancing along her strings soon enough of you know what I mean 😏)


(Marshall: what.)

(Author:....continuing the story..)

-5 Hour time skip-

Marceline was tired from playing for so long and started to play a lot slower but Marshall was still going strong.

Marceline-"All right I'll admit it..for a random average you play pretty well."

Marshall snorted "Average..didn't you call this average a pretty boy a while ago my oh so genuine queen?"

The two began to laugh again, there laughs which would echo through out the cave all night until the sun was out.

-skip to morning-

Marshall was I top of marceline's sleeping.

But that's not what Marceline saw.

She saw a perfect time to attack her new friend.

Marceline quickly jumped on top of Marshall to which he let out a slight groan.

"Morning Marshy." Marshal blew the strand of her hair lying on his face "Good morning my oh benevolent queen.."

Marceline snorted and floated away to which Marshall got up.

"Yesterday was pretty fun right?"

Marshall looked at Marceline with a wild smile "But I got plans for even more fun."