After lifting my three babies into my arms and walking forwards with them, I made my way over towards the deck overlooking the Potaam River and took a seat, everyone else sitting down around me as we all relaxed for a few moments in silence.
Rhefia and Sari were both staring at me with small smirks, their noses having picked up on the various scents that lingered around my body, though I could tell that they were slightly annoyed at how strong Luna's scent was; something even I could smell still on myself, even after Aethisia and Camara made love to me.
As for Kalia, she was finally out of her self induced daze and sipping on a glass of juice that Heila had gotten for everyone, the Deerkin maid making sure everyone had something to drink before taking her seat beside Rhefia, only to be pulled onto her lap as Rhefia rubbed the pregnant bump fondly.
"So, what all happened today? I sincerely doubt the trip to the market started - and ended - just inside the market selling things."
We all nodded at Rhefia's guess, making the Deerkin snort in amusement as she waited for the story to be told.
"Well, for the market portion of the trip, it was rather lucrative. I sold a lot of my jewelry, Camara sold most of her carvings, and Kalia sold a lot of her medicinal bundles as well as the tea bundles. Most of the customers were - as we expected - working class people, and they were all friendly enough. We each made a few Gold from this, and considering the hardest work that went into this was Camara's carvings, that just means that this is a good way to earn some quick coin. Especially for Kalia and I, since we can just churn out our products without much effort."
Camara gave a small smile at that, though she said "After I have my baby, I wanted to try a new method of carving. Instead of everything being... 'by hand', I was thinking I could use mana to remove the wood, and since I haven't really become attuned to anything yet, I was thinking I might follow Dama and become attuned to Earth Magic? A 'sharper' magic to carve as I please?"
Rhefia nodded, looking towards Sari for a moment before saying "Either that or Wind Magic, Camara. If you want to just cut and carve, that is. Nature Magic could certainly work as well, but that would take a far deeper understanding of magic to utilize properly; where you would be cutting with Earth or Wind, Nature would instead shape the wood itself with no damage done to the material, which is a lot harder."
"That's what I thought, Dama. And I decided that I would try after this one is born, since I don't particularly wish to risk anything... I doubt attuning myself would cause damage to her, but I wouldn't want to find out..."
Trailing off, Camara smiled at Aethisia as she reached over to mirror her Dama, beckoning for her mate to sit on her lap as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, lifting slightly and nuzzling against Camara's shoulder.
It was a warm sight, seeing my two eldest getting along so well, and I was rather happy for them both, even if I was slightly worried about how Camara would fare with giving birth; even with my skills now and all of my experience, I still think it is far too painful of a thing to go through, even if that pain is rewarded with something beautiful...
Kissing the tops of the three children's heads, I looked back towards my two wives and began to talk about Luna first, though I planned on getting to that interesting shop we had come across; the one that sold items for rituals.
"One of the customers was a Wolfkin futanari, and she... paid me a different way. After paying for her jewelry, she asked if we could meet again before I left, and I agreed. When I went to go see her, she took a few 'medicines' and was rejuvenated enough for an hour, perhaps more, and we... enjoyed ourselves a bit; that's the scent of lemon around me, if you couldn't tell."
Rhefia snorted again, while Sari just smiled at me, the two making it clear with their eyes that that scent wouldn't be here for long; I could see Sari tilting herself away slightly, crossing her legs so that her erection was hidden from the children, while Rhefia just secured Heila on top of herself, the smaller Deerkin gasping and blushing as she felt our wife's girth against her butt.
"Then there was a shop we went to. It was called... Pura Emporium, I believe. The owner - or at least shopkeeper - was rather... interesting. She had this thick scar that ran across her entire neck; literally, like all the way around her neck. The shop sold items for rituals and stuff, so I bought a little bit, but I can't help but feel like there was something... off about that place. It was empty; just Kalia and I when we went in, and that shopkeeper. No one else, which is weird considering most people would be looking for ritualistic items, no? Especially with the festival coming up soon?"
Sari was the one to speak this time, her recency to living inside Birchan outshining Rhefia's knowledge as she answered "It should have been crowded; pack to the brim and completely cleaned out. That festival? It extends to everyone's homes; you go back and celebrate amongst yourselves, giving thanks to the Goddesses above for a bountiful harvest and thanking them for yet another productive Spring, before praying to Demetra and pleading for a less harsh Summer. At least, to not have Summer attempt to kill you and your family, that is. So... yes, that is odd."
We all fell silent again, and this time Kalia asked "Could it have been magically 'locked' from the public? It felt like no one was even looking at the shop. Maybe something to prevent people from finding it or something?"
No one answered, and we all remained silent for a few moments more, looking at one another before Rhefia just said "It sounds like we need to be careful then. Get to work on the defenses of the compound and be careful outside. A shop that should be flooded with people... yet was empty? That's weird. Especially since EVERYONE needs ritualistic items inside the city. From the poorest orphans to the richest Nobles, everyone gets at least a candle to pray to. And a scar like that? How..? That's a wound that'd likely snuff your life..."