In a secluded chamber aboard the Stellar Seraph, Zarael, surrounded by the glow of holographic displays depicting countless planets, turned to Aldred with a questioning gaze.
Alright, Aldred," she began, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of concern, "you've gathered an astronomical number of mercenaries. What exactly do you plan to do with them?"
Aldred leaned against a console, his eyes reflecting the glow of the cosmic displays. A sly smile played on his lips as he responded, "Zarael, you seem to have misunderstood. I'm not planning to send them into a suicidal assault. That would be a waste of potential, but I bet you wouldn't mind even if I do."
Zarael arched an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.
Aldred continued, "These mercenaries are not just cannon fodder. We're going to train them, organize them, and turn them into a formidable force. They will be the front line for our army."