
Chapter 556 Brother In Arms

Dozens of CS-Armageddon-57 fired powerful light beams towards the flying warships. On impact, the warships exploded with a blinding bright light. It was like a show of fireworks in the sky with broken parts flying all over, and then smashing to the ground.

Looking at this scene, Nirder was of course impressed. "How can this thing produce the power of a high Diamond Rank at such rapid rate?"

Warships were generally manned by at least one high Diamond Rank magician to maximize its capability. Unlike technologies and sea warships, flying warships still very much rely on its users. Its main effect is to amplify the magician's power more than tenfolds.

That was why the flying warships were mostly manned by magicians with a bunch of high Diamond Rank warriors as guards just in case someone manage to break in.