
Chapter 218 Shocking Ability

In order to distract and confuse the enemy, Tarrar sent out his best cavalry to attack deep inside the enemy's territory. This will hopefully make the winged-men retreat from the front-line to reinforce the city.

But after that, his cavalry would be long gone, and the front line city would be defenseless.

At the front of the 5,000 elite cavalry was a man with thick armor and a large halberd. He was Zhann, the leader of this elite cavalry.

He was so proud and so happy that he could go to war again. Tarrar was a wise man, and Zhann admired him greatly, but at the same time, he wanted to fight as well.

A wise man avoids battle whenever possible.

Zhann wasn't a wise man. He was a warrior. A warrior hungry for battle and glory.

Town leader Tarrar knew of his hunger, and that was why he let him lead this attack. But he also sent a bunch of magicians to cover for his mistake. These bugbears were smarter than the average joe.