
Reincarnated As The Cannon Fodder Hero’s Son (BL)

Sawatari Haruko is a child protege who aspired to one day become a Doctor. There were three things in life that Haruko was absolutely obsessed with. First, becoming the best Mage on the online MMO game, War of Magicks. Second, studying hard to get into Med School. And lastly, Kihara Sinji, the boy-next-door who makes his stomach flutter and his heart stop beating when he pays him any sort of attention. All that changed when Truck-kun and a mysterious Goddess called him to a new world to rewrite the Fates of the Three Heroes of Evernia. The Dark God has a new Champion. This Champion has stolen The World’s Knowledge, and he’s using it to change the Fates of those in Evernia who have the power to prevent the Dark God from rising once more. Reincarnated in this strange new world, Haruko must navigate political intrigue and Demons, learn to master his new found magic and steal back the World’s Knowledge in order to change the Fate of his newly adoptive parents: the Cannon Fodder Heroes who are raising him on borrowed time. [This is a BL Novel (male lead falling in love with a male love interest). Please read at your own discretion.]

AJ_Winston · 奇幻
1 Chs

Prologue: Transmigration

"Shit. Shit. Shit—"

He was going to be late. Again.

Shuna smiled at him. Mirth danced behind those impossibly dark eyes of hers. "Your father still have you on a leash, Sawatari?"

Any other time, Sawatari Haruko would have scowled at her. Perhaps he'd have even snuck a slight jab at the fact that at least he had a father. Even if some days Haru felt like his father was just as absent as Shuna's father—who had run off with his secretary when she was three years old.

Alas, he was not in the mood.

Instead, Haruko turned his nose up in that way he knew rattled her bone-deep. Dismissively. As though she were too insignificant to bother with a response. He felt, more than saw, her mood shift. The sound of her shallow breathing and the clang of her teeth grinding together was the sweetest melody he had heard all day.

Zipping up his backpack, Haruko threw it over a delicate shoulder. "See you all tomorrow," he said. "We'll go over modules four to six for Chemistry. Then we'll arrange a schedule for the last six modules before the finals."

A chorus of goodbyes followed him as he smiled sweetly at Shuna—just because he could. He knew she'd cry to Shinji about it, layering on the waterworks. At least this way, Shuna had something real to cry about. Haruko let himself out of the building and out into the crisp, winter night without another glance back.

Black hair danced around his eyes. Sweeping them away, Haruko set a comfortable pace toward his apartment. It wasn't far, six blocks over if he cut through Tokyo Square. Still, he'd need to pick up the pace if he wanted to make it home before curfew.

Glancing down at his watch; '9:38 pm' stared back at him. Haruko swore under his breath and started jogging. Skyscrapers and bright lights rose and crested as his feet met the pavement. He made a left at the convenience store before he hit the crossing separating traffic from Tokyo Square.

Grabbing a cart from a stack as he entered, Haruko headed towards the discount meals section. He was surveying his options before settling on a beef rice bowl, two tuna and mayo onigiris, and a large bottle of iced green tea. It wasn't much in the way of a proper meal, but it would keep the hunger pangs at bay. A packet of steamed root vegetables caught his eye as he made his way to the register. He added it to the cart, not because he had much interest in steamed root vegetables, but because he probably should incorporate more than just meat and rice into his 'diet'.

He paid at the checkout, exiting with a swig of his iced green tea after the college student had finished ringing him up.

Haru couldn't remember the last time he had eaten. He'd been too focused on studying for the upcoming Chemistry II final, that he thought the last time he may have eaten was probably lunch. . . Maybe?

As Haru walked, his thoughts wandered.

He'd need to get ahold of his father's assistant soon. He was down to his last 12,000 yen.

Sawatari Hiroto was one of the richest men in Tokyo—perhaps even Japan. His father dealt with government contracts. Haru suspected that the 'contracts' his father dealt with were not exclusively sold to the Japanese government. There was no other explanation for the security detail that followed behind him—they were not at all discreet.

Because of his father's busy schedule, Haruko was only graced with his father's presence during the Holidays. They would eat awkwardly and make idle chit-chat about exciting subjects like 'Japanese politics' and the recent trends in the stock market. Otherwise, he and his father tended to avoid each other on the rare occasions their paths crossed. Other than half of their shared genetic makeup, the pair had nothing in common. He had inherited his mother's soft features and almond eyes. On the other hand, his father was all refined sharp lines, rigid, and no-nonsense in the way most traditionalist Japanese men were.

Sometimes, Haru thought that his father only had a child so that he could conceive an heir to carry on his legacy. Not because he wanted to, but more so, that he was expected to.

The last update his father had bothered to send him had been three months ago. At the time, the man had been in Cairo negotiating 'contracts'. Today, Sawatari Hiroto could be traversing any continent, leaving his mark on any country that was unlucky enough to cross his path.

His mother had died during childbirth, so his upbringing had been left to Katherine, the foreign English Nanny his father had hired when Haruko had been but a few days old.

Haruko's resentment towards Katherine had been simmering.

Katherine was strict. So strict, her behaviour bordered on abuse.

She locked the kitchens at nine o'clock. The house and the alarm were set at ten o'clock, sharp. Failure to comply meant starving and finding somewhere else to sleep for the night.

The first time she had locked him out, she had smirked from the telecom in her bedroom and laughed as he'd wailed. Since then, as he had on countless nights, Haruko had crashed on the futon of the Kirihara's apartment, two doors down, when he hadn't been able to make curfew.

Haru had since forgiven her, though. If only because his father would soon be alerted about the missing millions from his accounts. The missing funds Haru had siphoned into an off-shore account in Katherine's name.

Haru would be the one laughing then.

The sound of footsteps reached him as he reached the crosswalk. He slowed down, hearing his name carried by the wind. "You walk too damn fast, Haru."

Kirihara Shinji was the closest thing Haruko had to a friend. He panted dramatically, hands falling against his knees as they waited for the lights to change. Then, Shin's eyes settled on the plastic bag in Haruko's hand. A slow smile spread across his face.

Wordlessly, Haruko passed him one of the onigiris.

Shin's answering smile made Haruko's insides a little too fluttery.

Shin's mother was German, and he wore that blonde hair and bright blue eyes in a way that made him look like a foreign model who had been plucked from the pages of Vogue magazine.

Despite this, Haruko turned away from him and crossed as the pedestrian sign flashed.

The tightness in his gut had been an uncomfortable ache since he'd woken up in with a cold sweat at thirteen with Shin's names on his lips.

Unfortunately, Shin was a manwhore and Haruko had no business feeling any type of way toward him. Especially since his current infatuation was with Shuna.

Of all the people, Haru didn't know why it had to be *her*.

Haru walked, pretending he wasn't dying a little inside. "You just walk too slow."

〖 "Will you be a Hero? Or will you be the destruction of the world?"〗

Eyebrows raised. Haruko asked, "did you say something?"

He turned towards Shin, seeing half of the onigiri shoved in his mouth.

"Huh?" he said, around a mouthful of food. A splattering of mayo dripped from the corners of his mouth as he swallowed. The way that Shin licked his lips released more of the fluttering in Haru's stomach. Haru tried to ignore it. "I didn't say anything."

I must be hearing things, Haru thought. That's not a good sign, y'know?

Shaking his head to clear it, Haruko glanced down at his watch again. This time, it read: '10:03 pm'. Sighing in defeat, Haru reached the end of the crosswalk. Shin, a step behind him. "Think your mum will let me sleep on your futon again tonight?"

Shin glanced at his watch and shook his head. Clicking his tongue, Shin replied, "That's the third time this week, Haru. You really should snitch on that glorified babysitter of yours." The way Shin said 'babysitter' was the same way Haruko said 'Shuna'. As though he was saying something incredibly dirty, filthy, and disgusting. Haru forced back a snort. "It's not right what she's doing to you in your own home."

"You know my father won't care," Haru replied, taking his own onigiri from the bag and biting into it with a growl. His eyes turned upwards at the large billboards flashing overhead. 'War of Magicks' stared back at him, advertising the new expansion pack. "Until Katherine touches his bottom line, I'm stuck with that Old Witch."

Shin turned to stare at where Haruko was looking. The holler he let out made people glance at them weirdly, before hurrying past. "I forgot the expansion pack dropped at midnight! We should bunker down in my room for the drop. We're going to need more snacks!"

Truth be told, Haruko had forgotten, too. They had been on the original server since 'War of Magicks' had released five years ago. Now, they were in their junior year of High School, taking senior-level advanced classes to increase their chances of getting into the University of Tokyo's undergraduate medicine program.

They'd have to take University-level courses in senior year, but it would be worth it.

His father hadn't been the least bit excited that Haru wouldn't be pursuing a business degree. But what self-respecting parent could fault their child for aspiring to become a doctor instead? Certainly not, Sawatari Hiroto.

The extra workload was the reason that Haruko and Sinji had formed a study group with their coursemates. Finals were two weeks away, and they'd spent the last two weeks alternating between the first six modules of Chemistry II, Biology II, Engineering Mathematics, and Physics II. As a result, they barely had enough time to log in to Japan's highest-rated RPGMMO Fantasy game.

Haru only kept up with the sign-in for the daily rewards, but otherwise, hadn't had enough time to complete any quests. Up until two weeks ago, they had perfected a daily routine of school, study, and 'War of Magicks'.

He missed it. The feeling of falling into the fantasy realm, the wind in his hair, and all of his worries falling along with him. Tomorrow the real world could claim him, but tonight, he'd be free to game with the stupid boy who didn't know that he held Haru's heart in the palm of his hands.

"I wonder how the Guild is?" Haruko mused around the last few bites of his onigiri, as Shin fell into step. Moving past the glare of the billboards and towards the overhang of the storefronts. Shadows fell over them. "Anyone been active?"

Shin shook his head. "Nope. I spoke to Asumi in the Guild chat, but she's busy with finals, too." He pulled Haruko into the nearest 7-Eleven. "She just logged in to get the rewards. Other than her, I haven't heard from anyone else since last week."

If the chat had been dead any other time of year, Haruko would have worried. Alas, most of the players in their Guild were high school and college students. It made for familial camaraderie amongst players during exam season.

"Hopefully that preorder bonus breathes new life into the game for the Guild."

Haruko headed to the snack aisle as Shin retrieved a basket. When he reappeared, Haruko had two bags of Honey Butter crisps, original and double-chocolate flavoured poky, and a can of crispy, coconut-roasted nuts in hand. He dumped them into Shin's cart and continued down the confectionary aisle.

Shin scowled, dropping several plain KitKats into the basket as they passed. "Feels like we've been grinding for that Combat Mage upgrade for two years now. Still can't believe they're just going to give any player, within the five-level range of an upgrade, a free upgrade to the next class. If it wasn't for the fact we just barely qualified, I'd be pissed."

Haru nodded, throwing two cream buns at him. As well as two cups of black sesame noodles. They all found their way into Shin's cart, too. "Warrior Mage class was a bitch."

The lines that found their way to Sinji's forehead showcased his incredulity. "Definitely," he agreed. Then, his scowl deepened. "Blood Mage and Maester are five years away at this point."

And wouldn't that be something, Haruko thought longingly. What I would give to be one of the two highest tiers of Mages, y'know?

So far, only one Blood Mage had emerged. The result of frequent spending, Haruko was sure. The race to the first Maester amongst the Mage race was anyone's call. It was still rare to have even a Warrior Mage in a Guild. Haruko and Shin were one of ten Warrior Mages on the server. And before the Blood Mage had evolved, there had only been three Combat Mages. All of whom belonged to the first-ranked Guild.

The Blood Mage had only emerged a week ago, so Haruko was sure that the preorder bonus would not be applied to him. He probably wouldn't see his character upgraded to Blood Mage status for at least two more years.

Still, Haruko was looking forward to learning new Combat Mage spells.

The sheer destructive power would be a great addition to the Guild. Especially with the Guild War event happening at the end of the month. The two of them as Combat Mages may even be enough to push their Guild strength from the fourth-ranking to the third.

Haruko would relish in that kind of chaotic destruction.

『 Requirements met. Magic Class acquired: Combat Mage.』

Haruko glanced around, his eyebrows furrowing. He was not going crazy. This time, he did hear a voice. It sounded like the robotic welcome he heard on the bullet train. Faint, as though even a delicate whisper could shatter it.

Before Haruko could voice his confusion, Shin grabbed him by the arm and led them to the counter. He dumped the contents on the conveyor belt, then turned to stare at Haruko pointedly.

For not the first time that night, Haruko rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, the dog ate your wallet when it ate your Physics homework?" Haruko paid with a swipe of his card. "You're carrying these bags by yourself."

"Thanks, Haru," Shin said, collecting their haul of groceries. "I'll pay you back."

Rolling his eyes again, Haru snorted. "No, you won't."

Shin shrugged. "You're probably right."

❖ ❖ ❖

The bright lights of Tokyo Square faded. Shin and Haru had crossed through the square, turned left onto a side street, and stopped at another set of lights. Their apartments were but a few paces ahead of them, alight with the tacky red and green array of Christmas decorations.

"The first thing I'm going to do after upgrading is visit the Death Star Guild," Shin was saying, cackling like an evil mastermind. Haruko raised a brow. Before he could tease him, Shin added, "And before you ask, yes, I'm still not over the fact they killed my familiar. Heard their noob has a dragon ripe for the taking, too."

Haruko smothered a snicker. "You're terrible."

"Oh, please," said Shin. "They're building a Nexus beneath their new headquarters with the rewards from the last event." A knowing smile was directed at Haruko. "Asumi reckons their Guildmaster is offering up a Legendary Set in exchange."

Haru's eyebrows kissed his hairline. He let out a long, slow whistle. "Sounds like a mission for the Phantom Mage. Since they're so willing to part with a Legendary Set so bad, y'know?"

This time, it was Shin who rolled his eyes. "Alter Egos only work when other people bestow them on you. I believe your title is 'Sticky Fingers'." Haruko waved a dismissive hand. Shin continued, "or The Thief Mage, as they call you in the World chat. The coward who robs people of their valuable possessions."

『 Requirement met. Unique Skill acquired: Thief. 』

Okay, that was rude, Haruko thought towards the voice in his head. Because he was sure he had finally lost the last pieces of his sanity. Even still, he refused to be ousted as mentally unstable on the very public streets, where commuters were already giving them a large breadth to avoid being hit by Shin's flailing arms. If Hiroto had taught Haruko anything, it was that it was best to have mental breakdowns only behind private doors.

Huffing indignantly, he said to Shin instead, "you weren't complaining about those 'sticky fingers' when they got hold of that Legendary Grimoire for you."

A sparkle lit Shin's eyes. "Touché."

The screech of tires made Haru turn towards the street. He watched as a ball rolled slowly along the pavement, slipped off the sidewalk, and continued out into the traffic-heavy road.

Time seemed to stop. Birds caught mid-flight, colour bleeding from his vision. Beside him, Shin was a frozen statue that Haruko wished he could capture forever. The sparkling eyes sent Haru's heart into overdrive.

He glanced towards the woman standing in the middle of the road, her hand resting atop a child's head of dark chocolate curls, both illuminated by the glare of headlights. She stood tall, a crown of stars set atop her blonde head as she stared at Haruko with all the tenderness of a mother's gaze. She wasn't as dazzling a sight as Sinji was, but something about her refused to be unseen.

〖 "Choose your Fate, My Child." 〗

Then, the world rightened itself as if it were a rubber band—reality snapping back into place. Haruko's mind was a war of questions and disbelief.

He couldn't hear Sinji over the acceleration of his heartbeat.

When the woman's scream behind him burrowed into him, the internal war was silenced. The absolute fear and panic rattled him, bone-deep. "HIMIKO!"

A streak of brown fake fur and black ringlets rushed into the middle of oncoming traffic, hand stretched out towards the rolling ball.

Haruko's feet were moving before he even realised what he was doing. In the opposite direction, a middle-aged man ran to meet her. The flash of headlights and the screech of tires, and Haruko knew neither he nor the man would make it in time.

『 Requirements met. Skills Acquired: Agility, Coordination, and Protection. 』

Haruko leapt, throwing himself forward with all the strength he could muster in his lithe body. He pushed the little girl into the open arms of the man in the opposite direction. The last thing he saw was the man throwing himself and the little girl back toward the safety of the sidewalk.

『 Bonus requirements met. Integrating Skills: Agility, Coordination, and Protection with Unique Skill: Thief. Success. Skill acquired: Unlimited Skill: Lord of Tricks. 』

❖ ❖ ❖


It was burning him alive.

Haru felt arms around him, and heard the faint hum of white noise, like the background noise of a hundred conversations happening at once. He couldn't feel his legs, but he could feel the weight of a thousand knives shredding the right side of his body.

When he opened his eyes, Shinji was there. Leaning over him, shouting something he couldn't hear.

The way his lips moved, they seemed to be saying his name. Like it was a prayer, all serene and desperate and longing. And Haruko thought, despite the tears that filled his pretty blue eyes, the way Shinji called his name might have been the most beautiful sight in the world.

If only the fire would burn out, Haruko thought, this moment would have been perfect.

『 Requirements met. Skill acquired: Fire Manipulation. 』

Haru ignored the inner voice, knowing this was the moment he would be taken from Shinji. He didn't have time to entertain it or the infinite questions about the blonde-haired woman who had shown herself earlier.

It was funny, Haru thought. That in all the years he longed to be touched by Shinji in this way, he had thought he would be content with only the briefest embrace. Now that Haru was here in Shinji's arms, he never wanted to let go. His hand reached up to touch that lovely face, and he thought, if this is the last thing he saw before death swallowed him, he'd be content.

When Haru pulled Shinji down to intertwine their lips, there was a deeper fire that burned in him: want, longing, and love so deep that it robbed Haru of his breath. It nulled the raging fire that coursed like lava through his veins. And for the first time, he smiled against those lips, greedily wishing he had had time to take more. Time enough to offer more to Shinji.

『 Skill acquired: Pain Nullification. 』

Haru pulled back, and the absolute devastation that he saw in Shinji's eyes was enough to make him regret the kiss.

He read Shinji's lips. "Our first kiss wasn't supposed to happen like this."

Because, yes. They were Fated to kiss.

Haru understood that now.

Haru had always been Shinji's.

And eventually, Shinji would have been *his*.

It might have taken him years of dating girls like Shuna—who tried to sever their connection once they, too, realised how deep Haru's feelings for Shinji went. Still, Haru had no doubt their story had been written in the stars. It had been carved in stone on that fateful day Haru had threatened Shinji's bullies with a visit from Hiroto when they'd robbed Shinji of his lunch money and kicked him into the dirt.

They would have found their way into each other's arms, Haru was sure of it. Because as the stars danced overhead, and sirens screamed into the night, he was endlessly certain that there could have never been another ending for them.

The world could have burned, but all Haru could see was the blonde-haired angel who stared solemnly into his eyes.

Haruko didn't know if he said the words out loud, or merely thought them, but his lips moved anyway. "I love you, Kirihara Shinji. Always will."

On the day that Sawatari Haruko died, he sent a prayer to the star-crowned woman who had protected the little girl: please, protect them both.

The Voice of The World rang throughout the lands in reply:

『 Title acquired: *Hero*. 』