
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 6: Parting Away

After Saitama finished with his daily workout. He headed back to say his farewell to them. "So, I guess this is it," Tatsumaki said. "Yeah, but we will probably see each other soon." "Saitama.." She said while hugging Saitama tightly. "Promise me one thing.."

"What is it?", "...Will we see each other again?" She hesitantly said. When Saitama heard this. A smile crept up his face. "Yes," he said, and pecked Tatsumaki's forehead.

Before Tatsumaki could celebrate, Saitama already left. 'That kiss.. felt good.' she thought. As Saitama was walking to the station he suddenly thought, 'Was it a good idea to kiss her forehead so soon?' he thought hard about it but the train interrupted him in his thought. 'Meh, she probably won't mind it.' He thought to himself as he entered the train.

Some hours later, Saitama finally arrived in Z City. 'I should probably get a Manual Labor job or something.' he thought to himself as he search for a job. As he was walking, he saw a construction site nearby and went to it.

"Excuse me, sir, can I get a job here?" 'Hm?? job? who's this, a kid?' thought the construction worker. "Hey this isn't a place for ki-" a sudden loud bang interrupted him. "Kekeke you Humans are weak!" said the Monster, he then went closer to Saitama. "Ohh? what's this? Were you so scared of me you can't even run away?"

When the Monster was 5 Meters away from Saitama, it said "I am Jug-" the Monster didn't even get to introduce himself. Because the monster interrupted Saitama with what he was doing. Got irritated and vented it out on the Monster. "Shut up! I'm trying to get a job here!" he said in an annoyed tone.

He then asked the construction worker for a job. The construction worker, however, was so stunned at what just happened and unconsciously nodded his head. It overjoyed Saitama to hear.

"So when can I work?" he asks the construction worker "Y-you can start today, but you can't do the heavy works since you're still a kid." Saitama nodded at this since he didn't really care, as long as he gets the money. "So how much will I get?" Saitama asked. "You will get 1,000 yen an hour." the Construction worker replied. "Huh? 1,000 yen an hour? That's more than enough!" "by the way, my name is Bob." "I'm Saitama." they then shook their hands.

Some hours later. "Who's the new kid?" A worker asks, "His name is Saitama. He killed a monster earlier too." Bob said. "Heh, he is making our life easier." "Hey, Saitama! we need some help here!" A worker shouted, "Coming!"

By the end of the day, Saitama earned 10,000 Yen and got an extra 5,000 Yen because all the workers had a good impression of him. "*Sniff* I didn't know it's this easy to make money." Saitama was counting his earnings over again. "Should I go to the Ghost town? rent is cheaper over there."

Saitama said as he crossed a fence. He then contacted the landlord and rented a house. And then there he was. In front of a five-floor apartment, Saitama's house.

[Image Here]

'Oh, it looks just exactly like the one in the Anime.' Saitama thought. "Should I cook some food? ehh I'll head straight to bed."


[A/N: This is the shortest chapter out of the five.]

edit: just fixed some of the grammar and changed some stuff