
reincarnated as Raiden shogun in dxd?

young guy gets reincarnated as Raiden shogun in world of dxd after dying thankfully Rob gives him enough power to not submit to anyone how will new Raiden deal with problem's involving Kyoto read to find out it's just test fanfic so please don't be too harsh English isn't my language and I migh be not written the fanfic well but I love the idea of Kyoto op guardian that is their saving grace. I obviously own nothing not dxd or anything in genshin or even art if it's in it's somehow bugged

koolko202 · 漫画同人
4 Chs

guardian return's (also changed)

As Yasaka, alongside her daughter, ran toward the resting place of Raiden Shogun, memories of that terrible day flooded her mind—the day Kyoto nearly lost its beloved guardian.

It had started like any other day in the supernatural world. Angels, demons, and fallen angels were locked in their endless struggle for dominance. Kyoto had remained neutral, as no faction dared pressure them, thanks to the backing of the feared Raiden Shogun.

But that day was different. A younger Yasaka was heading toward the throne room expecting to see her cherished protector, found only a letter explaining that Raiden had left for the battlefield. Confusion set in—yokais are neutral faction and not in war

Determined to find Raiden, Yasaka followed her trail. Upon reaching the battlefield, she shuddered, remembering the overwhelming evil aura she had overheard the Biblical God call *Trihexa*. The very thought of that creature still brought chills.

But seeing Raiden, her beloved heroine, fighting the monstrous being brought a wave of calm over her. Raiden, with her usual cold expression, faced off against the beast while the Biblical God prepared some kind of sealing ritual. Yasaka, captivated by the intense battle, couldn't help but cheer silently for Raiden. Her every move, every strike, was flawless.

So absorbed in the fight, Yasaka failed to notice the four lurking rats—her biggest regret. If only she had spotted them earlier, things might have been so different.

As she watched Raiden unleash her terrifying techniques, she marveled at how the monstrous Trihexa survived even her world-feared *Musou no Hitotachi*, a move so powerful that even the Biblical God himself would struggle to withstand it.

Yasaka's gaze drifted to the God himself. He was clearly wounded, his injuries primarily inflicted by demonic magic that most likely came from other battle. It was obvious why he was pouring all his efforts into sealing the beast rather than helping Raiden. She was holding her own, but the monster's immense regenerative powers tipped the scales. Every mistake Raiden made could be catastrophic, while Trihexa could afford as many errors as needed, because of it's immense regeneration

Just as the battle neared its conclusion, with the seal almost complete, a sudden blast of demonic magic struck Raiden from behind. The surprise from unexpected attack lasted only milliseconds, but it was enough for Trihexa to land a near-fatal blow—one that would have killed most beings

Raiden, however, only suffered severe injuries. The Biblical God, finally sealing Thrilexa, was enraged to see his ally so grievously wounded. He and Yasaka quickly turned their fury on the four hidden attackers—the so-called Satans—and killed them in a matter of moments.

But the God himself was already dying from his own wounds. He perished soon after, but Yasaka didn't have time to care about him. Her priority was Raiden, Kyoto's guardian, whose life now hung by a thread.

With a heavy heart, blaming herself for not noticing the Satans sooner, Yasaka lifted Raiden's limp form and carried her back to her chamber. For days and nights, the yokai worked tirelessly to save their protector, but Thrilexa's taint made healing nearly impossible because of it's taint. As hope began to fade, Raiden disappeared from their view, leaving behind only a Torii gate—a portal none could enter, no matter how much they tried to break through with magic or brute force.

All they could do was hope that their guardian would one day return.

The yokai mourned, but none more than Yasaka. The guilt weighed heavily on her. *If only I had seen them. If only I hadn't been so absorbed by watching the battle...*

Eventually, Yasaka had no choice but to rise from her grief. She had to ensure that Kyoto didn't collapse in Raiden's absence. Shamefully, she agreed to ally with the Shinto faction, ensuring their survival by offering worship to other gods. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, for the yokai had always revered Raiden, but without her protection, they had no other choice.

Though the era had since become more peaceful after the deaths of the warmongering Satans and the Biblical God, there was still pressure on the yokai from other factions without their protector. Fortunately, the angels claimed the victory over the Satans as their own, leaving out Yasaka's involvement. If they hadn't, another war might have broken out—one the yokai could not afford.

**—Flashback ends—**

The memories still brought a pang of sadness to Yasaka's heart, and now, as she neared Raiden's resting place, a small thread of fear wove its way through her. How would Raiden react to the yokai's alliance with the Shinto faction? Would she punish Yasaka for such a betrayal?

As Yasaka contemplated possible punishment, her thoughts wandered to... other kinds of punishments Raiden might impose. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, causing her to nearly stumble as she ran. She quickly steadied herself. *I must look perfect when I meet her.*

Finally, they arrived. Yasaka's breath caught in her throat as she laid eyes on Raiden once more. It felt like an eternity since she had last seen her.

In the meantime, Raiden sat meditating, sorting through years upon years of memories. She sensed their presence in detail, even with her eyes closed. Finally, she decided to open her eyes, ready to face this new world with determination