
Spending Christmas Eve at the Theater

Thirty minutes later, Napoleon's convoy finally arrived at the Comédie-Française. The streets were packed with excited onlookers, all cheering and waving their hands in delight as the First Consul of France stepped out of his carriage.

Ciela was by his side, and their children, Francis and Aveline, followed closely behind. The crowd's cheers only got louder as they caught sight of the beloved leader with his family.

Besides Napoleon, some notable generals who had fought alongside him in Italy and Egypt also got out of their carriages, joining the First Consul for this grand occasion.

Francis and Aveline were in awe of their father, as they had seen this kind of reception many times before, especially after his return from campaigns in Egypt and Italy.

"Papa is amazing," Aveline whispered, her eyes wide with admiration.

"True," Francis agreed with a nod.