
Reincarnation: Gods are people too


A bright light enveloped one side of my room and when it died down a giant wheel with three layers of rings appeared. It looked like the wheel of fortune on that one game show. The inner ring was rotating while the other two were steady.

"Alright, to the viewers watching, let me explain how this reincarnation works. It might help you out later." Dio said in a know-it-all manner.

Viewers? Is he referring to me?

"As the Video Game God, I like to reincarnate souls based on the video games they played throughout their life. My [Reincarnation Wheel] will judge your soul's karma that you earned throughout your life. It will extract, convert, and refine that karma so that it can be used in their next life. If they had a lot of bad karma, only shitty video games and garbage options would appear on there."

Shit. What the hell even is karma?

If I had known, I would have grinded for it.

I hope I have a decent amount of good karma.

"The first ring on the wheel lists all the games you played. The more karma you earned in a video game, the bigger its portion on the wheel." Dio explained.

I noticed that the spinning ring had been divided up into various portions of different sizes.

The largest is probably the game which shut down and the main reason for my death.

I bet the smallest would be that one I played on the game capsule.

No way that one would get chosen, right?

The ring sped up and slowed down. I don't know when but a pointer had appeared on the ring and it made satisfying clicking noises as the wheel spun. The spinning ring started to slow until finally to my surprise it landed on… is this allowed?

"How rare… and lucky. It landed right on the line between two games [Warframe] and [Genshin Impact]." Dio pointed out.

Lucky? How? Why? Those were the games that I-


Before I could finish my thought, my room started shaking like it was just hit by Truck-kun.

The shaking almost caused me to fall since I'm unable to move and all.

It didn't last long though. Probably only a second.

"Ahahahaha… Sorry about that. One of my viewers, a God of Gambling, was as you would expect gambling on the result. Sad to say none of the options he bet on had been chosen… Yeah, okay moving on."

Don't know why but I feel like my computer just snickered?

And that shaking was caused by a God who raged due to losing his bet?

You'd think Gods were beings who can control their emotions… Guess not.

"The second ring contains some aspects of the game that was chosen. It can be something like Quest System, Skill System, or even Mastery System. Since the pointer landed in between two games, you will be able to get one aspect from each game."

Nice. No wonder he called me lucky.

I hope I get something like Revive Check Point or Save and Load System.

If I'm going to reincarnate, I want my next life to last as long as possible so that I can grind for karma in case I get another reincarnation chance.

As I made future plans while locked in place, two pointers appeared on the second ring.

It started spinning and like last time abruptly sped up and slowed down.

To my horror, one of the pointers was about to stop on [Gacha Lottery System].

Please God or Gods, no! Anything but that!


Suddenly, another Truc- or shaking rather, occurred.

Unlike last time this shaking lasted longer than a second and because of that, I fell forward face-planting onto my room's floor.

Good thing I can't feel any pain.

"Damn! Those Death Gods found and broke through my barrier!"

I thought that the God of Gambling raged again but apparently that's not the case.

"Hey Naofumi! If you're watching the stream, help me out and I'll gift you a hundred subs!" Dio exclaimed.

Although I could only hear him in my head and see the words on my monitor, I could tell that he was frantic.

Also, stream? Subs? Seriously? Gods are live streamers?!

Ahhh. Now it makes sense. The reason he's explaining all this despite the Death Gods presence is to entertain his 'viewers' who are most likely also Gods.

No wonder those Death Gods found our location. They are probably stream sniping.

I want to face palm so bad… I guess the face plant will do.

Fortunately, it seems like whoever Dio was relying on pulled through and the shaking stopped soon after.

"Whew thanks! I owe you. Nothing as reliable as the Shield God to protect us from Death Gods. We got a bit of leeway now but I don't want to rely on him for too long so let's see what you got. [Level Up System] from [Warframe] huh. Not the best but not the worst option. It's a strengthening system that requires a lot of grinding but, eh, better than nothing. And from [Genshin Impact] you got [4 Character Team]! Pretty good!"

Good news, the pointer passed over the [Gacha Lottery System].

Bad news, none of the pointers landed in between options.

Guess I'm not that lucky.

Also, I get the latter but how does [4 Character Team] work? Is it like a party system?

It must be a big deal since Dio was praising it.

"Oh! Big thanks to the God of Gambling for the donation. Looks like someone made up for the loss on the last round. As for your request…"

As Dio spoke, the third and final ring on the reincarnation wheel started moving.

At least that's what I think was happening because I can hear the clicking of the pointer.

I'm still face-planted on the floor and can't see the wheel right now.

"Because of your generous donation, I approve your request! All playable characters from [Genshin Impact] and [Warframe] are on the third ring. The four characters for the [4 Character Team] will be chosen one by one gacha style!"

No! No God! Please No!



"… Oh I can speak again."

And move too, I thought to myself as I pushed myself up off the ground and turned towards my monitor.

Being unable to move all this time has helped me cool down my excitement and think properly.

Thinking quickly, I put on my most ingratiating smile and took on a humble posture.

"Uh huh… That's weird. I guess those Death Gods weakened my restraint on you when they broke through."

"Oh as expected of the wise Video Game God, Dio-sama! Your knowledge and foresight are truly expansive."

"… Ok?"

"Such a handsome God as yourself, must surely be just as kind and generous!"

"… You know I can read your mind right?"



Shit. My well thought out plan is busted.

I guess I have no other choice but to use plan B.

"Can you please allow me to choose the characters instead of going through gacha?"

Plan B is me resorting to begging to be spared from the torment that is gacha.

"Sorry, I can't allow that. God of Gambling requested for gacha and he gave me a particularly good incentive to give him what he wants." Dio explained, causing me to grimace.

"Damn." I sighed in resignation.

"Yeah so, without further ado, let's ga- Oh! Thanks Anime God for the support! Your donation is kindly appreciated."

Dio interrupted himself mid-sentence because of another stream donation.

"But your request conflicts with the God of Gambling's. How can I gacha if the soul gets to choose the characters?"

My ears perked up at this.

Anime God wants me to choose and he even donated for it?

I can use this!

"Um, can I make a suggestion? What if I gacha two characters and choose the other two so that both Gods' requests are fulfilled?"

I asked timidly yet slightly forcefully.

This was my last chance to minimize gacha and take my next life's fate into my own hands!

"Hmm. I guess I can do that. However, I will need to take some of your karma to do so. It will reduce your four characters to three. Do all involved parties agree?"

Dio asked after thinking for a second to which I hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Alright it seems everyone is in agreement! Then one pick and two gacha characters co-"

"Can it be two picks and one gacha character?" I asked while interrupting Dio.

"… Don't push your luck."

"I sincerely apologize, great and benevolent Dio-sama."

In retrospect, I really am getting way ahead of myself by trying to influence a godly thing like reincarnation.

But hey, in the end, I kind of succeeded.

"So what character or warframe do you choose?"

"I'd like to make my pick after the two gachas."

"Suit yourself."

In most games, there exists a 'holy trinity' team composition. It consists of three main roles namely: Damage Dealer, Defender or Tank, and finally Healer or Support.

I don't know how this 4 or rather [3 Character Team] works or how it will affect my reincarnation, but having a versatile and flexible holy trinity team that can handle most situations would be for the best. So I will reserve my pick until I see the other two characters I get.

The third ring which has been spinning this whole time started to slow down.

"And your first character iiiiiiisssss… "

*Drum roll*

Haaa… While I do appreciate the theatrics, trying to build up suspense by delaying is one of the reasons why I hate gacha.

Especially if there is no "Skip" option.

As the wheel slowed to a stop, it started shining with a purple light.

If I remember correctly that means that…

"Congratulations! You got Fischl from [Genshin Impact]!"

"… Damn."

And the disappointment after the delay is another reason I hate gacha.

Don't get me wrong. Fischl is an amazing character. She is an archer class that wields the power of electro (lightning/electricity). She can summon an electro raven named Oz that attacks and deals electro damage for her.

She can be considered as a high-tier support or mid-tier damage dealer.

My problem with her is that she isn't 5-star or in other words top-tier.

I know that some 4-star characters are just as good, if not better than a 5-star.

Sadly, Fischl is not one of them.

If my second life is going to depend on the characters I get through this gacha, then of course I want the best of the best.

Well, at least she is one of the better options.

Good thing I didn't get someone like Amber… Yeah, thank God I didn't get Amber and got Fischl instead.

"I can see that you are satisfied with this pull. Now for the second character! Good luck~ Oh, and to the viewers watching, now's your last chance to place your bets! Warlock God, Leylin, was able to rake in a huge profit earlier!"

I ignored Dio's advertising and focused on the spinning wheel.

*Click click click. Click click. Click. Click… Click*

The rate of the clicking of the pointer decreased as the wheel slowed to a stop.

'Please give me a 5-star. Please give me a 5-star! Pleas- Damn!'

My hopes were crushed as another purple light shone when the wheel stopped.

I hate gacha!

"And the results are in!" said Dio in an announcer-like manner.

"Congratulations to all of you who placed your bets on… Xingqui! Another [Genshin Impact] character!"

Xingqui?! Yes! I love gacha!

Xingqui, despite only being 4-star, is one of the top-tier characters and is comparable to a 5-star. He is a Hydro element sword user who creates swords made of water to attack, defend and even heal. He is a high-tier damage dealer, mid-tier tank, top-tier support, and even low-tier healer. He alone, can make up a mini holy trinity!

I immediately started thinking of ways to maximize and combo Fischl and Xingqui in my team. But Dio spoke up interrupting my line of thought.

"And with that the gacha is over and it is time for the final bet. Who do you think this soul will choose for his final character?"


Suddenly my head started hurting as if thousands of needles were poking my brain. I nearly face planted again because of the pain. Luckily, Dio took action before I did.

"Hey, no cheating allowed! Only I get to mind read the soul!"

At Dio's shout, my head cleared up and the pain stopped.

I was thankful at first but quickly realized that the situation was caused by him in the first place, so I spiked my thanks into the ground.

"This is why I didn't want you to choose. The viewers will try to increase their chances of winning by reading your mind. I just blocked their attempts so you can think carefully about your choice now."

Of course Gods can read minds.

"Can I ask a question before I pick?"


"What type of place or world will I be reincarnated in?"

"I don't know."


"Hey don't look at me like that! I allowed you to ask a question but that doesn't mean I know the answer."

I stared at the computer monitor in disbelief.

"… Aren't you a God? Aren't Gods supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient or something?"

"Yes I am a God as I have said before in my introduction. There are many classes of Gods and omnipotent or omniscient ones do exist. Sadly, I'm not one of them and I'm just a lesser god. I do have a selfie and autographed shirt with one though… Shut up viewers! I do have pics and it totally did happen!"

I contemplated on the revelations I just heard about until realizing that it doesn't help me in any way with choosing my third character.

Dio, presumably reading my mind, answered my earlier question.

"I don't know what world you are going to because I made a deal with the Anime God. His request is technically only going to be half completed since you only get to choose one character instead of two which is unfair. So I allowed him to stream the gacha of which world you will go to."

What is up with Gods streaming and gacha?! Are they gambling addicts like a certain big breasted blonde ninja?!

Whooo. Calm down.

I took a deep breath to get my head straight.

I initially thought that I would be reincarnating in a video game that I played, taking Dio's way of reincarnating as an example.

But since it is the Anime God who will be deciding which world I reincarnate in, there's a high probability that I will be reincarnated in an anime world from one of the animes I've watched in my life.

With Fischl and Xinqui, I think I have enough damage dealers on my team. In order to complete the holy trinity, the aspects I lack in are tanking and healing. Which character from [Genshin Impact] or [Warframe] has high tanking and healing capabilities?

Thinking of my memories of these two games, I quickly recalled many characters that fit what I'm looking for. But one of them stands above the rest due to its life saving abilities. If I want to live as long as I can, then I have to go with this one.

"I choose…"

Chapter End

Behold my cultivation of the Dao of Cliffhangers. Bwahaha.

Anyways, I didn’t want the MC to be reincarnated just because of some random omnipotent being (ROB) or a god’s mistake. His reincarnation is the result of living his life and efforts (karma) and a bit of eccentricity from Dio.

I didn’t want the chapter to just be an info dump so I tried making it enjoyable. I had fun writing this chapter. I included some references/spoilers to other works here. I wonder if anybody noticed them? Also wanted to point out that I never directly said which game had shut down because I obviously don’t know the future and I don’t want to anger any fans.

UnreliableRencreators' thoughts