
Reincarnated as Brendan in Pokemon

An average Pokemon fan gets reincarnated as Brendan in Hoenn. Will he be able to adapt to this new world? Well read and see bruh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ This is my original Fanfic The first few chapters are short deal with it. The rest are still short, but 1.1k words each My first time trying to write anything, besides my narratives in school, so go easy on me :( If I made a mistake please point it out, I will try to fix them, there will probably be a lot of em xd. This fanfic is based on the games Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire because I've played Gen 3 the most out of all of the games and is an all-time favourite Generation of Pokemon for me.

Delb · 游戏衍生
41 Chs

Chapter 14

Combusken, hearing its trainers orders uses the rocks from the rock slide of Onix as momentum. Onix using dragon breath to stop Combusken.

Combusken seeing this dodges using the rocks and gets a direct night slash on Onix.

"Onix bind it"

"Combusken quick attack to dodge!"

Brendan shouts, knowing if Combusken gets binded it's over for him.

"Use screech and rock throw Onix!"

Roxanne knowing her Onix doesn't have many options against a faster and more mobile opponent, tries to make Combesken flinch and hit it with a rock throw.

Brendan hearing Roxanne's voice commanding shouts.

"Combusken use detect!" Brendan needs Combusken to dodge this or else Combusken will faint and will put him in a disadvantageous position.

Combusken, using a detect, predicts all the rocks being hurled at him. Dodges them with precise movements while keeping on his toes. Combusken, dodging all those rocks, is very tired and panting heavily. "Combusken finish it off with quick attack to get in close then a flamethrower!"

Roxanne, not able to say anything before the attack, watches as her Onix gets hit with a point-blank flamethrower to the face, making Onix faint on the spot.

"It's time to shine Nosepass go!" Roxanne shouts as she throws an ultra ball into the arean. The red beam revealing a pokemon with a big red nose in the front.

Pokemon: Nosepass (Deep Yellow)

"Combusken use flamethrower!" Brendan knowing Combusken is weakened by the fight with Onix, is trying to do any amount of chip damage he can.

"Nosepass dodge and use spark to finish it off!" Roxanne knowing that Combusken is very tired, goes for a finishing move.

The flamethrower only manages to graze Nosepass, Nosepass using spark finishes off Combusken, sending Combusken out of the arena, making it faint. Brendan seeing this recalls his starter and sends out Grovyle.

"Grovyle Grovyle!" Grovyle seeing his final opponent starts to unconsciously leer at it.

"Grovyle leaf storm!"

Roxanne looking at the incoming leaf storm, commands her Nosepass to use a wide guard to make a stone wall appear in front of Nosepass not fully defending it but reducing the damage.

"Nosepass use rock throw and use thunder wave after!" Nosepass hearing his trainer's commands, crushes a boulder, and hurls a rock.

"Grovyleuse detect and dodge thunderwave using quick attack!" Groyle predicting the hurling rocks dodges and uses quick attack to dodge the wide attack of thunder wave. "Grovyle finish it off with a quick leafage!"

Grovyle using quick leafage, while using the rocks as cover heads towards Nosepass and gets a direct hit and makes Nosepass faint!

"Winner! The challenger Brendan from Littleroot town!" Some people in the stands started to clap and congratulate Brendan for his spectacular win against Roxanne.

"Grovyle grovyle!"

Brendan getting down from the platform, sees Roxanne heading towards him.

"That was an amazing battle! Here is the Rustboro gym badge, you deserve it!" Roxanne says in a soothing tone.

"Thanks, I gotta go and prepare for the rookie tournament! See you there if your gonna watch!"

Brendan says as he starts to run out of the gym.

* * * Next day * * *

In the middle of an open field near the outskirts of Rustboro you can see a Black haired boy wearing a white beanie talking to four Pokemon that can be identified as a Combusken, Mightyena, Kirlia, and Grovyle.

"Okay guys we have tournament to win in 6 days. In these 6 days we will be improving your guys attacking strength and increasing you narutal defence because you guys in all honesty can't take too many hits before fainting!"

Brendan explaining his thought process, ends up training his Pokemon for the remaining 6 days.

(Incase you didn't get to read or missed a paragraph, the only way to improve a Pokemons talent is through evolution, as they get new types of bodies with more potential to improve their strength. Naturally Pokemon without evolutions are born with a better chance of having higher talent).

(How healthy their pre evolution body was also helps in the talent process when evolving)

(The strength of the Pokemon in the stats includes training from Petalburg Woods as well as battling Roxanne)

* * * Brendans Pokemon after 6 days later* * *

Pokemon: Combusken (Violet)

Parents: Champion-Level Blaziken and Champion-Level Weavile (Hence the agility and night slash egg moves)

Mid Advanced-Level (lvl 24-27)

Held Items: Charcoal

Abilities: Blaze (Increases Fire type attacks by 50% when Hp is low)

Hidden Ability: Speed boost (Speed is increased overtime when the Pokemon is experiencing an adrenaline rush in a fight or pressure)

Egg moves: Night slash, Agility

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Quick attack, Flame charge, Flamethrower, Aerial ace , Feather dance, Double kick, Sand attack, Bulk up (New!), Blaze kick (Imperfect).

* * *

Pokemon: Shiny Grovyle (Deep Green > Light blue)

Low Advanced-Level (lvl 21-23)

Held Items: None

Abilities: Overgrow (Increases Grass type attacks by 50% when Hp is low)

Hidden Ability: Unburden (Raises speed when its held item is removed, taken, or used in battle)

Egg moves: Dragon breath, Crunch, Synthesis

Moves: Leer, Pound, Leafage, Quick attack, Mega drain, Detect, Quick guard, Assurance, Leaf storm, Energy ball, False swipe (New!), Double team (New!)

* * *

Pokemon: Kirlia♀ (Light Green > Green)

Low Advanced-Level (lvl 21-23)

Held Items: none

Abilities: Synchronise (When receiving a status condition, it can share the damage or effect with the opponent). Trace (Copies a foes ability), (Hidden ability locked)

Moves: Disarming voice, Growl, Double team, Confusion, Hypnosis, Draining kiss, Teleport, Psybeam, Life dew, Psychic

* * *

These three Pokemon are the Pokemon Brendan chose to use for the tournament (Brendan sent Mightyena was sent to Professor Birch to be forgotten).