
Reincarnated as an energy lifeform?

A story about a normal high school student who sacrificed his own life to save his friends in a critical moment reincarnating to the world of Sardonia. Instead reincarnating into a hero... he became a ball of light? This is my first ever novel. Hope you enjoy.

captain_alcohol · 奇幻
21 Chs

New world New life

Hmm? Did I not die after all?

Nah, there's no way some scrawny guy like me could have survived being hit by a car...

I don't feel any sensation on my body. It feels strange, but I guess I really did die.

In that case, where am I?

Slowly I spread open my eyes and begin to observe the things around me.

Mmm? I feel like I can sense my surrounds without looking or touching...strange.

I'm currently on a bed in some strange dark room with little to no furniture. The walls and ceiling are made from smooth stone and wood and the floor is covered in old dusty carpet. The room doesn't have any windows either.

I'm not in the hospital, I don't think I'm in heaven or hell either. Then where the hell am I?

Did I get kidnapped? No. Who in their right minds would kidnap a guy on death's doorstep like me.

A truckload of confusion hits me as I attempt to figure out what this place could possibly be.

Nothing fits. No matter what I think of, none of this makes sense.

Due to confusion, I try standing up and scratching my head to calm myself down. However, no matter how much I try, I'm not able to put any strength into my limbs, let alone move them. They're completely numb, its as if they're not even there...


I quickly looked down to observe the state of my body.

Not only do I not see my arms or legs, I see nothing.


No, no, no. Calm down. Take a deep breath.

You're an adult now, don't panic. Think think think.

Slowly, I start to recall hearing a pretty female voice telling me that my request was granted. I think I remember her saying something like a new world and a new race...

HAHA, what am I thinking? This is obviously a dream.

I'm gonna close my eyes and wait for a bit. Before I know it, I'll be back in my room on my comfy bed!...










Not a single sound. The response to my explosion of angry questions and confusion was dead silence.

I sat(?) there on the bed for another few minutes and stared blankly at the ceiling before heaving out a heavy sigh to calm myself down once again.

Well, since shouting and complaining won't solve anything, I might as well try to figure out my situation...

After reorganising my thoughts, I got off the bed and decided to move to the middle of the room.

Instead of standing up and walking, I felt the sensation of being lifted off the bed and moved around smoothly in the air.

wow...I'M FLOATING??

Ah, what the heck is happening...

Dismissing my thoughts of confusion, I floated my way towards the middle of the room.

Did I become a ghost? I feel super light...

Since floating around was an interesting feeling, I spend the next few moments figuring out the nature of my movements. I'm able to move around freely and it doesn't seem like I'm using any strength to do so.

I could probably float around all day and not get tired. Interesting.

After I finish playing around, I take another glance around the room to confirm my surroundings.

I've been wondering this for a while but...I feel like I can sense things where I'm not even looking. Is this the so-called sixth sense? do all ghosts have this? It feels really strange.

What race did that female voice say I rolled again?

I focused my mind on remembering the few words the voice had said to me.

Didn't she say something like...「Energy life form」?

If I remember correctly, Energy beings are life-forms composed of energy instead of matter. This also means that they aren't restricted by rules that apply to life forms that consist of matter.

I think she said something about my name as well.

What's so important about my name?

I don't think my name...huh?


Why can't I remember my name? Did it get wiped from my memory after I died?

...I guess my name doesn't really matter anymore so they removed it.

That's a bummer...

There was very few furniture in this room with the bed I woke up on being among them. On the side of the room, there was a full-length mirror leaning against the wall.

It looked quite old and had a few cracks on it, but it was still very much usable.

*Sigh* might as well check what I look like...hopefully I don't look like a hideous ghost.

Closing my eyes, I began to float towards the mirror. I located it using the mysterious sixth sense I obtained and moved in front of it.

I should prepare myself...

After taking a few deep breaths(mentally), I slowly open my eyes.

What I saw was a brilliant lime coloured ball of light with a pair of white lights on it both shaped like circles. The lime coloured glow that emanated from my body gave off an ethereal vibe and the white coloured circles felt very mysterious and phantasmal.

If I had to describe my size, using the mirror's size as a reference, it would be about half the size of a volleyball. I'm also assuming that the pair of white lights are my eyes since they move according to where I look.

Huh, I don't look ugly at all. In fact, I'm quite pleasant to look at.

Looks like something straight out of a film...

Some words I could use to describe my new look would be simple but interesting.

Also, even though I'm a ball of light, I don't seem to be illuminating my surrounds. Is there a reason for this? Well, at this point, there's really no point in questioning things since none of it made sense anyway. It looks really cool though.

A feeling of relief grew in my chest. This was the only good news that I've received ever since I woke up.

However, this had confirmed it. I am no longer human.

I don't feel the need to breathe, drink, or eat.

The physical features of a human are nowhere to be seen. I've been reincarnated into a non-humanoid.

The situation's strange but...I guess I'll accept this as my new look now.

All of this is confusing but I should try to accept it as reality. Setting aside my mental breakdown a few minutes ago, I think I'm doing pretty well.

After staring at myself for a few more minutes and admiring my interesting new look. I turned my attention to the door of the room.

The room has basically nothing in it.

While it does make me a little uncomfortable, there's really no merit in staying in an old room filled with dust.

I don't think I'll be able to find clues about my situation without leaving. Plus, I'll have to leave this room eventually. The earlier the better.

The door was made primarily from wood and looked very old but sturdy. Signs of rust can be seen on the hinges and the handle seems to be covered in dust.

I floated up towards the door and started to think of what do to next.

I don't have hands to open it...

Despite this, I subconsciously extended my non-existent hand to the door nob and tried to open it.


What... IT MOVED!

Even if it didn't turn all the way, the moment I tried to twist the door nob it was actually able to turn a little!

Do I actually still have my hands but they're invisible?

...no, that shouldn't be the case. I didn't feel anything when I twisted it.

Wait. What if...

I turned around and repeated the same action and sensation on the full-length mirror which was a few metres away, except this time I didn't move from my spot.

The moment I did, the mirror slowly tilted forward before falling forward and smashed into the floor with a loud cracking sound.

Errr, Woops!

It wasn't what I wanted to do but It did something!

Instead of twisting as I did with the door nob, this time I imagined my non-existent hand pulling the mirror forward.


Still filled with excitement, I turned my attention to the bed where I woke up.

I didn't notice it before but, now that I've taken a better look at it, I can see that its very old.

Everything besides the mattress itself was made from wood. The wooden legs of the bed were so brittle and withered that It looked like it would snap any moment. As for the mattress itself, it was very ragged, beat up and covered in dust.

You could tell that it had been left for a very long time.

I repeated the sensation I used for the door and mirror but this time, instead of pulling it slightly or twisting it, I decided to try and lift the whole thing off the ground.

The result was different from what I expected.

The side of the bed closest to me shifted upwards slightly before falling back down to its original position.

Oh...I think I know how it works.

My「Telekinesis」is very weak right now, and judging by how much the bedside was lifted, it had about as much strength as my arm did when I was still human.

But I feel like I can make it better with a good bit of practice...

After thinking for a few moments, I brought my attention back to the old wooden door and tried to turn the door nob a few times.

The door nob still did not turn all the way no matter how much I tried. There are probably two explanations for this.

The door is either locked or the metal in the handle itself has rusted so much that it can't turn anymore. Judging by the look of the door nob, it was most likely the latter.

...Wait, what if there's someone on the other side holding it?


Thinking of my depressing situation, I subconsciously pressed my forehead against the door...

Well, at least I was supposed to.

The relaxing feeling of pressing your head against something to calm yourself down never came.

Instead, my head was actually sinking into the door the moment it came into contact with it.


I quickly pulled away from the door in panic and watched in case something happened.

All sorts of thoughts start to go through my head as I anxiously watch the door.

Nothing had happened the next few seconds, the door and room were the same as always.

Wait a sec...

Since I'm an「Energy life form」, doesn't that mean I don't have a physical presence?

Slowly, I approached the door and pressed my forehead against it again.

It feels as if the door isn't actually there.

It's not that I was sinking into the door, but I was actually passing through it!

How convenient!

Not long after, I'm greeted by an old but grand-looking dark hallway which extends down to both the left and the right. Using my sixth sense, I'm also able to make out shapes of lanterns on the walls but it looks like they haven't been used in a long time. In fact, one of the lanterns had fallen on the floor due to being left alone for too long.

There aren't any windows here either. For all I know, I could be underground right now.

I try to find out what's at the end of the hallway on both sides but my sixth sense seems to have a maximum range of a few metres. It's also too dark for me to see far using my eyes.

So its either left or right...

There's really no point in thinking too hard since it won't make a difference.

After thinking for a few seconds, I decide to go right since I'm right-handed...well, at least I was.

Before leaving, I take one last look at the wooden door.

The feeling of sadness begins to swell up as thoughts of my family and friends run through my mind.

It's depressing, but there's no point staying here any longer. Hiding won't help you escape reality...

*Sigh* I hope Daniel and Bryan are okay...

After staring at the old wooden for a few more seconds, I turn around and make my way down the hallway.

This is a story about a reincarnated high school student's adventure in a new world, with a new life.

Wow, I didn't realise I wrote some much until after I finished writing. The amount of words in this chapter is almost double that of chapter one lmao. Who would have thought writing was so fun...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

captain_alcoholcreators' thoughts