
Reincarnated as an Archangel in the Omniverse

My name is Mael, and I was reincarnated by a new God named Clark. Due things he had done in the past the Omniverse is in a slow spiral towards destruction. He has asked me to assist him in saving the Omniverse from collapsing by helping prevent the destruction of worlds throughout reality. Author Note: The worlds visited in this novel will not follow their canon storylines exactly. There will be difference in what happens, so please be warned.

ManOfCultureLeon · 漫画同人
98 Chs

Chapter 75 - The Dark Spirit

---Mael POV, Five Days Later---

Having kept up a pretty good pace the first few days, we managed to join the forward team in two days time. They hadn't made much progress as the floors weren't well documented, and Ottar and Finn had been butting heads when trying to command. The two of them didn't really see eye to eye on critical decisions thus the teams had stalled out on Floor 47. When we rejoined them, Freya and Loki lectured the two men about their behavior and how they had thrown this golden opportunity out the window.

'Can't really blame them though, each wanted the prestige of besting the Zeus Familia.', I thought as I led the group onto Floor 59.

As we stepped onto the floor, I could tell things had definitely changed from what I remembered in the series. Spread out as far as the eye could see was thick forest that you could barely see five feet in front of yourself in. Not only was the forest dense, the place had aura around it that probably would have made it similar to Mirkwood from Middle Earth.

"From here on out, everyone keep your eyes and ears open.", I warned them, "We are now on the home turf of an Evil Spirit that calls the Dungeon home."

"This is the same spirit that can resurrect dead Adventurers to be it's puppet, right?", Finn asked.

"Yes, this goes without saying but both the Zeus Familia lost high level people here. Do not be afraid to retreat if you feel you can't win in a fight. Your lives are more important than your pride.", I reminded everyone.

"Keep an eye on the Goddesses.", Ottar ordered.

Nodding their heads, the Familia teams and the Fairy Tail women spread out to form a barrier of sorts. Turning to Shera and Ryuu, I told them to advise us of any abnormalities they sensed as they are much more in tune with nature than the rest of us. Giving me the thumbs up, I used Rhitta to start clearing a path for us advance.

"How did the Dungeon change so much?", Freya asked, "Initially this floor was supposed to be a frozen wasteland, according to the Zeus Familia anyways."

"Simple, the Evil Spirit that lives on this floor did it.", I told her, "I don't know all the details, but it has a special connection to the Dungeon. It can change floor terrains in a very short time."

I didn't want to tell them, but this level of change really made me think Gaia was one of the Titans trapped at the bottom of the Dungeon. The ability to mimic terrain from around the world meant this place had connections all over, something Gaia would have as Mother Earth.

'It would also explain why the God's permanently die in here. If they are part of the seal holding them down, their deaths must weaken the seal.', I thought, 'It is surprising that they don't have any legends about the Titans either, I mean if they wanted to keep them here one would want to remember that.'

"It's so hot...", Shera complained moving her shirt back and forth to circulate the air, "Can't you do something about it? I am getting all sticky!"

"It's a jungle, what did you expect.", Irene snickered.

"Why aren't you hot!?", Shera shouted.

"My Dragon Slayer Magic makes something trivial like this easy to stand.", Irene boasted.

Turning to look at her, Ais asked if she could teach her that magic. Asking why she wanted to learn, Ais told her desire to kill the One Eyed Black Dragon.

"Unfortunately you don't want to use this magic. It has a very nasty side effect of turning you into a Dragon eventually.", Irene said, "I only recently got cured about a hundred years ago, and it was quite a painful process."

Seeing the conflicting emotions on Ais face, it seemed the desire to the kill it was equal to her hatred for Dragons. That being the case, she opted to not bother with it as the side effect wasn't worth it. Listening to the conversations among the others for a while, I stopped about an hour later because something was bothering me.

"Why are we stopping?", Freya asked.

"You have read Zeus' notes on this floor right? Did he mention anything about a lack of monsters here?", I questioned.

"Nothing of the sort, they said this floor was full of monsters.", Freya replied.

"Then why haven't we seen any this entire time?", I remarked.

Realizing my point, the group closed ranks and searched around for threats. Using Detect Life, I discovered that all of the trees were connected to something in the center of the floor. As far as monsters went, there wasn't a single one to be seen anywhere on the floor...almost like all of them were killed. Relaying this information to the others, the first person to speak was Erza.

"We are going to go fight it, right?", she asked.

"Of course we are!! Can you imagine what that monster might drop!?", Loki laughed, "Think of all the booze we can buy with the drops!!"

"We can go fight it, but Ais...please be careful. Outside of the Goddesses you are the next likely target given your heritage.", I advised.

"Understood.", she acknowledged.

Leading them towards the center of the floor, a massive tree came into view as we approached. The damn thing had to have well over seventy stories tall, and was wider than a small mountain. Sensing our approach, the easy going we had turned into a trial by fire as the literal trees came to life. Placing a barrier of the Goddesses, the rest of us started combating the trees as they started to rise up out of the ground.

"They are Ents!", I shouted, "If you have anything fire related, use it!! Their hides are probably as hard as Damascus Steel!"

Using Crazy Prominence to blast away the immediate threats in front of me, I glanced back to see the others struggling to fight. Ents were practically immune to blunt attacks so only those with sharp weapons could do any real damage. That said Erza, Irene, and Mirajane had no problem using simple brute strength to pulverize the Ents to pieces.

"Damn it, I can't cut them!!", Tione hissed in annoyance, "Stupid fucking trees!!"

"I agree...this quite fucking annoying!", Ottar said as he watched more and more of the trees start getting up, "There is no end to these bastards."

"Mael you got a plan right?", Bella shouted as she used Firebolt on one of the Ents.

"Yep, all of you better get in the barrier and cover your eyes!", I shouted with a smirk.

Seeing the Sun forming between my hands, Merlin erected another barrier around everyone before covering her eyes.

"Greatest Sun!", I said launching it at the nearest Ent.

The ensuing explosion shook the entire floor, and maybe even the Dungeon. Watching the Ents get reduced to ash, I flung Rhitta straight at the giant tree in the middle. Waiting for it to slam into the tree, I snapped my fingers and released all the energy it contained from me. A second pressure wave hit us moments later as a loud roar echoed throughout the entire area. Catching Rhitta as it flew back to me, I waved my arm to blow away the dust and residual fire.

"All of you get ready!", I ordered.

"Ready for what?", Lucy asked as she opened her eyes, "What are we...HOLY SHIT!!"

Watching the mountain sized tree rise up from the dust cloud, I was actually pretty excited to fight this thing. I could tell it was definitely using enchantments and magic to keep itself together so this thing had to be strong. Fighting something of this caliber wasn't something I usually did so I was pumped to fight it.

"That fuckers huge!!", Loki gasped.

"That's what you said to Mael on the first night.", Ishtar laughed unable to stop herself.

"Seriously!?", Loki spat.

"I am sorry, I couldn't help it!", Ishtar snickered with a sense of relief, "I needed that after several days of physical labor."

With the forest around us gone, everyone was able to refocus our attention on the boss. Glancing over at Tatsumaki, I gave her a firm nod and told her try attacking it. Looking at me with confusion, she said couldn't use her powers that well underground given that the ceiling might collapse on us.

"Don't worry about that, the Dungeon won't let itself collapse.", I assured her, "We need you to keep it preoccupied while we fight it."

"All of us?", Finn asked.

"Yes all of us!", I groaned, "It doesn't matter what Familia you are apart of right now. There is an enemy in front of us, and we are going to kill it. The Evil Spirit is in the center of that thing, and it's controlling each part with several magic circuits. We destroy the circuits and that thing will fall apart."

"How do you want to handle this?", Freya inquired.

"Merlin and Tatsumaki will keep that things movements to a minimum. The rest of you will need to destroy the magic circuits you can reach, and slay Ents as they appear. I am going to where I think the Spirit is in that thing.", I stated.

With marching orders given, Tatsumaki created an Earthen Tidal Wave that raced across the ground like a stampede. Riding along on top of it, we watched the scenery quickly fly by us. Seeing a group of Adventurers appear from the earth in front of us, Ottar grabbed his weapon in preparation for a fight. He must have recognized them as members of the Zeus Familia, and wanted to handle it alone.

"I got this!", Ottar said leaping towards them.

"Don't waste your time.", Tatsumaki stated pulling him back, "Watch and learn."

Smacking them down hard with her Esper Powers, we watched them hit the ground then get buried under the wave. Looking back to make sure they didn't get back up, he turned to look at her. The annoyance on his face was clear, but she didn't give one crap about it.

"I know, it must be intimidating knowing how strong I am.", Tatsumaki bragged with a smirk

"I think I liked you better when you weren't a meanie.", Shera said bluntly.

"You can walk there if you don't like it.", Tatsumaki stated.

Deciding that it was time for me to go, I leapt into the air and used my wings to fly up towards the head.

---3rd Person POV---

Using the spell Absolute Zero, Merlin caused the surrounding area to freeze instantly. Watching the lower part of the legs freeze, the giant became unable to move. In addition to that, Tatsumaki used her power to push it back so it couldn't advance anymore. Telling them to get moving, everyone else ran forward to find the circuits.

Watching red dots appear all over the giants legs, Merlin told them to aim for those areas. They were where a magic circuit was, and this made their jobs easier. Seemingly sense the development, hundreds of Ents started popping out of the Giant along with Adventurers.

"Great...", Tione said, "Fucking great!"

"This is good practice.", Ais stated.

Watching the Ents pick up boulders, Finn knew what was coming. Telling everyone to scatter, the Ents started raining projectiles down on them. Ducking and sliding out of the way as they advanced, Freya inquired if Tatsumaki could do something about the boulders.

"I have my hands full with this thing!", Tatsumaki grunted, "It's a lot...stronger than the monsters...I am used too!"

"Shera and Ryuu, start shooting at the circuits!", Merlin said as she turned her attention to the Ents advancing on the rear, "They should retreat to protect them."

"I got it!", Shera said notching an arrow.

Shooting at one of the spots, she watched her arrow shatter as it slammed into the giant. Taking one of the arrows Bella had bought her, she tried it next and watched it explode on impact. Watching the light go out, Shera asked what sort of arrows they were.

"They are Explosive Arrows, we mainly use them against flying enemies.", Ryuu told her taking out two more.

"Can I take some home?", Shera asked.

"Now isn't the time to ask that!", Ryuu snapped.

"If I don't ask now, I will forget!", Shera pouted.

Telling her to keep shooting, the two Elves kept taking out magic circuits. After the twentieth circuit was destroyed, instead of retreating the Ents went ballistic and just went on a suicidal charge against the group.