
Chapter 49 - Decisions


Returning to Babel, the first thing that happened was Loki pointed out Apollo's beaten and bruised face. Asking him how it happened he refused to answer so Zeus answered for him.

"He tried flirting with a mortal woman, and she kicked the crap out of him.", Zeus laughed.

Storming out of the room in anger, Apollo was immediately done with this conversation as other deities started laughing at him. Informing everyone I had a meeting with the Elder Gods in a week, I said I would share the details of that meeting as soon as it was over. Slowly leaving the room after that, only a small handful deities stayed behind.

"You are going to take us to that world sometime, right?", Ishtar asked with excitement.

"Once things calm down there, absolutely.", I said, "There is a lot I want to show you."

"Ahem...you mean all of us, right?", Freya interjected, "As in the three of us if I understand correctly."

"Yeah...I heard...I heard that you want me in your harem!", Aqua shouted, "Don't I get a say in this!?"

"So you did tell them...", I sighed.

"I only told Loki and Freya!", Ishtar swore.

Saying they didn't tell her, I glanced over at Aqua for answers. Admitting she followed them to get secret information, Aqua overheard everything that was said.

"Well since the cat's out of the bag, yes Aqua I want you in my harem. Same for Freya and Loki.", I stated.

"Why were you putting cats in bags!?", Aqua shrieked before the latter part of my words hit home, "Wait...you mean you do want me?!"

"Wait!! Why wasn't on the...", Loki said before everything registered, "I am in the running!?"

Letting out a sigh, I said we needed to have this discussion in private. The few remaining other deities were staring at us, and it was bound to cause trouble.

---Freya's Room---

Passing tea out to her guests, Freya took a seat to listen to what I had to say.

"As I said, there are six Goddesses I have set my sights on at the moment.", I told them, "Ishtar, Freya, Loki, Aqua, Hestia, and Ristarte...the six of you are the ones I have gone to know and have come to enjoy being around. Ishtar, I have enjoyed our back and forth flirting. In addition, I admire your tenacity to chase your goals no matter the cost. Freya, I enjoy our conversations and tea parties. You are a cool, calculating woman that is always ten steps ahead of her opponents all while maintaining an air of innocence. While the other deities think of you as harmless, you are anything but that."

Giving me a coy smile, she thanked me for the compliment.

"Loki...there is no other way to say it, you are a lot of fun to be around. Whether it is your accent, mannerism, or your sense of humor...I enjoy every moment I spend with you, even the ones where you embarrass yourself.", I teased her, "Now then, Aqua...I-"

"Stop!!", Aqua choked up, "I know I am not as great as any of them, you don't have to lie to me..."

"She ain't wrong.", Loki pointed out, "She has the nickname Useless Goddess for a reason."

Pulling Aqua over to me, I gave her a smile.

"I admit you are completely useless as a leader, fighter, and as healer.", I stated, "That said, you are certainly never boring to be around. Growing up here in Orario for two years, I got to know you quite well. Initially I found you to be annoying, obstinate, and an idiot without equal. Having spent time with you now though, I can say without hesitation...I have to have you in my harem. When I am with you, I can't help but smile. No matter how bad of a day I am having, you make it better."

Seeing steam erupt out of her head, she passed out and almost hit the table. Laying her on the couch, I chuckled as I found her response cute.

"I suppose I can accept sharin ya.", Loki said with a big smirk.

"As can I.", Ishtar stated.

"You already know my answer.", Freya told me with a smile, "Now then...I suppose you owe us something. Even though I was first in line, you gave Ishtar the first go."

"Hold on here, I need sometime to prepare for this!", Loki shouted, "Ya can't just spring the moment on a woman, ya know!"

Giving Freya a smile, I said we had the rest of the afternoon and evening. Taking that as a yes, Ishtar and Freya headed to the bedroom. Glancing at Loki, she looked around frantically and chose to wake up Aqua.

"Hey wake up!! Ishtar and Freya are trying to fuck you and I over!!", Loki said, "Get up, we got defend ourselves."

Waking up, Aqua shot up from her seat.

"We...we are gonna...gonna do this now!?", Aqua gulped before sniffing herself, "I...I guess."

Do to the unexpected answer, Loki's mouth opened wide in shock.

"If you don't want too, I won't force you.", I stated.

"It's...it's not that I don't wanna...it's just...", Loki said sheepishly, "I...I ain't ever slept with a man."

Scooping Aqua and Loki up, I chuckled and said there was a first time for everything. Giving up her resistance, Loki mentally prepared herself for this.

'Now it ain't gonna be as bad as Athena said...he ain't that type of guy...', Loki thought as the bedroom door shut.

Stripping their clothing off, Loki immediately looked at the other women. Seeing her eyes cramp up, I knew what she was thinking. Tossing them onto the bed, I took my pants off and watched the four of them stare at my member. Aqua had definitely felt it on more than one occasion, she knew I was packing she just had never seen it before. Loki was in shock as it was her first time seeing one up close, and Freya was happy about it's size.

"So uh...what do we do?", Loki gulped.

"You let me take control, you are just along for the ride.", I replied.

Aqua, Loki, and Freya looked over at Ishtar as she crawled over to start giving me oral. Since she was happy with that, I focused my attention on the other three. Deciding to finger Aqua and Freya, I opted to eat Loki out first since she was the one that felt inadequate here. At first she was a bit nervous about being upside down, but after I started licking her...she let it all fade away. Hearing their moans meld together, I was enjoying this quite a lot. Rotating the women around every so often so they each got a turn, by their tenth climax they were already exhausted.

Not giving them a moments rest, I started with Loki first. At first she was a bit hesitant about being penetrated, but quickly found the experience to be enjoyable. Her preferred positions were Doggy Style and being held vertically by me as I choke her out. In both cases Loki wasn't shy about being vocal, if it weren't for the barrier I had up around the room everyone in Babel would know she was getting laid. Pounding her till I came inside her, I let her flop onto the bed before grabbing Aqua.

Having seen me as a man for the longest out of the women here, Aqua was more than ready to go. Even though she was bright red with embarrassment, she shook her butt for me as I smacked it and firmly grasped it. Sliding into her, I grabbed her by her ponytail and pulled back. Giving her the sexual frustration I had endured sharing a bed so long, I made sure she understood where we stood...even as smashed her face into the bed while hammering her hard.

With Freya, I took didn't give her a very aggressive treatment. Having been around her long enough to know she was a sensual woman, I went for a different form of abuse. Blindfolding her and tying her hands together, I took full advantage of the situation and didn't let her know anything I was doing. I let her mentally register everything I did while only making grunting noises. In response, she let out very sexy moans and squeals as we progressed. Kissing her as I pumped her full of my seed, she let out a moan full of pleasure and desire as I removed the blindfold.

Finishing with Ishtar, I gave her quite the abuse in bed. Giving her a mixture of what I did to the other women, she was left twitching on the bed after I was done...with round one. Still reeling from their turns, the women looked back at me with a concerned look.

"When I said the rest of the afternoon and evening, I meant it.", I snickered with a grin, "The four of you asked for this, remember that."

---Next Morning---

Laying on me, the four unconscious Goddesses were sound asleep. Having pushed them to their limits, all four of them tapped out at round three unsurprisingly. If it weren't for the fear that I would actually hurt them, I would have kept going.

'Ah...now I feel better.', I thought, 'Ristarte and Hestia, I can give them a bit more time. I am sure Aqua will talk to them, and curiosity will win out.'

"Ugh...I can't feel my legs...", Loki groaned.

"Don't be so loud...my head is killing me...", Ishtar complained.

"Quiet!", Aqua spat, "Ouch...my head..."

"Mmm...good morning.", Freya said trying to act like she wasn't in pain.

"Morning ladies, you survived.", I chuckled.

"I saw Heaven there for a bit. We got to get that thing registered as a weapon.", Loki jabbed, "I about died!"

"It isn't a bad way to go...", Ishtar laughed.

It was good to see that they could get along, even if it was only in private. Offering to cook them breakfast, the four of them took me up on my offer. Using Ark to restore their ability to walk normally again, the four stumbled to the bathroom to clean up. Whipping together some pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee the smell of breakfast was enough to summon them from their domain.

"Whatcha makin?", Loki said, "I haven't smelled something this good in ages!!"

"Something I picked up from one of the worlds I visited.", I chuckled, "Supposedly it's a good way to recover your energy after a long night."

Snickering at me, the four women took a seat and began to eat. Since coffee wasn't a common item in this world, it was a big hit with the four of them. As expected, Aqua and Loki needed cream and sugar while Ishtar and Freya drank it black. I thought it was expected just because of how they acted in life.

"So uh...how are we going to do this?", Loki asked me, "We supposed to be subservient to you now?"

"No, I am no desire to run your Familias. They are yours to run as you see fit, I won't interfere unless you do something that would lead to the world's destruction.", I told them.

"Phew! I thought I was going to have to give you my alcohol collection.", she replied.

"I can be subservient!", Aqua told me.

"You just want him to pay your debts...", Ishtar said.

"Ugh...", Aqua gulped.

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of that.", I assured her, "That said, moving forward I am going to budget your activities. If I leave you to your devices you will be broke again in a single evening."

Laughing at that, the other three acknowledge that was true. Telling them that they were to keep what was theirs, I said they didn't need to share or give anything away unless they chose to do themselves.

"So are you going to make your own Familia?", Freya asked with a smile, "You are a God, which means you should be able to make a Falna."

"Technically I am half Seraphim and half God, but that is just details. I really don't have a desire to make one, anyone that would join me would have to deal with me randomly vanishing at times for work.", I said taking a bite of hickory smoked bacon.

"That is true, but it's not like Soma comes out of his room that often.", Ishtar pointed out.

"And you see how bad his Familia is.", I remarked.

"Fair enough.", she said.

"Okay, I like this harem a lot better than the ones we had in Heaven. All it was up there was a way to steal our crap!", Loki spat.

"Exactly.", Ishtar stated, "Why do you think I avoided it?"

Now that we cleared that up...it was time to break the big news to them.