
Reincarnated as a vampire god

Arceus1803 · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Being an ordinary mortal, who had never seen the height of what god meant. Now that he was face to face with one. He could literally feel the power and aura oozing through her skin. Nick felt that he was looking at a monster in disguise, which acted as a mere container to hold all that power inside her. For if the power was to be released, not only would it leave destruction behind in its awake, but the aftermath of all the races, scrambling to get a hold of that power, would end up further destroying countless worlds.

Nick who was bound in chains couldn't keep his calm as countless twisted thoughts flooded his mind. The thoughts of how great it would be, if he were to acquire such power. He could crush all those who had ever wronged him, like the ants they were. The thought of being a great being or the devil himself and people fearing and worshipping him, excited him to the very core.

Such a yearning couldn't help, but make him take yet another look at the goddess. However, as if the goddess could read his mind all this time, Anna gave Nick a smile. A smile so beautiful, it dazed him but there was definitely something creepy about it. Nick who had truly become a being different self after spending aeons in that god awful place could feel a similar darkness/ hunger in her. The thought of such a being of power being twisted like him made him feel scared for the loved ones he once might have had, but a feeling of pleasure also arouse within him from his sadistic side.

Anna in her melodious voice asked, " I have never met you, yet you bear such great hatred for me. Your brain would melt if I showed you but a mere fraction of my power, despite it you hold such bold thoughts about me. You humans are truly fascinating creatures, consumed by your emotions. Earlier you broke into a place where creatures like you should never enter alone. Tell me human what do you desire ? Is it love or perhaps power? Power to take hold of your destiny? However this doesn't erase the fact that you were taken before your time was over. For the the truly fascinating creature you are and to compensate for my mistake, I will allow you to be born in another world, for the world you have died in, you cannot return FOR NOW."

Nick couldn't believe what he had heard, not only was he not going to die, he was also given a chance to be reborn. Before he could thank the goddess, Anna spoke again, " the world you are entering is the same one for now, but because of you, some unexpected changes will be sure to occur. I ask once again, before I send you on your way what do you desire?"