
7. Queen's Escape

"Wh-Who are you?" Talathus asked him as she looked at him.

"I am the man who was asked by your son to save you." Artisan said to her calmly as they flew through space.

He was currently out of the area of the Citadelians and was waiting for the other ships to arrive. He has already given the coordinates and instructions for the ships to be able to be used by the slaves.

And soon his wait was awarded as many ships containing the slaves appeared as he smiled at it. He watched as they appeared as they sent him messages regarding the location as he gave them the directions as they fled after thanking him.

He watched as the spaceships of the freed slaves were flying away. But then he picked up the signatures of the Citadelians coming with their ships. But he was prepared for that as he shot the first ship that appeared with the charged attack of his ship as it damaged it greatly.

Followed by many other assorted beam attacks as it damaged and destroyed many Citadelian ships as Artisan quickly and efficiently destroyed them.

After a good few minutes he stopped as he looked at the floating remains of the ships as there were still many left, but they didn't dare approach further after what they had seen him do to their comrades.

Something which the Artisan was glad as he doesn't want to use more time in taking care of them. While the Citadelians are formidable, they don't stand much of a chance when they are in front of him with his own technological advancements after all.

He also made sure to take a look through the timelines to see how they would react before firing a few more shots to discourage them from trying to recapture their slaves.

After that he turned and went away in his own ship as it turned invisible and out of the radars of the Citadelians. Said Citadelians were looking at the place where he was at with shock and bewilderment as they wondered about who it was that had attacked them.

"Who... Or what was it?" A Citadelian ship officer asked in shock.

"I do not know. We have never encountered someone like that." The captain of that particular ship said with a shake of his head in disbelief.

"He used advanced technology which I have never seen before and he is also a skilled fighter as well. It would be best to not pursue him, otherwise he might retaliate. We still do not know if he is just hiding." The captain's second in command said as the captain talked with the others of the fleet.

In the end, the general consensus of the fleet was to not pursue to the escaped slaves as it would be detrimental to them at the current stage. They also have to rebuild their place after the destruction that the Artisan brought to it in his assault and bringing in slaves when it is like that might not be a wise decision.

And so the Citadelians gathered whatever materials of the destroyed ships that were still usable and then turned around and returned to their territory. But they made sure to remember the man who had come and infiltrated and destroyed their planets infrastructure and other things.

As for Artisan himself, he was on his way to the home of Talathus as said woman was looking at him with wonder as she had never expected to be able to be freed from that place ever since she had first been taken there.

"My son was the one to ask you to save me? How is he?" Talathus asked him as she looked at him.

"Mythus is ruling his kingdom of Tamaran very fairly and his people like him. In the time I have spent there, he is a fair king who cares very much for his people and the people also trust him." Artisan said as he navigates through space.

"I see. I am glad to see that he has become such a great king." Talathus said as she wiped the tears in her eyes at hearing the news regarding her son.

She was very happy to hear that he has managed to become a king who is liked and trusted by his people as she remembered how he was when she was taken and is happy to see that he has managed to become a good king for her kingdom.

"I knew that he would become a great king." Talathus said with some pride in her voice as she wiped her eyes.

"And it is also evident that he loves you as well. After all, he wanted me to save you after all. You have a good son." Artisan said to her with a smile on his face.

"Yes. Thank you for saying that. But, sir Artisan, if you can give me the permission to ask?" Talathus asked him respectfully as she looked at him.

"Yes? What do you wish to ask?" Artisan asked him as he turned to look at her.

"Is it possible for me to see your face? Of course, I'm fine if you do not want to show it to me as it is your decision in the end." Talathus asked respectfully before becoming more reserved.

"I have no reservations in showing you my face. You will see my face when I get to Tamaran anyways." Artisan said as the armor around his face moved away, allowing his face to be seen by Talathus.

Talathus looked at his face and couldn't help but blush when she saw him. After being imprisoned for so many years, it was the first time she was seeing a face similar to her own race in a long time. But he was also the one who had just saved her life from enslavement.

She however managed to school her features pretty quickly, but Artisan had already seen it by the time she managed to control it, but he didn't bring it up as he didn't think it would be needed.

"We shall reach your home in some time. I would suggest taking some time to rest while I get you home." Artisan said to her seriously as he looked ahead.

"Of course, thank you." Talathus said in a grateful tone before she closed her eyes and started to drift to sleep.

'Thank you for thinking of me, Mythus.' Talathus thought to herself as she went to sleep as Artisan glanced at her.

'Well, I guess that isn't that much of a surprise reaction since I just saved her from years of imprisonment. Though I don't know how to react to that. Well, food for thought I guess.' Artisan thought to himself as he shrugged and flew his ship through space.