
Chaper 9

---POV Shield---

'OK this is my first fight lest see how this goes'

BONK {You have been scratched -0.001 HP}

'wow that sword didn't do anything'

BONK {You have been scratched -0.001 HP}

'wait let me try to use [Absorb] with just my front side'

BONK {You Absorbed Steel + 5 CON + 5 STR}

'Yes now it has a shorter weapon'

---POV Keira---

'ok here it comes let's test this shield'

BONK {You have blocked the attack - 1 HP}

'ok and now with [Block]'

BONK {You have blocked the attack - 0.1 HP}

'time for a counter'

BONK {You have blocked the attack - 1 HP}

'What the .... did my shield just destroy part of the sword?'

I have a discord server now join if you want


marvi_463creators' thoughts