So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"… So, that's how things are going to be. If there's anything that needs to be said or asked, do it now. For all we know, this could be our final goodbyes"
In our town hall, located at the grand table with me and Petra at the head of the table together, we've just spoken to the 'elected' council so that everyone is now aware of the plan to depart for the heavens. Wouldn't say the atmosphere is happy in here though, people do seem to like us staying for some unknown reason.
Around said table, we have us lovebirds, the phoenix kids, Marcus the politician, Garry the gnome, the mine master Jaxon, guild leader Penelope and the two Gods thrown into the mix including Asmodeus and Dio. Well, four Gods if you now include me and the misses… ah, Aesa as well, can't be forgetting the ex-clone turned into a fake phoenix. I still refuse to believe she's taken my species from me.
The only people of real note we're missing from this is the empire couple and the parents, we did already explain a little to Charlotte and Nathan about things on that Zeki maid incident so it's kinda sorted… that was a fun memory. It's a shame they aren't here but what can you do about it I suppose? Once this is done, just need to deal with the parents and we can be on our way.
"I'm still a little confused on something Queen Ikarus. How long is this journey supposed to take?"
What Marcus's asks is kinda related on why we called for a goodbye meeting in the first place. You see, once we enter the heavens, getting back down is apparently really difficult only working in certain times or conditions. Not exactly sure why I wouldn't be able to just simply teleport away but Asmodeus has made this clear it's not going to work. Once we arrive, we're not returning till Zeus is dealt with, like we're entering some weird ending sequence to a video game or something. Ah, there's also one other little thing that should probably be mentioned…
(Dionysus) "The timespan back at home is a little iffy to say the least. Some years, it flows in sync with these lands. Others, days down here can be equal to literal years, even decades up there. We've never been able to figure it out so don't ask why"
(Asmodeus) "Heh, the young God is correct, the timespan up there is unreadable to most, only noticeable to a select few. Even I can't say how long we'll be up there for"
To be fair, me and Petra already knew that but at least it gets Marcus off our backs, mainly being the cultists more than anything else. Even if we don't know how long it'll be, then they'll just have to shut up and stop complaining… that sounds like a pipe dream.
Anyways, most of the council is agreement, or at least seem reluctantly accepting to the situation that's going to happen regardless. Sure, we're basically just figureheads most of the time, we do still help out on extremely important stuff… like erm… war? Yeah, we're the defenders of the Lesbos Islands, that works for me.
Garry the gnome, or dwarf seems like he has something he needs to get off his bulky chest though… it's still so unfair how he can be so ripped and muscular.
"I can't be the only person who thinks this is crazy. We all know the two lasses are extremely powerful, comparable to Gods no less, but isn't this insanity? Going into the heavens to take care of Zeus all mighty?"
(Asmodeus) "Heh, fair point dwarf, I can assure you it's not just the two lovebirds who will be taking the full wrath of Zeus's… well, wrath. For the sake of sanity, and my own tastes, the intricate details of the plan will have to wait"
By the sounds of it, Asmodeus knows the exact future on how to bring down Zeus but it once again doing that showman bullshit of not sharing till it's absolutely necessary. Eh, at least this isn't another unknown future moment, he seems pretty confident that the fates have resumed back to usual. Which obviously means things won't go that smoothly because of course they won't.
"Oh, you've reminded me on something gno-, I mean Garry. Zeki, I've gotten you a farewell present, thanks to him"
"Don't include me in your decision-making lass, I'm not getting blamed for this stupid concoction. If you're looking to blame anyone else, blame the scrawny guy since he got the materials ready… didn't pay me enough to take on the red bird's fury lass"
(Jaxon) "Hey! Don't you be throwing me under the forge gnome, I wanted no part of this as well… I'm still not even sure why I keep getting invited to these damn meetings"
It's been a few days since we the first arrived in the settlement so I thought, who would best be suited for an enchanted clothing style of gift? Me, Petra and Aesa no longer need anything stat wise since we're maxed out already so Zeki would seem most suitable. The only other person would be Ariza but then again, she already has the backing from Loki and I think she'd very much prefer this…
Anyways, I chuck Zeki the wrapped up 'gift' and watching his face go from unsure curiosity to pure anger when he opens what's inside. There is something oddly satisfying seeing him get pissed off like that.
"Erk, what the fuck is this orangey!?! This is the type of shit the cow does!"
"Uh, you need to put that on right now Zeki! I'll even reduce your sentencing if you do!"
Inside the package can only be describe best as a sailor's school uniform, perfectly shaped and styled for Zeki himself. Don't say I'm not an artist sometimes, everyone can have quips of brilliance. This is masterpiece and he will wear it…
"You can look at this one or two ways kid. The first is the stupid way of refusing to wear it because of how it looks. The second is much simpler, your stats will be doubled! Even though I'm not sure how that works with your MMO system, it's got to do something like that, right?"
By the way, since I'm a true evil genius, I made sure the gnome put some restrictions on it. Point being, if Zeki even tries to come to him to get the ego remodelled, it won't work without my say. Don't ask how it works, this is a secret between blacksmiths and enchantments egos apparently. If I was feeling even more wicked, I could've made it impossible to take off but that's way too harsh, definitely sounded tempting though. Cursed clothing apparently exists in this world folks!
"Heh, pure evil Ikarus… come on Zeki, you know deep down it's worth it"
Instead of giving a scoff or an erk, Zeki knows this present is too much to turn down so sulkingly goes to change outside the meeting room, also slamming the door in the process. Guess he's got to show some sort of anger even if that seemed forced.
"So… is there anything else to discuss or are we just going to wait for his return?"
"Bite me orangey"
Hearing that muffled but angry voice coming through the door, me and the misses both can't help but chuckle.
While we're waiting, most of this council don't seem to care on his turmoil, but there are a few with very eager eyes. Obviously, us phoenixes are deeply interested, Penelope who's literally stroking a rock has eyes full of glee and Asmodeus also wants to witness his pain. It's a shame more people in this room don't wish for Zeki to suffer more and more gender related shenanigans, he's literally perfect for it. Just because he was once upon a time female changes absolutely nothing!
Eventually coming back inside, I knew this was perfect…
(Ikarus) "Petra… this might be my masterpiece"
(Petra) "Heh, agreed Ikarus. This was a very smart decision"
(Ariza) "Uh, it suits him so much! Do a twirl for us Zeki"
(Penelope) "You've got to come visit the guild sometime and let me do your makeup Zeki! I've got so much stuff you can try on as well!"
(Garry) "First a bikini, now this monstrosity. Why me and the wife ever left the kingdom for this strangeness is beyond me"
(Jaxon) "You were exiled because of your scamming gnome… still don't know why I'm even here"
(Marcus) "Normally, I'd moan about us wasting time but this I'll allow… it does seem to fit him too well"
(Asmodeus) "Heh, should've gone for the cursed option sister. Would've made his life even more miserable"
---Same thing with horned Ikarus and the hoodie, liked two images so two again lol.
I've given him the perfect scenario here, become twice as powerful in exchange for his constant tsundere attitude. He'll have to get over it now or spend every waking minute complaining… which obviously means he'll do the latter. Oh well, we won't be here so it's fine!
Ah, I also forget to mention the outfit can shapeshift a little. It doesn't matter if he's in girl, boy or even phoenix form, that stupid outfit will still fit him! Obviously not showing on bird though, this is why I don't show every thought or idea that flows through this unique bird brain, sometimes genius has to wait to be seen.
(Zeki) "Erk, all of you can buzz off… is this because of the ex being a girl thing orangey!?! Why the hell does this outfit suit me so much? I fucking hate it!"
Even though he's clearly having conflicting emotions over this outfit making me happy inside, it's almost as if he's just said something huge without even realizing it…
"Erm… you know what you just said kid, right? I thought you wanted that kept secret?"
He's just blatantly come out and said it! The thing that's supposed to be his deepest darkest secret.
"Erk, when did I ever say that orangey!? I just didn't want the cow to know yet, at least until I've got some dirt on her. Thankfully, I think her sister may be onto something… hell, I even told brother the day I thought you were going to blackmail me"
"Uh huh… I wish you'd let me see how you looked before though"
"Not happening brother, I'm long past dealing with that sack of shit. Phoenixes are way better than fleshy human bodies"
Well… it turns out, Zeki's entire gender dysuria stuff was less of a big deal than first expected, was it? I'm confused to hell now, thought it at least was playing on his mind a little but if he just happily comes out telling everyone, we're good, I think? Angry Zeki basically equals happy Zeki, right? This outfit thing was completely unrelated anyways.
"Ah, another thing kid. Make sure you don't skip your duties and keep wor-, helping with the translating stuff. You're the only one who knows English, or American round here"
"Erk, forcing me to wear this crap and making me do slave labor… you really are pure evil orangey"
"Thank you kid… I really mean it"
Still smiling a grin as wide as that joking clown guy with the scar, I'm really going to miss these stupid little interactions when we're going into the world beyond the clouds… if it's even technically like that. You'd think if it is, why not just fly there but duh, that would kill me… flying too close to the run and all that…
"Since Aesa can tell this meeting is drawing to a close, something else needs to be mentioned. What is going to happen with the cultists around here? Won't they start burning the place to the ground if queens are gone for too long?"
Immense silence falls all across the room when Aesa brings up a serious topic all of us either wanted to avoid or just simply forgot about, this subject freaking sucks! Let's go back to the unprofessional shit!
Marcus being the intelligent politician protagonist he is, seems to have a slight idea though…
"Honestly Aesa, I think we'll get away with it. For all appearances, having Queen Ikarus's twin sister here will hel-"
"Negative Marcus"
"I'm not asking you to do anything specific. Just on occasio-"
"No Marcus, Aesa isn't going to be put on display so no words will change Aesa's mind"
'Poor Aesa… he'll find some way of bringing you onside, mark my words'
I'm first reminded of how this whole queen situation started, apparently a few jokes were said by a few workers and Marcus in his infinite wisdom thought we could profit of this publicity. In a way, we have but not with our own people slowly becoming stupider by the day. If they want to crown my system as Princess Aesa or something, then let them do as they please…
[<If Ikarus seriously thinks Aesa is going to end up in a tiara worshipped by the cultists when her and wife return, you're deadly wrong>]
'Ah, my young and naïve system. You still don't realize, we're more similar than you realize…'
"… Anyways, is there anything else next? That's an issue all you lovely people will get to solve so that's on you… we're meeting the parents next so we should hurry it along now"
Now having the robotic wife pouting at me for knowing how things will go when we're gone, this meeting should've been coming to close a while ago but Zeki being so perfect to mock always drags things out. Still though, I think we're done?
No one else has anything to say so it's best to get going. First, there is a little something I've been wanting to experience though, with no guilty conscience attached. This is going to be so sweet…
"Num num num…"
"Heh, you're not trying to nibble me up there, right Ikarus?"
"Hell no! I'm just nuzzling into your back… pay it no mind Petra"
"Heh, this might be a little unhealthy Ikarus. You shouldn't love me only for my feathers"
"Oi, says the bird who only keeps her eyes fixated on me… don't think you can hide your Ikarus fetish"
"Heh, yeah yeah Ikarus… just give me the heads up if you're going to start plucking and gulping them down"
"I'm not eating or swallowing your feathers, goddamn it woman! And I would never swallow… or even… forget it. Back to cuddling it is"
Just before meeting the parents, there's something I've really wanted to do for so long and knowing Petra no longer feels pain like this, I can snuggle up to her as much as I want. Despite my annoyance at her always trying to get me flustered and worked up, she will not ruin this fluffy moment!
Gliding around and over the settlement, just a few rotations will be enough since I can't be making the parents wait forever, this is something I've been wanting to get out my system for so long and you best bet I'm going to relish this fluffy bed of feathers. Seriously though, I'm hoping Petra fancies sleeping like this tonight because two birds cuddling up to each other all night long sounds so unbelievably cute!
Even though the scars are gone which in someways made Petra's form even more unique, they've been replaced instead with a much more vibrant coat of black feathers even softer than the last. We all know I like a little fluff time to time, this shit is so damn comfortable though! It's a shame she doesn't get the same feather high I do because Petra is missing out on sooo much.
"Heh, sorry Ikarus but we're going to have to land now. Your parents, and everyone else has already seen me up here"
"Boo! Eh, whatever then… let's get this over with"
Now pouting knowing we have to land, Petra lands us both safety to the ground while I climb out of the nest I've burrowed my way into. Ahead of us is the park we visit on occasion with two, or one very noticeable difference. Said person of note is the gigantic red dragon kids are trying to climb up and upon.
Thankfully, mother is more than happy to allow it, even if the kids can't get any higher than the tops of her paws. The parents are a little more unsure watching on from a difference but everyone knows by now all the dragons we keep here are as safe as anything. As for father, he's sitting on a park bench in human form, obviously being a grumpy bastard. As if he'd ever allow puny humans to climb on him… irony being the fact he's happy for a little wyvern massaging on occasion.
<There you two are! Sorry little humans but you'll have to move now… not under me or end up squashed>
(Random Kid) "Awww…"
"There you are little one, what time do you call this?"
Quickly jumping off to greet the parents and Petra changing form also, I can't help but get a little grumpy about father's grumpiness. It's not even like we knew the parents were coming today until they randomly turned up just before the council meeting was going to happen.
"Think it's midday ol'lizard? Sarcasm aside, how's you two? Did you resolve that little argument from last time?"
Petra tries to hide the trademark facepalm but even I can't help but want to hide. Why the fuck did I ask that!? If your parents were arguing, don't bring it back up later on! It was obviously fixed and now I've made it an issue again!
"As a matter of fact little one… it was somewhat sorted. Fortunately for my sake… and idiocy, I was gravely wrong on your mother's intentions"
Father grumbles that idiocy part under his breath like he knows he shouldn't have questioned mother. You'd think you would know that by now considering how many hundreds of years they've spent together.
<This is what happening Ikarus, this isn't up for discussion like the time with dragon descendant and wanting to remain unseen. If you Petra wish enter heavens reshuffle order of things, then we won't stop you. As a matter fact, we'll help>
"What you mother is trying to say is that we… we're coming along whether you want us to or not"
'Wait… the parents are saying they're coming with us as well? I'm… not sure what to make of this'
The first time they offered to do this was when I first ended up cursed and needed a cure, they definitely weren't suitable for an operation requiring working with that empire at that time, right? This time, we're going up there for pure destruction and things won't be achieved unless Zeus is finished… I can't think of a reason to say no. Seriously, I'm trying to think of a reason but I can't! Privacy and intimacy reasons is not a reasonable excuse Ikarus, think of something…
"Erm… we'd love to have you along, it's just that… erm, there's got to be something… Minos! Yes, Minos! Who's going to take care of him? He's way too young to be left all alone down here in the big scary world"
"Heh, played that terribly Ikarus. Really couldn't hide it any better?"
"Don't you start Petra… seriously, think of Minos you two"
Giving my wife the eyeroll for outing me, I can't help it but know this is the type of situation not suitable for double couples! I now know what my parents get up to in the spare time and I'd rather them not know we do the exact same type of crap! Us two are weird enough and dragons are notoriously known for being the strangest creatures around.
"Already sorted little one, the silent one is more than happy to babysit him, she even offered much to our surprise. Your mother's father will check in on occasion as well as a few other dragons. As for littlest one himself, he's already suitable enough to survive alone already if it was absolutely necessary"
<Your father is right; we wouldn't be leaving Minos if didn't know he was in safe hands. There no discussion to made here Ikarus, this isn't negotiable. We've already sorted things out with the others regarding our disappearances as well so we're set>
'How and why the hell did Mute even offer? Did she use… puppets or something? Still can't get that stupid thought out my head, even know I'm still getting distracted'
Well… travelling with the parents with no say if I want it or not, fuck if this isn't going to be awkward, then I don't know what is! Eh, I guess travelling with Asmodeus isn't that weird… even if it is. Just my parents, Petra's dad we still, dislike and us lovebirds, doubt the party can get any stranger from here on out!
"Eh, guess I'll just have to reluctantly agree then… we better still get the odd private moment though"
If my parents seriously think they can babysit us and that includes stopping us screwing, then they're deadly wrong. We'll sneak out in the middle of the night if we don't get enough privacy… should probably be only focusing on Zeus but sex is just as important! Can't fight on an empty stomach or restless loins apparently.
"Good little one, thank you for being somewhat reasonable… his scent is still around here dear, it lingers like a burning village"
Father completely changing the topic like I have any idea what he's referring to. This isn't early signs of some illness or dementia, right? Mind wondering when it shouldn't be…
"What the hell is he on about? You're not having a stroke or something, right father?"
<Oh, don't mind him Ikarus. Your father thinks that demon lord you were travelling with was his old brother>
Oh shit, that word… brother. That's fucked up right? Right!?!
Before even asking to confirm, I look towards Petra who has her normal usual smile, this should be a big deal wifey! I really, really… really hope this isn't what I'm thinking of. We've had a moment like this with Zeki and Ariza before, not with us! Fucking karma man…
"D-Did you just say b-brother?"
"Well… the term brother is used loosely little one. We weren't hatched together nor came from even remotely similar dragons, more a brotherly bond that dissipated? Regardless, his soul always carries that ugly stench"
<They were blood brothers at some point Ikarus and fought together before they inevitably drifted apart… or was it because he died? With your father, probably a mixture of both>
"No darling, the old idiot Dignorak just got himself killed this time around. That was the main problem, one of the biggest causes of dragon related deaths is chasing tail after all"
<Ahem Dermakvar… careful what you say next>
"I'll… just be quiet dear"
If it isn't obvious yet, I've just let out a big phew because of the serious incest scare we nearly just had. Sure, a lot of places don't view cousins as taboo, pretty sure this world even allows it since nobles like pure bloodlines and all, but still! Thank fuck me and Petra aren't actually related, even though dragon egg hybrid DNA.
That would definitely put a sour taste in the mouth considering our love transcends any bullshit plot twist like that. If I could still like her, even with a third leg, you best know things would've gone awkward to hell… should probably tell father his nose most likely isn't lying though.
"Well father, Asmodeus was once a dragon so you might be onto something there. Dignorak sounds hella weird, even for a dragon name though… at least we know what he used to be called now"
"Heh, think he'll want to know it Ikarus?"
"It's just a name so I doubt it holds any meaning Petra… we'll still tell him regardless"
While me and Petra are discussing what to give to the know it all, father seems oddly happy and proud about something while his partner, the gigantically huge dragon mother stands tall over the little human. This looks like one of those moments he's about to do or say something smack worthy considering he also looks a little smug.
"Ha! Told you dear, sometimes you should just trust in my nose a little more. It's always been the best out of us both"
<Why are you oddly happy about this Dermakvar? Last thing I remembered; hated his guts?>
"True darling, but being right about something outweighs any annoyance"
<Even a clock is right twice day Dermakvar. Being once in hundred years shouldn't be something to get giddy about>
"Right is still right dear… anyways, we're definitely coming along if you're still travelling with that cretin little one. No offense to you dark one. but your father is a real dick"
This can't help but put me in a facepalm this time around. Father has once called Petra's mother a bitch, now her father a dick. Just because it's true doesn't make it any less inappropriate!
"Heh, pretty much spot on. You really see to dislike everyone, don't you Dermak?"
"You really have no idea dark one…"
---And so, volume 5 is now over! Sorry for the inconsistencies in upload rate this volume around, this story is getting pretty hard to complete, I'm slowly getting there though. Just, making 200+ chapters worth of Ikarus really starts to drain the sanity… (It's fine though, she'll just flip the bird at me in response… heh.)
---The interval gap for the last volume will probably be several weeks, was a little stuck and need to catch back up to the Patreon releases. Also need to add a quick thank you for sticking with this story for so long, the last volume is going to end up completed even if it kills me. Let's hope it doesn't come to that lol.
---The AI art chapter is already updated for this vol but I won't bother moving it about till the interval is out. The amount of new characters that will get AI next time out is honestly astonishing (And pretty credit consuming as well lol).