
Chapter 131 – Clinginess

"So Petra... what do you fancy doing today then?"

On one of our rare days off from politics or anything transport related, we've just finished off a quick breakfast and now have the terrifying decision of what to do today. Indecision still effects this orange bird at times it seems.

"If it's okay with you Ikarus, I'd like to spend some alone time with Mute today. Things have been busy and I'm yet to have a proper conversation with her"

Oh yeah, Petra still hasn't spent some alone time with Mute yet. I guess that's technically incorrect since they did fight together against the monastery invasion for a little while but it wasn't like they even learnt anything about each other.

It makes sense since Mute has been sticking around the settlement almost like a town mascot or something now, you'd think the dragon would've gotten bored by all the attention but it seems like she kinda enjoys it? Of course, there's still a few people who keep their distance but the kids especially seem to love having a dragon around.

"Of course that's fine, you're not forgetting she can't actually communicate though Petra?"

"Heh, already asked Marcus for a large amount of paper and going to plan to take it outside to see if she can write..."

The thing is, I'm pretty sure Mute is unable to switch into a human form so that's what Petra means by taking the papers outside. It's a damn shame both of them have experienced such pain in their lives but it's got to be good for them both to spend some alone time together, right? Just for the common ground more than anything else.

"...We'll probably be split most of the day though Ikarus, will you be okay with us being apart?"

Wait, is Petra teasing because she seems deadly serious? It's not like I'm going to die being apart for a day.

"Hey! Just because I'm clingy doesn't make me a child or an addict, it's not like I have a Petra addiction or something. I can stop anytime I like"

Weird way of explaining my point but my weirdness always seems to be a charm for some reason.

"Heh, it's always things like that I like best about you Ikarus... Being serious though, we can always meet up for lunch or dinner if all day is too long?"

Oh come on! She's going to make me pout in a minute, it's not like there's going to be another fleet of pirates to nuke, is there? Well great, incoming red flag...

"No Petra, spend the day with your sister, I'll find something to do... even though I'm not sure exactly what"

As much as I love being clingy, there does have to be days we're not together unfortunately since something like this could be good for Petra... hang on, was that Petra being slightly clingy there?

"Heh, you still haven't sorted your storage out yet, have you? There's a start"

"Ah right, I keep purposely forgetting to do that"

I still haven't deposited our haul from the monastery yet, keep meaning to but been busy and it could take a little while meaning it's a boring mundane task. Mostly because I emptied my inventory out beforehand in preparation but that turned out to be pointless so now I've got to put loads more stuff back inside too. Might as well get on with it then, fucking inventory management...

"Heh, you're already leaving Ikarus? Not forgetting something important or anything like that?"

Just as I'm leaving, it looks like I've nearly made Petra pout... ah shit, how could I forget such an important thing? We've obviously got to have a goodbye kiss!

"Of course I didn't! It's just you always seem to start it but let's do this quickly then..."


After dumping all that loot from the monastery including the sword Excalibur, and then doing a painfully boring sort through what I'm taking with me, I'm now on the search for something to do today and that search starts at the inn where Zeki and Ariza stay at.

The treasury still is a little lacklustre since we're basically just using it as a warehouse right now but give it a little while, it should have a working vault underground equipped with a locking system. Once again, another thing Marcus is doing behind the scenes but he did at least take this from suggestion since I have asked about building a vault before. There's going to be so much coin down there, still nothing compared to my parents pit but it's a brilliant start.

That sword will get a try out soon but since it's an off day, I'd rather just relax then start to train and doing it alone wouldn't work well either. Maybe tomorrow me and Petra will do that but let's focus on the here and now.

Having just entered the inn, by this point I'm surprised they haven't bought the damn place since decorations keep changing around the place making it look more and more modern every day. Hey, those two do like that sort of style and it definitely gives this place a different look to most. It does make me think how they get their money since modern looking décor is basically expensive noble stuff in this world but they must have their ways.

"...Damn it Zeki! You're banned from ever visiting my sister ever again now knowing what goes on inside your brain! Just how greedy are you!?"

"Hey! It's not my fault she's absurdly huge! All I was doing was appreciating them, why would I want hers when yours are better anyways?"

In this mostly empty dining place, it looks like the dryad has just found out about Zeki's gigantic melon fetish and is giving him a right earful about it.

"Wait... mine are better?"

"Well obviously cow! Hers may be bigger but they even sag and droop in some places. Yours are much rounder and plump, why the hell would I want hers when yours are like the perfect size to grab and play with?"

"Zeki... do you actually mean that girly boy or are you just trying to calm me down?"

"One thing I never lie about is jugs Ria. I may be a lot of things but when it comes down to something as important as that, I never lie"

Urgh, screw this, I'm not even going over there to talk with them. I haven't called them Mr and Mrs disgusting for a while and that's perfect for this moment. It's maddening how that conversation those two are having is clearly going to lead to sex now especially considering the dryad has even sat down on his lap. Toxic couple, bleurgh...

'Just because I also like 'jugs' doesn't mean I'll ever be anything like Zeki...'


Making my way around the settlement to the newish district, I go to visit Ariza at the hospital and make my way through the place finding her in one of the back research sections. This is the first time I've visited her while she's been working and it looks more like a modern lab than you can imagine! Of course, don't be expecting stuff like microscopes and sciencey stuff around the place but it does actually have a white clinic look and feel to it.

"Ariza, you doing anything today or are you busy?"

"What? Ah sorry Ikarus, didn't hear you enter"

Ariza's currently busy reading through loads of files. Normally, I wouldn't try to distract someone but I could be some help to her, maybe?

"If you need any help or anything like that Ariza, I can give you a hand if you need it. Even if you only want a drink made or something"

"Sorry Ikarus but I really don't think this is the sort of thing you'd be interested in. I'm currently trying to study how the medicine in this world actually works since my magic isn't unlimited and it's a colossal pain in the backside, just have a look at this for example..."

Ariza shows me a paper listed full of cures, illnesses, diseases, magical afflictions. Basically, nearly everything on this list I've never heard of before and everything seems to have a different named compared to what you might expect on Earth... how the hell do you even sprain a tumour anyways?

"...It's absurd, right!? Even if you exclude of the magical curses and things like that, they still even use leeches as a cure for colds! The amount on things on this I need to correct, then make sure Marcus publishes this to the world since people are harming themselves with these stupid treatments"

Hearing Ariza this talkative and stressed over something really is a strange feeling but I doubt I'll be much help then.

"Well... the offer still stands if you want a hand but I'll go do something else then... is Penelope still around?"

"Thanks for the offer though Ikarus... I think Miss Penelope is still off the island helping move her guild in so you won't find her for now"

It looks like I'm destined for loneliness today, there's got to be something I can do? I could just chat with Aesa if I get desperate... huh, could try using that ability again...

'Aesa, you fancy being part human for a while?'

[<Negative. -Ikarus- must learn to deal with the concept of loneliness and not rope Aesa into being last resort>]

'Bloody great... what do I do now then?'


At this point, I'm basically roaming around the town like a lost soul. Listen okay, I know here are things to do but everything just feels a little pointless if Petra isn't here. The hot springs? No since I'd rather talk to her though it, eating a meal? No once again since eating alone is lonely. Training? No because everything is better done with Petra!

Okay... it turns out I might actually be addicted to Petra's company a little but I must fight off this addiction! What can I do that won't put me off being alone though? This is really starting to piss me off now though.

As I'm still wandering around town trying to ponder what part of brain isn't working correctly, someone with an odd aura catches the corner of my eye. A black-haired woman with two ponytails, red and blackened clothing with piercing red eyes as well. My instincts are telling me she's looking for something.

'Hey Aesa, that woman over there seems a bit out of place, right?'

[<-Ikarus- intuition normally is correct so Aesa will bring up target's status>]

[Name: Melinda | Species: Vampire | Level: 216]

[Health 15,000/15,000]

[Stamina 9,934/13,200]

[Magicka 15,000/15,000]

'She's a vampire? I mean, it probably was obvious by how she looks but at least my boredom will be cured now'

It's about time for Ikarus the vampire slayer to become a legend! Can't exactly be having such an evil creature praying on our citizens, can we?

[<Does Aesa need to remind -Ikarus- not all vampires are considered evil? Target -Melinda- in particular doesn't appear have a bloodthirsty aura so attacking on first sight would be ill advised>]

To think, I'm actually getting lectured by Aesa of all people not to attack first! Guess it could be risky but I've seen firsthand how powerful vampires can be... even if it was a succubus that harmed Petra a while back.

'Hey, I'm just going off past experience on what happened when a group of vampires were last seen on these islands... you are probably right though. I'm going to go talk with her but make sure aspect of gigantomachy is ready the second a fight might break out'

[<Affirmative >]

You'd also think that sunlight would cause the dark-haired woman to burst into flames but I'm pretty sure light only weakens them in this world. Their weaknesses are pretty underwhelming from what Petra explained when I asked a little about vampire genetics but if things turn sour, then at least I know I have an advantage.

Still wandering around, that vampire really might be lost but enough staring at her now. It's time to determine whether she's friend or foe.

"Hey! Do you want some help? You appear to look slightly lost"

She immediately turns around to where I stand with a surprised face, it's almost as if she had no idea I was standing here. You'd think a vampire would notice their surroundings a little more since it wasn't like a crept up to her or anything like that.

"Me? Oh, you don't have to worry, I'll find my way around here eventually"

Why am I getting the vibe that she might be a little klutzy? Regardless, I should probably try and hint at something.

"You're not planning any trouble for us over here, right? We're accepting of all people including rare and mythical creatures but not if they cause any trouble"

"Ah, so you're one of the two leaders of this place then?"

She's not taking the hint, is she? Fine, looks like I'm going to have to be overly blunt about this then.

"Don't disregard what I just said vampire, we've killed your kind over here before so play it nice otherwise you will end up becoming ash"

"Of course, you'll have no trouble from me. Been clean for a while now so there's nothing to worry about there"

You'd think she might have a different reaction from basically just being threatened but once again, she just still smiles like this is nothing. At least that means this vampire should be alright for now but that still doesn't mean I can trust it just yet; some do apparently have mind controlling abilities even if I'd be immune to their effects.

"Anyways... what brings you over here? You've definitely paid a decent sum to get a ship over here so what's the reason?"

This vampire seems pretty open so maybe it might be willing to share its intentions but let's just continue this extremely cautiously. I'm thinking she might be alright but Petra has experienced all kinds of evil vampires before so I can never take any for granted.

"In all honestly, I'm searching for an old fling. Been putting off the reunion for way too long so it's slightly nerve racking now"

She's looking for an old lover? Eh, I've got nothing else to do so maybe I'll give this vampire a hand, it also will allow me to keep an eye on what she gets up to a bit more obviously. I really should bring her to Petra to see if she's safe to have here or not but I'd rather not interrupt her bonding time with Mute and I feel like I can handle this myself this time around. Besides, they're probably talking about really depressing stuff like it's nothing really knowing their pasts.

"Who are you looking for? If you tell me his description, then I might be able to point him out"

"She, the person I'm looking for is a she. I'd rather get something to eat before I go to find her though... it's been quite the while and I doubt she'll even recognize me"

Oh, a lesbian vampire? Why does that surprise me so much? I'm a lesbian phoenix so we're both mythical homos apparently... I feel like I'm offending someone by calling myself that...

"If you're feeling nervous about it, I'll come with you and you can describe what the person looks like. Maybe I might be of some help"

Wait... go with her to get something to east isn't cheating on Petra, right? Of course it bloody isn't, I'm just spying on the vampire and using this as an excuse. I could see Petra getting jealous but this really isn't anything weird.

"Erm... ah, fine then! Maybe that might help a little?"

I guess she does seem slightly anxious, never thought I'd come across a vampire like this but let's see how this goes then.

"There's a nice café right around the corner..."

This is the second time I've been to this place today, the first being with Petra for breakfast. Hopefully, the servers don't see this as something sinister like I'm cheating or something...


"You okay Miss Ikarus? I haven't been talking too much while eating, right?"

"No no, I'm just thinking about something"

Okay... I'm seriously worried right now. While she's been eating a sandwich or two to calm that anxiety, she's been giving me a few details on who's she's looking out for and now I'm anxious. You see, the description perfectly matches someone I know very well. Dark long flowing hair, extremely beautiful, grey eyes and always seems to carry a graceful aura around with her... there's obviously only one person who that could be...

But Petra's ex-lover is supposed to be dead though Ikarus, right? Well think about it, the word undead works perfectly for describing a vampire so Petra saying her ex is dead would be technically correct, wouldn't it? It's obviously not a guarantee it's her but I know enough about how this this world handles coincidences so it's pretty likely this woman is referring to Petra.

"If I'm boring you or anything, don't be afraid to say"

On one hand, I know deep down I need to bring her to Petra just simply because it's the right thing to do but on the other... I kinda want to make her disappear. It looks like Petra's not the only person to get extreme jealously but I'm doing this more out of fear...

Just what happens if Petra decides she prefers her over me? This is the first time I've actually felt insecure about our relationship and it's physically hurting right now... I've got to stop thinking about the worst-case scenario though.

I already know I'm going to bring her to Petra so all I'm doing is delaying the inevitable. Most secrets eventually come out so if I were to go about discarding this vampire and not telling Petra about it, she could accidently find out some day and then hate me because of it... sighhh, it's so freaking obvious that's the evil choice and yet I'd actually considering doing such a thing? Let's just fight those instincts Ikarus.

"No... it's just I'm thinking on someone who matches your description. After you're done eating, I'll take you to her..."


'Urk, I'm curious what may happen but at the same time, dreading this'

Taking the vampire to where Petra is, the walk may be short but it feels like time is flowing unnaturally right now. To think I feel this insecure about our relationship all of a sudden, I really need to man up, deal with this and put my trust in Petra but what if she prefers the vampire? It matters little now though, time's up...

Literally right in the middle of the town square is Petra on a bench with the dragon Mute laying alongside her with several large scrolls, you'd think this sight would gather a crowd but this town is turning weirder and weirder everyday at this point. I'd normally find this situation pretty heartwarming if I didn't feel like shit right now.

"She really is here then..."

The vampire makes a slight comment under her breath as well as Petra noticing who I'm standing alongside at the same time.

"Ikarus and... you?"
