
Chapter 910: Went To Imperial Library!

Tang Li Xue sighed in relief before she muttered: "it really is good news for me that there are not many people in this Imperial Library."

"You all can just wait for me outside the Imperial Library." Tang Li Xue ordered the maids and guards.

"But Miss..." Some maids and guards reluctantly retorded.

Tang Li Xue did not give them any chance to argue as she hastily got away from them and stepped into the Imperial Library alone.

"Can I help you, Miss?" The old library clerk asked Tang Li Xue politely.

Tang Li Xue shook her head to reject his offer and replied: "Thank you, but no need. I just get bored, so I want to find something to read."

After that, Tang Li Xue began to walk around the library to find the book she wanted in a relaxed manner.

The Imperial Library have three floors, so it took a while for Tang Li Xue to find the books she wanted.