
Manifestation [2]


Crimson-eyes kid closed his hand which held the man's foot in place into a fist. The man's foot was squashed between his small fist.

The bone of the man's foot fractured from the middle to the center of his foot. Blood splattered around, on the ground, and on the hand of the crimson-eyes kid.

The crushing force tore the man's foot skin, causing deep lacerations as it exposed the underlying tissues and bones.


Nerves running through the man's foot were severed, leading to intense pain. But...


The man's scream of pain was interrupted by the crimson-eyes kid who let his foot go as his hand reached the man's face before the man's bleeding and crushed foot could touch the ground.

The crimson-eyes kid's small hand blocked the man's mouth as he pushed forward and the force caused the man to be lifted in the air as his other foot was dislodged from the ground.