
Reincarnated as a Deviant(Multiverse Travel)

Mc is a villain, but he will not r*** but instead takes pleasure in killing, that's it. He didn't care who he kills, Children, Women, Men, Animals, Gods, Devils, or any type of creatures. He will kill and evolve to become the most sinful being who takes pleasure in killing and becoming the new Demon. Also, no romance. Even r-18 is non-existent in this fanfic. Verses Mc traverse to currently: 1. Naruto 2. Demon Slayer/Tokyo Ghoul/Overlord Mashup 3. Dragon Ball 4. Record of Ragnarok 5. FFF Class Trash Hero

Happy_Villain · 漫画同人
35 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

Deviant, deviants are alien creatures with usually grey, green or red slimy skin, multiple lashing tentacles, and multiple eyes. Deviants possess the uncanny ability to take the approximate form of any creature they kill, allowing certain Deviants to possess wings, horns, and fangs. Such Deviants have appeared in avian, canine, praying mantis, reptilian, and bovine-like forms.

That's what I've become in this bizarre situation I am in. Now, let's go back to the beginning of why I became a deviant from marvel.





I walked through an alley where CCTV, lights or any type of things that tracks my movement does not exist.

'No prey today, what a shit luck to have. Oh well, might as well go inside one of these houses to fill my thirst' I said as I walked and knocked at the door where I heard muffled sounds coming closer at the door.

"What is it?" A woman opened the door with a towel on her. As another person followed in tow with a boxer only.

"Hi! Sorry for knocking late at night. My name's Amon, I have a question for you two? Do you want to die?" With a splitting face grin, I pulled my two pistols in my jacket and shot towards the shocked woman. As the man immediately ducked to avoid being shot.


The woman goes down with a hole in her head, as blood flows through the hole. Of course, I have my pistol with a silencer in it so that it has a lesser sound when shot.

"Oh damn, another one bites the dust. Well, where is that guy hiding? Come out, come out wherever you are! Chucky's coming for you!" I chuckled at my own antic of hunting my prey.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Who's that guy? Why did he kill her? Mom, I don't wanna die!" The man muttered while peeing his boxer. Frantically looking around for some type of weapons, he sees a bottle of an empty whiskey lying next to him and grabs it. But, a foot was seen in his exposed hand. Looking to where the source is, scared him to death. A man was seen with bloodshot eyes, veins exposed in his head and blood flowing in his eyes.

"Here you are! Well, well, well. The scaredy rat was exposed. What should I do with you? I have too many toys in my arsenal, you know? Why don't we spin the bottle and we will use that toy when the bottle stops. What do you think?" I said with a wide smile, scaring the man. Pulling him with me, we walked towards the basement and laid down my toys ranging from nails to chainsaws. Even the BDSM tools are there too.

I then aimed one of my pistols towards his head and ordered him to spin the bottle. Which he complies in fear.

As the bottle of whiskey was spinning. A rumbling thunder sounded outside spooking the guy who's asking for mercy.

"What! What do you want from me, Monster!? I didn't do anything to you! Why did you do this to me?" The man stuttered with every word in his mouth.

"Hmm... What do you think? Guess the answer yourself. I'll reward you with a lesser punishment" I grinned. Thinking of how fun this game of hunt is.

"Is it money? Yes, yes that's it! That's the reason you targeted me right! I'll give you any amount of money, just let me live please. I have 10 children and a wife waiting for me at home!" The man begged while the bottle finally finished spinning and guess where it landed? Yes, it's a fucking chainsaw... Well don't worry if you guess wrong, I'll reward you with this BDSM set I have.

"Ding ding, wrong guess. Your punishment would be all the toys will be used for you. Isn't it exciting!?" I laughed hysterically and picked a nail and a hammer. While tying the guy to the wooden plank.

I then hammered his hand at the plank with the nails, making him shout in agony and fear while begging. Ahh, what a music to my ears.

This continues for hours with all the tools being used. This time, the man begged to die while cursing me, which intensified my use of toys many folds, making him broken and died just like that. Diminishing my excitement.

"Well, that was fun while it lasted. I should go now and clean up this mess before the police arrive... not, Hah! Who cares about the police" I said and walked outside the house, but when I go outside a fucking brick hit my head, killing me like a fragile glass who walks.





Back to the present, I was standing before an ethereal being who seems to be God.

"Are you God?Can I taste your blood?" I asked curiously while looking at this light bulb guy.

"Yes and No, I am a God in a sense but also a Devil. About the blood, my blood is too potent for your mortal body to taste, you might burst and guts fly out and we don't want that to happen in my place." GodVil said. Since he is a God and a Devil, why don't I just call him GodVil. It suits him.

"Ahh, what a bummer. I just want to taste your blood. So, what do you want from me to be in your presence, GodVil?" I asked.

"GodVil? That's new. Well, the reason you are in my presence is to reward you for killing those two humans. I know it's confusing but those two are a wake-up call for the humans to unite and to be on alert that some places are not safe to walk at any time. This is also the reason that in the upcoming thousand years, humans will be the most advanced and powerful race in the universe. So now, you give me a nice vacation and less workload. '' GodVil said with a smile.

"Oh cool, what reward are you going to give me god?" I said straight to the GodVil smile even more at my straightforwardness.

" I'll give you three rewards. A system that's the only use is a status. Deviant race from marvel that will evolve as you kill more people. and Multiversal Travel. That's the reward you will get and don't worry about punishment as I will not give you any type of punishment. You can be a hero or a villain, it depends on you."

"Nice! So I can kill anyone and won't be punished right? For that, I won't kill you when I get stronger. I know it's exaggerating that a puny weak human who got killed by a brick can kill a human but who knows, I might acquired great powers than you and you can't do anything about that" I said with a silly grin while thinking of who to kill... Joke, I will kill everyone I see.

" Rhahaha, what an interesting fellow, sure. I won't regret it, heck I might even thank you for killing me and replace me. You will know in the future, now go and start your rampage, kid" With a wave of his hand, I was gone like a poof and my soul shot through one of a ball like universe that has many lights in it.

Naruto Verse, a black reptile with multiple tentacles that replicate as a tails. The creature opens its eyes and sees a lush green forest in front.

"Where am I? What is this place? Uhh, this... this is NarutoVerse? The cartoon I saw on Tv when I was young? This place has a thing called chakra right? If I remember correctly, it's the guy who chases after an emo kid to bring him back to konoha and then there's the bandage guy who works in darkness and kills to achieve his dream of becoming a leader of a Village called Konoha. That guy is awesome and me, killing him must give me a nice reward" I said and looked to see a rabbit getting closer to me. I use one of my tentacles and use it to pierce it's body and sucking it's life force.

Soon, the rabbit becomes skinny to the point that the rib cage can be seen and furs falling to the ground. A soothing sensation immediately attacked my body as I got rabbit ears but colored black.

"Ahh, this must be the power of a deviant from the info I got from my head. A deviant can absorb the powers or any types of energies and utilizes it like a second nature. This energy I got must be the chakra from that bunny I killed. Also, it seems I can control how I look. Must be one of the gifts GodVil gave me" I said and try to transform into a form I see from google when I search about a cool monster form. Soon, I became a massive 20 meters tall with a black and violet theme and three eyes with one in my forehead. My tentacles as tails around 16 swaying around.(Appearance is the cover of the book)

"Now, what should I do? I should check my status first" Soon, a status screen appeared in front of me.

[Name: Amon

Species: Deviant

Bloodline: None

(Strength)Str: 2

(Agility)Agi: 3

(Chakra)Cha: 2

Powers/Skills/Techniques: Escape(Rabbit skill), Burrow(Rabbit skill), Absorption(Deviant Power), Transformation(GodVil's gift)]

"Hmm, that's quite a simple but effective status. Now, to gather information about this world and what timeline I arrived" I muttered as I walked aimlessly and killed any animals I saw.