
Don't Bother Me Lowlife!

Chapter 12

Don't bother me Lowlife!


After I lose consciousness, I immediately found myself on a complete black darkness without anything to see.

I contemplated at myself thinking 'What did I do again?'

'Ah yeah right I lose consciousness after I unleashed the Black Hole Eclipse'

"Hmm... I can't see outside"

"How can I get outside of this pitch darkness?"

"How about unleashing a powerful aura??"

"Hm" I nod to myself feeling that I'm right.

"That should do it"

I immediately use my energy as I gather all my affinity and unleashed it.

Apparently before going to this pokeball, I learned that Pokemon has a control of it's affinity.

But it's hard to control your affinity, that's why only the elites and the champion had a mastery over their Pokemons.

If you are a rock then you can control the rock but only high level Pokemon can do that, on the level of sub- legendary if I may say.

But that doesn't count the odd pokemons.

There is always an oddball in a group.

Anyway since I do already had the knowledge and know how to use my affinities, I can already control them like celebi.

"Piiii!!!" (Aaaahh!!)


I materialized and saw four black figures.

This four are looking at each other in shock and horror.

'Wait this attire look familiar' I thought as I saw the attire of one of them with a red R on it.

'Damn team rockets! How did they get me!?'

As if realization hit me I immediately send wind slashes dismembering and beheading all of them.

'Right I faint!!'

'Did they attack Amelia and her mother, Aya!??'

'Oh no'

'Please tell me they are alive or else I might end the team rocket even though Ash needed it in the canon'

I hear the place rocking and conclude that, I must have been kidnapped and now on a truck.

[Sunny Day]



[Ominous wind]

I unleashed four moves as the whole place burned down by the intense heat the place had.

I heard pained screams and looked down only to see screaming team rockets and 10 trucks burning.



It looks like the trucks can't hold it anymore and started to explode one by one.

I use the move Detect and sigh in relief knowing that only team rockets is the one I managed to burn when I recklessly increase the place temperature.

The place must be more similar to that of a place with high radiation right now.

Well I don't know where to head to....


Hey god!?

I guess even god can be busy or he is just ignoring me or something.

Anyway aren't I too dependent on God now?!

Oh shit I hadn't notice it.

That day the pidgeyxditto Pokemon flew out in the horizon trying to find his way home.


I don't know how many hours, I was flying till now but I know it's around 3-4 hours since it's already dusk, the sun is setting now.


I dove down towards the mountain remembering that I can ask Pokemon.

Damn I forget I can ask others.

Soon I spotted a group of butterfree.

I approached them but.....


Bunch of skills flew toward me.

I look at a spiral violet ray in alarmed as I dodged it when another one flew over and I dodge it again when.


"Pi?!" (Ugah?!)

I flew away and thought about what hit me.

"Air slash?!"

I immediately maneuvered away by gliding as to stop from colliding with a tree when another hypnosis flew toward me.

"Damn annoying hypnosis"

Those spiral viole ray are deadly specially if it put me into sleep.

I examined the group and found that there are only 6 of them but the most farthest butterfree is releasing poison powder!

It's moving it's wings to entrap me with it.

Damn annoying butterfly's.

[Heat Wave]

I used heat wave and all the butterfree flew away knocked out.

(What did I do to all of you anyway) I said while sighing but bird chirping can be heard.

{He didn't know that some butterfree's hate pidgey's since they are their kin when it's still a caterpie}

I flew out again and searches when I found pond and a group of squirtle.

I flew down gently and all look at me curiously.

"Hey do you all know where the heck am I?"

"How can I know? We don't even know what place is this" One squirtle said wondering if this is a forest or a mountain.

A wartortle emerged at the pond and look at me questioningly.

"Are you a Pokemon with a trainer?"


"Oh!" A look of realization came to the wartortle.

"You are in a mountain called Mt.Far Away"

'That's..... That's so far! And I feel like the mountain was mocking me'

"It's near Celadon City" The wartortle said pointing at a distance.

"This mountain is popular by the bug catchers since there's a tribe of scythers here"

"And blah blah blah blah bla-"

The wartortle continued to boast at the mountain greatness as I flew away having enough of it.

Night came and I arrive at the city of Celadon.

It's already night time so I decided to sleep at a nearby tree where an abandoned nest of a pidgey is.


Next Day.

I woke up hearing various kind of noises as the place I slept is surprisingly at a tree in a university.

I even spotted three pink haired girls walking elegantly.

'Wow~ they look like nurse joy's' I thought being reminded of the only pink haired in town.



I heard my stomach rumbled as I smile and scratch the back of my head with my wings sheepishly.

'I need to get some food'

I searched the surrounding and eventually found a person eating in the 3rd floor at the building far away.

'That person might give me some...right?'

I immediately flew toward him and landed gently near him giving him a puppy eyes.

He look at me and turned around.

I decided to follow his line of sight and gave him a puppy eyes again.


I followed him again when he suddenly moved away.

"Don't bother me lowlife!"

Hearing that I froze in my spot staring at his back which is getting far away.

I just stared there absentmindedly.