
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Chapter 19

~~~Chapter 19:another rape scene

after eating some snacks, kenzuo stood up and walked towards the bathroom.he needed to take a bath before going to school,after taking a bath.kenzuo took his white t shirt,short and then wear it.

"i look like a model."

kenzuo said with a smile as he observe himself on the mirror,his hair was white as snow.while his eyes were like a sky,this two combo can make everyone envious,but not everyone though.

"enough for this,i need to go to school now."

kenzuo said as he slapped his cheeks and took his bag,and then walked out of the house.

kenzuo walked towards his school,the school was not that far away,he only needed to passed the five houses before arriving on the school.

"hello guard-san."

kenzuo greeted before he entered inside of the school,the guard looked at kenzuo back and then shouted.

"good morning,kouhei-san!"

kenzuo wave his little hands indicating that he heard him,the guard smile.this little guy was really polite, kenzuo on the other hand, walked towards his classroom.

when kenzuo entered the classroom,he can see not far away was a new kid.she have short brown hair and brown eyes,her style was like a boy.

the kid with brown hair note him too,she looked at him with a curious face,she wondered why there is a cute boy on this classrom.

kenzuo didn't pay attention to the girl as he walked towards his seat,the brown haired girl didn't look at kenzuo and turned her body.

"hey,irina-chan do you know that white headed boy?"

the brown haired girl asked curiously,irina smiled and said.

"yeah,he is our new classmate,issa-san."

"ohhh,by the way, irina-chan do you want to play hide and seek after school?"

issa asked as she looked at irina,she was hoping her to say 'yes'.irina looked at issa hopefully gaze,and then she nodded.

"that's decided then...."


kenzuo who just saw issa just now,was frowning,since he heard the system to said something crazy information.

~~~a moment ago,while kenzuo was looking at the brown haired girl.

'who is she?... nevermind.'


[host just meet a female heroine!meet the female heroine:meet issa hyoudou!


reward:50 points


kenzuo was surprised when he heard the system notification,but he was not surprised on the rewards, instead he was surprised when the system introduce the brown haired girl as an hyoudou.

'issa hyoudou?is she issei female version?sigh*i don't need to think about it.let's just wait until the plot start.'

kenzuo thought while looking on the the tree, through the window.bam*the teacher entered the classroom,and started to teach, kenzuo who was looking on the tree before.was now listening to his teacher,he was a good student after all.

~~~after class ended.

it was already dawn,kenzuo walked around the school.while he is walking,he met a teacher with eye glasses,this teacher was somewhat familiar to him.but he couldn't remember him at all,so why is he giving him a sense of familiarity?but this familiarity was...

'i think i need to observe his movements,i have a bad feeling about this.i can feel that he is going to do something bad.'

kenzuo thought as he stealthily move around,his movements was like a ninja, swiftly.

the teacher arrived on another classroom, kenzuo looked at the sign,and he can see "class 1-c"the teacher smiled creepily, kenzuo who was hiding.frowned,he was right, there's something wrong about this teacher.


the teacher open the wooden door,the creepy smile on his face before was nowhere to be seen,his face became normal.

"is anyone here?"

the teacher shouted as he entered the room, kenzuo who saw this, immediately followed him behind.kenzuo can see a small gap on the door,so he decided to peek at him, inside of the room.

there's a little girl with short black hair,brown eyes,her hair was at the level of her chin.her uniform was similar to girl school uniform, except for a red ribbon on her neck.

'i know this girl...she was about to get raped.'

kenzuo thought calmly while looking at them,he wonnder if the system will trigger this time,since he will save someone.


[hosy just triggered a saving mission:save the female heroine.

reward:60 stats points]

the system rang out on his mind, kenzuo smiled.he was right,that system will trigger when he was about to save someone,and he realized something.his stats points!

'hey system,how many points do i have?'

kenzuo asked the system,he thought about his points,he couldn't help but smile.since his points should exceed a hundred.

[ding! host still have:850 points remaining.]

when kenzuo heard this,he froze,he was shocked about how many points he had all this time.he recovered from his shocked and, thought as he distributed the points on his attributes equally.

'system i love you!now...can you distribute my points equally on each attributes.'

kenzuo thought that if the system was here,he might kiss it.the system make an imaginable smile and answered.

[host, doesn't need to be worry about that.in just a minute,it will be distributed on each attributes,leave it to this amazing system!]

kenzuo nodded,then he took his phone and started to record the people inside of the room.

"oh,so it's hasegawa-kun."

the guy with a glasses said,while looking at the girl.hasegawa felt a little scared,the teacher didn't stop on that as he take a step forward.

"a young girl like you shouldn't be loitering around here."

the teacher with eye glasses said as he came to hasegawa step by step,and when he's already close to hasegawa.he smiled,but his smiled wasn't good smile, instead.it was a lustful smile.

"it's getting late you know, it's dangerous you know."

the teacher with eye glasses said with a lustful smile, hasegawa looked at him with a scared face.

"i-i'm sorry i'll go home now."

hasegawa said hurriedly as she turned around and run towards the door,but the letter on her hands dropped making her to stop on her tracks.

the man looked at the letter as he picked it up,and the letter already gave him an idea.

"what is this?a love letter?ah,now i get it.no wonder you were waiting here for so long."

the man said before he looked at hasegawa, hasegawa was startled when she heard this.

"i-it's not what you think, that's just a-"

hasegawa wanted to explain,but before she can even finished,the teacher interupted.

"he's not coming,i already sent him home."

teacher with eye glasses said,before he dropped the letter on the ground,hasegawa looked at him and asked.

"why did you do that?"

"why?i indeed wonder?why did i do that?"

the man said as he stared at hasegawa, hasegawa felt scared to her teacher.

"i'm going home-"

hasegawa said as she hurriedly turned around and was about to run,when the man suddenly caught her arm.

"not so fast young lady."

the man said as he raised her on the air.kenzuo who was watching, couldn't take it anymore and took a metal bat.

(a/n:i didn't know where he took the bath too!)

kenzuo put his phone his pocket and the rush towards them with a metal bat,the teacher with eye glasses was startled by kenzuo.the man loosen his grips making hasegawa to fall on the ground with her butt.