
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Chapter 17

~~~Chapter 17:Cleria Belial

Kenzuo walked towards his school,in just a few minutes, Kenzuo already arrived on school.

pThe school was not that big,so Kenzuo can easily find the principal office,looking at the the door.

Knock! Knock!

Kenzuo knocked on the door twice,the principal who was behind the door,heard it.She fixed her red glasses and said with a gentle voice.

"Come in!"

Hearing the consent, Kenzuo who was standing outside, opened the door without hesitation and enter inside of the office.

Kenzuo looked at the graceful and beautiful figure sitting on the chair,it was the beautiful and kind principal.

"Oh,so It's just Kenzuo-kun."

Akemi said as she looked at cute Kenzuo with a bag, Kenzuo smiled and then asked.

"Principal Akemi,in which class i am?"

Akemi stared at his face and then answered with a smile.

"Class 1-B,,by the way,did you forgot your ponytail?"

When Kenzuo heard Akemi mentioned about the pony tail,he could only just blinked his eyes and then touch his loose long hair,he scratch his head with a cute wry smile as he spoke.

"Hehehe, you're right principal,i really did forgot about it."

When Akemi heard this,she sighed and then took something on the table,after that.She threw something on Kenzuo, Kenzuo caught it with his hands, Kenzuo smiled and then bid a farewell.

Kenzuo walked towards the classroom he had been assigned,not far away,he can see a middle aged woman standing on the classroom door.

She was about to opened the classroom door,when Kenzuo suddenly shout, startling her.


She frowned and looked towards the shout,not far away,she can see a little cute child with white hair and blue eyes.Her face loosen,she glanced at Kenzuo and then asked.

"What's the matter?"

"Teacher,can we go in together?"

Kenzuo asked,the middle aged woman looked at Kenzuo with a surprise.

"You're the new student?"

Hearing this, Kenzuo didn't answer and just gave a small nod,the teacher didn't said anything and opened the door.

"Ok, students,get back to your own proper seat!"

The teacher shouted as she entered the room,the student in the room got on their respective seat.

"Who's that boy?"

"I don't know."

The little student started to talked at each other,while looking at Kenzuo,who was walking behind the middle aged woman.

"Quite down!"

The middle aged woman said as looked at her students,the students shut their mouth,and didn't even dare to make a sound.The middle aged woman look around with a satisfaction,and then she opened her mouth.

"Ok class,we have a new student here.Please introduce yourself."

Kenzuo looked at his future classmate for a minute, before he spoke.

"Hello,my name is Senzu Kenzuo,i like cute things.That's all, please take care of me!"

At the end of the sentence, Kenzuo bow,the blonde girl on the left corner looked at him with a surprise expression.

"That's the strange boy!"

Irina thought on her mind, Kenzuo on the side, didn't notice Irina.

"Senzu-san,you can sit on the right,in the last corner."

The middle aged woman said, Kenzuo nodded and walked towards his seat.

The time had passed quickly,and the class had already ended,after the class.Kenzuo didn't go home immediately, instead he goes in the arcade,to play some games.

But he forgot about the time,and play until he was satisfied,so when he leave the arcade it was already dark.

While Kenzuo was walking toward his home,he suddenly heard a faint exhausted scream.


"Isn't that a scream?i think it was coming from that abandoned warehouse."

Kenzuo said as he run toward the warehouse,and when he arrived on the warehouse, Kenzuo immediately find a spot to peek.

Kenzuo looked at the warehouse with a frown,not far away,he can see a group of priest,cornering a girl.The girl have a beautiful face and she had a deep wound on her stomach,the face of the woman was pale,she look like 9 years old.Her hair was long grey and it matches her eyes,on her back, there's a two pair of bat wings.

"Why are they ganging up on a kid?"

Kenzuo asked himself as he pinched his chin,he wonder,if this little girl had actually a monstrous strength.

While Kenzuo was thinking about something,a cold voice rang on his mind.

[Ding!Saving mission triggered:Save cleria from getting killed by a group of priest!

Rewards:250 points,dead crush(Killing technique)]

"Hooo~uuuuu lalalal~"

Kenzuo whistle and said with great tone,the group of priest was alarm by Kenzuo voice,they frowned while looking at Kenzuo direction.

"Find him."

The leader of the Priest said in low voice,he signalled his subordinate with his finger,the priest nodded and silently walk toward the hole near them.


Kenzuo said with a smile,it seems that he will gain a super reward, although he didn't know the dead crush.But he knew that the killing move category was way too good,and this can be used in emergency.

The priest who was ordered,peek on the hole,but he couldn't see anyone.He turned his head and was about to go back,when he saw that his leader and companion was in daze,looking at the empty spot.

The priest frowned too,he look at the empty area, where the girl was standing before.The leader was first to came on his senses,he turned around and shouted.

"Let's find her,she couldn't go too far!"

Although the leader of the priest was curious on what happen,but he didn't let his curiousity,to delay his mission.

Outside of the Senzu residence, there's two people standing infront of the door.Kenzuo was holding Cleria on his hand,Cleria who was being carried by Kenzuo was looking at Kenzuo dumbfoundedly,she blinked her eyes and then spoke.

"What happened?where are we?"

"Remain silent,you mustn't use any energy, don't worry i'm going to heal your injuries."

Kenzuo said without even glancing at her,Cleria remained silent on Kenzuo arms, Kenzuo decided to knock using his feet.



Kenzuo smile,it seems that his guess was right, Kurosaki was actually inside of the house.

"Oh,young master,come in."

Kurosaki as he opened the door for Kenzuo, Kenzuo entered the house with Cleria, Kurosaki on the side knitted his eyebrows.

"That's quite deep,young master,do you want me to save her?"

Kurosaki volunteered, Kenzuo put down Cleria on the couch,he waved his hands and said.

"Nah,i can do this."

"If you say so,i need to go now young master.Until we meet again."

Kurosaki said as he look at Cleria for a while, before he walked out of the house,he or she needed to fix aome problems on his company.

Kenzuo took his silver needles and then started to clean it,Cleria who was watching on the side, frowned.Although she wasn't scared on needle,but the needles on Kenzuo hands were about 5 inches,can she get better?or this kid was actually the one who would kill her?

~~~Chapter end