
Reign of Evil: Tales of Villainy

I have no intention of establishing premium contracts for this book, so readers can rest assured! Your satisfaction in reading will not incur any costs!!!! I simply ask that you spread the word to your friends so we can embark on this journey together!!!!!! Embark on an unforgettable journey with Johnny, a brilliant young scientist mysteriously transported to a medieval world filled with intrigue and charm. With his sister Cecilia by his side, Johnny navigates a tumultuous society divided into three classes: aristocracy, devout clergy, and humble peasants. Beneath their humble façade lies a dark secret marked by a mysterious symbol they all share. As Johnny faces the challenges of this new realm, his insatiable curiosity fuels an unrelenting quest for knowledge and discovery. Interwoven with the history of this medieval world, Johnny brings with him memories of a distant past where he was a talented scientist in a technologically advanced world. In this previous world, heroes with incredible abilities, similar to those in comic books, protected society and fought monstrous threats. However, a groundbreaking scientific discovery led him to an experiment that transcended the barriers of space and time, leading him to his current fate. Now, he must balance his thirst for knowledge with his survival in this new world filled with surprises, mysteries, and dangers. As his journey unfolds, Johnny faces difficult choices, often prioritizing the pursuit of truth over ethical concerns. His burning ambition leads him to commit controversial acts, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong. Johnny demonstrates an insatiable thirst for knowledge, willing to sacrifice ethical principles and traditional values in his quest for truth. This dark aspect of his character makes him a profoundly intriguing character, leading him to explore uncharted territories and question morality in the name of science and discovery. The character is cold and calculating, and does everything to achieve his goals. The chapter release frequency will be 3-4 chapters per week! My mother tongue is not English, I think this work will need a proofreader in the future.

Jonas321 · 奇幻
52 Chs

Beautiful night

The witch continued with a sadistic and malevolent tone: "It's quite simple, my little game. All it takes is one of you to sacrifice yourselves for the other! If one of you commits suicide, your love may continue to live!" Her words echoed in the night as the couple was faced with a terrible choice.

The couple stared at each other in shock, their eyes revealing a mixture of despair and disbelief at the witch's proposal.

Monica, unable to contain her emotions, began crying frantically. Tears streamed down her face, expressing the terror and anguish that consumed her in the face of the dreadful prospect of having to make an impossible choice.

Ruan, being a pragmatic merchant driven by profit, faced the impossible decision before him. Knowing he could no longer bear the torment of seeing his beloved suffer, he made a distressing decision. Raising his dagger, he prepared to strike himself. 

Monica watched in horror as Ruan prepared to make this terrible sacrifice for her. Her eyes filled with tears, and she tried to speak, but the words got stuck in her throat. She was helpless, forced to witness her beloved's desperate act in a scene she would never forget.

The witch, on the other hand, watched the scene with a sadistic smile, as the darkness around them seemed to intensify, making the moment even more sinister.

As Ruan was about to complete the strike, a momentary hesitation overcame him. The idea of self-inflicting harm was terribly frightening and challenging. Doubt lingered in his mind, and his eyes reflected the internal conflict he was experiencing.

The witch, attentive to this hesitation, acted swiftly. Using one of her dark hands that seemed to emerge from the mist around her, she intervened discreetly. Few noticed the witch's intrusion, except for Johnny, whose keen attention allowed him to perceive the creature's action. In a matter of milliseconds, the strike was completed, and Ruan fell to the ground, lifeless.

Monica, with tear-filled eyes and a broken heart, realized her beloved Ruan lay lifeless on the ground, a black knife plunged into his chest. A shrill and desperate scream escaped her lips, echoing through the forest like a mournful lament.

The girl rushed to Ruan's lifeless body, her hands trembling, but there was no hope. Her eyes were filled with pain and shock, unable to accept the reality before them. The love of her life had been sacrificed in the witch's terrible game, and Monica was completely helpless.

The witch, with a sadistic smile of satisfaction and wickedness, took a step back, observing the outcome of her diabolical scheme. A sense of victory danced in her red eyes, and she savored every moment of the psychological torture she had imposed on the helpless couple.

Her smile seemed to grow as the situation unfolded, as if she were relishing every flicker of terror in Monica's eyes and the shock on Ruan's face. The witch was in her element, and that sinister scene was like music to her ears. With a gesture of her dark hands, she made the black mist around them thicken, making the setting even more macabre and mysterious.

Monica sobbed and cried, clinging to Ruan's lifeless body in a deep and heart-wrenching lament that seemed to last an eternity. Her screams and tears echoed through the forest, an expression of indescribable pain that cut through the hearts of everyone present.

The witch, on the other hand, watched the scene with calculated patience, her face hidden in the darkness of her pointed hat, showing no visible emotion. It was as if she were waiting for something, watching with a dark interest.

Johnny watched attentively, cautious and uneasy, trying to decipher the witch's intent. There was something about that moment that troubled him, a sense that the witch had not finished her sinister plot, that there was more to come, but Johnny didn't know exactly what.

The witch finally broke the silence, summoning from the shadows several sharp black blades that seemed to have a life of their own, cutting through the air with a sinister gleam.

"That's enough!" She proclaimed with a ruthless voice. The blades advanced toward Monica, who was still mourning by Ruan's lifeless body. The air was filled with the shrill sound of several blades cutting through flesh as the girl was repeatedly struck by those deadly instruments.

As the carnage unfolded with the girl, the witch turned her piercing gaze toward the child and the bandit who had been with her earlier. She noticed that, contrary to what might be expected, the child showed no surprise or fear during the previous massacres. His face remained undisturbed, as if he were accustomed to the violence and chaos unfolding before his eyes.

This unusual attitude of the child left the witch thoughtful. She began to wonder if that boy had some kind of connection to the darkness, if he was somehow unshaken by the violence and chaos she was creating.

The hypothesis that he might be the "son of darkness" invaded her mind, and the witch couldn't help but feel there was more to discover about this mysterious young boy.

As the girl was torn apart by the dark blades, the witch closely observed the child's reaction, determined to unravel the secret that seemed to surround him.

The witch approached the boy, her sinister gaze piercing the child, while her dark aura intensified around her. She asked with a cold and threatening voice, "Boy, what is your name?"