Name: ??? (Before reincarnated)/ Griseo Altrea (now)
Age: 15 (past)/ 17 (Now)
Race: Human (Former)/ Neutral spirit (now)
E/c: Purple
H/c: Light blue
Personality: Straight to the point, Creative, Protective over her relatives, Patient, Can get annoyed easily, Curious, and cares for those close to her.
Likes: Painting, Planetary observation, Astronomic observations, her little sister, Origami, Vegetables, Sometimes meat, Drawing, Gallery, Teaching people to draw,
Dislikes: Being disturbed while painting, Rain, Little sister getting hurt, AST, DEM, Kotori keep trying to make Shido date her,
Spirit code name: Stellar/Star
Spirit Rank: [Unidentified due to being passive]
Mom (Dead)
Father (Dead)
Astrae Altrea (Little sister)
??? (Mother figure)
Look (former): [Unknown]
Look (Now): She looks like Griseo but the older one (cosmic expression) [check comment for appearance]
Love interest: Mukuro, Mayuri, Origami.
Backstory: [Data not found]
Little Sister Bio
Name: Astrae Altrea
A/n: I had to name her little sister not griseo since it will confuse people.
Age: 12
Race: Neutral spirit
E/c: Purple
H/c: Light blue
Personality: Shy, A bit loner, careful, Will help her older sister if she can, creative, not talkative but if asked about her painting she is talkative and clingy to her older sister.
Likes: Painting, Her older sister, Origami, Painting with older sister, Art gallery, Mayuri, Mukuro, Being alone and not disturbed when painting,
Dislikes: Being disturbed while painting, Rain, Big sister getting hurt, AST, DEM, Kotori keep trying to make Shido date her older sister and herself, Some Vegetables, Coffee, Sour things
Spirit Codename: Artist
Spirit rank: [unidentified due to being passive]
??? (childhood friend before she died and reincarnated)
Mom (deceased)
Father (Deceased)
Griseo Altrea (Older sister)
??? (mother figure)
Look: The younger griseo or the smaller griseo (starry impression) [Check comments for appearance]
Platonic relation ship (sees them as relative): Yoshino(younger sister) ,Mayuri (Older sister), Mukuro( Older sister), Origami (Older sister)
Inverse Forms: [check comments for appearance.]
Weapon: Both of them use scythe [Check comment for their weapons]