
{Chapter 4-Epilogue}

Chapter 4 {Elusyan is a king?}

Everyone cheered victory and happiness. The king called for his victory which was accompanied by his new people. The next day. The king returned to his kingdom and then brought all the assets of the donation to give to all his people who had ties with the rebels. The people were very surprised at the actions of this king. They were very frightened because they were afraid they would be severely punished so they would be expelled and then mixed up and some thought they would be put to death. But what they think is the opposite. Even something very surprising.

The king told them that it had nothing to do with his family, who received the punishment was for those who did it, not people who did nothing at all. The king apologized to all his people by visiting the entire residence of the family concerned with the rebels. The king apologized. He felt guilty because he still could not become a king who could make his people happy.

In fact, all of these actions made the whole family cry and then apologized until they were prostrated. But it was immediately appointed by the king. Then it did not take the treasure given by the kingdom, but the families gave most of their property to the royal government. Not only the families of which one of the members committed a rebellion that gave most of his wealth to the kingdom, even the entire people gave a large portion of his assets to the royal government. everything is filled with great emotion and tears and happiness. This war event is also called 'The True Glory' until now this event is perpetuated by the annual festival.

Like holding cultural events and drama events. And the people who play the role of the king must complete the exam first. Because many royal soldiers want to take on this role. Until a few months before this event was held all held a battle before each other, and only the best soldier or registrant who passed could play the role of the king. Why do so many people want to take on this role.

Because according to them to be an extraordinary honor can be a role to be the king. But for those who get the enemy, people fail in academics and those who get the worst scores on mission and duty. Because according to them for those who get this role is an insult in their lives. The people who see this drama program will berate those who have the role of their enemies, even though they know and are aware that those who were their enemies were one family with them.

Actually this event and culture was strongly opposed by the king himself. Because this can make families who are one of the rebels feel very sad because they have to see and recall family members who made a big mistake and then killed in front of them. The king was afraid that their sadness would continue over and over again. The king was afraid that he would also make social inequality from his people by doing the program and his requirements for drama.

However, the people remained steadfast in their stance to carry out this event so that all other people and people knew that this was a punishment for those who dared to betray this kingdom. And also so that this can prevent the bad incident from happening again in the future. Then for the problem of inequality, the people say that this must be done so that all students or their people are not lazy or spend a lot of time on useless things.

The king had no choice but to follow him. Because when voting also 98% of people agreed and 2% did not. 98% are all people and 2% are only the king and some are royal soldiers. oh yes, this does not mean that the failed person can be compared to a failed person in a normal place. Here it is indeed the score so that the average is the same as most other kingdoms. That is 55. But the lowest here is 80.

Nothing is lacking. Even the average score here is 95 to 100. Not that people with small values ​​will find it difficult to get work, but people will feel resentful and very embarrassed if they are lazy with adequate facilities, without having to feel difficulties and their lives can get happiness.

but they consider being the best person is a sign of their gratitude for the king. Oh yes the problem is that many of the Knights and Wizard from here rarely come back, because the whole place they work asks them to continue working with them, so the people who hire the services of Knights and Wizard in this kingdom are very happy and satisfied with their performance. So they continued to extend and begged to continue working for them.

That's all I can explain to you. Hehehe. "Virs's explanation to Brain. "Eh Brain why are you just silent?" Asked Virs. "Oh that, hahaha, if you want to tell a fairy tale why to a smaller child, heheh. I am still small, but I know which story is a real world, hehehe. "Brain answered.

"Oh so you think that all of that is just a fairy tale?" Asked Virs. " Of course. Now you imagine, is it possible in this world there is a country and territory of government like that? Isn't that all just a fairy tale? "Brain answered incredulously. "Ooh, so you don't believe, hmm, okay, now I will ask you a question. If you follow your mind, look at me and see what I'm doing now? Don't you know if I used to be with the whole family as slaves, but now look with your own eyes. See me and my situation now, is it possible with only a family of slaves to get all of this? "Virs answered by showing his clothes that were nice and expensive and the entire contents of his house were so many expensive items.

It's not much, but enough is said in the category of small nobles. "How.? Are you still lacking in confidence? "He asked again. "Uh ... it can't be Virs. How can you get all that? I have trouble believing it. Because all I know is that all kingdoms and countries are all bad. Many people suffer, the poor get poorer. Then the nobles became richer with their wealth.

But after seeing you, I ... I ... me. Hwuaahh. "Brain replied, surprised then finally cried. "It's Brain, don't you cry like that. You now know how I feel when I feel what you feel now. You just look at it now, while my family and I feel it. Luckily no one fainted. "Virs said calming his crying friend.

"Virs. Let me and my family here stay with you? "Brain asked. "I'm sorry Brain. But it can't, we all people here can't want to bring outsiders to enter and live here, for fear of being a criminal intruder. This kingdom is very many who want it. Because of his people's loyalty to his king. However, if they fight they will lose. And now he is aiming for a side in his kingdom like what happened 30 years ago. So that only the royal family and the king itself can bring others to this kingdom. "Virs replied to his friend.

When chatting with his friends, Brain suddenly called to join in eating together. "Brain-chan. Let's eat here soon with Eleonora-nee san's friends. You don't go on alone and meet Elusyan-nii san. Come on "said a child who shouted for Brain. "Yes, I will go there" shouted Brain back. "Wait a minute, did I not hear wrong." Asked Virs who listened to the cry calling for Brain.

"What's Virs?" Brain asked. "She said Elusyan-nii san?" Asked Virs who was surprised "yes. If it's not mistaken, it's an extended name, Elusyan Vin Gabriielin, why is that?? Brain asked curiously. "Impossible, this is impossible ..." Virs replied as if he did not believe at all.

"What's up with Virs?" What are you doing? " Brain asked, increasingly confused. "Brain. Can you bring this magic ball to him? I want to see it, I beg you very much. "Virs said begging to bend his body. "Hmm alright. I'll give it to him, what's wrong? "Brain asked. "I'll explain later. Quickly give. "Virs replied. Brain rushed to the place to eat. Then he saw Elusyan and hurried over to him and gave his magic ball. "Hwuaaahh ...Mom, Come here. see. this is our King. Elusyan-sama. "Virs shouted after seeing Elusyan's face. Hearing that Viper and Leona were surprised and even coughed. After that the two of them looked at Elusyan.

"wait a minute. I want to go to the bath for a while, huh. You all continue to eat, huh. And you are a child. I will bring your magic ball. "Elusyan said who immediately left the place to eat. "Hey mom look. Our king Elusyan-sama. "Said the boy called his mother. "Hmm waaaahh. You are right. Sorry Elusyan-sama. You must be disturbed.

Forgive us for our impoliteness. "Said his mother who apologized by lowering his head and pushing his son's head to lower his head. "Uh sorry, you two. Maybe you two have misunderstood me. I am just an ordinary student, not a king. "Elusyan answered them.

"What is it that you might be carrying out the secret mission of the king?" We know your true face. Because you at that time gave food for us and our family when our family was starving because my father was in the hospital and my brother was out training with his friends. So nobody gives food. At that time I was starving and whining to my mother.

Then you come and give food and lots of money. For our family needs for 1 full month. We see you don't wear your mask. But my mother can feel where someone's aura is. So know that you are king. Sorry if we were not polite, "said the child by explaining.

Hearing those words made Elusyan very surprised. Then he thought why he didn't wear his mask. "Oh, I see. Oh, you guys who just moved 3 years ago? "Elusyan asked the two of them. "I'm right, sir, king. Akhh is happy and is a very big honor that can be remembered by the king. "Said the child and his mother.

"Don't let me praise you too much. I really don't like that. Hmm like that. Then what about your family's news? "Elusyan asked them. "Very good sir. my Father now trades and we can fulfill all our needs. My sister is in the Job Class placement test. Heheh, I'm practicing myself. But I promise to be a person who can be useful for you, king and for this kingdom. I will do my best. "Virs said.

"Oh, I see. Keep fighting" Elusyan replied with enthusiasm. "Of course hemk. Thank you, sir. "Virs replied with great enthusiasm. "Oh yes, I'm sorry I can't linger," Elusyan said. "Sorry, our lord, I have dared to disturb you," said Virs' mother apologizing. "No, you don't need to apologize like that. I have never considered you and all of my people to be as low as me. I consider me and all of you the same. It's just that I need a little respect from you in order to understand the meaning of the karmic order and also you can learn in respecting how to communicate with other kingdoms and other countries visiting this kingdom. "Obviously from Elusyan.

"Why are you too good Elusyan-sama. We can't do that, because if it wasn't for you all of us might not be like this. "Answer from Virs' mother. "No, no, no. You don't need to thank me. I haven't told you to help each other and help with others, so that they understand the meaning of togetherness. Don't help each other in kindness and give love is beautiful, "Elusyan said to them with a smile.

Hearing the words of his mother and child was very amazed and even fascinated by Elusyan. "You're right. But I'm weird, sir. I think you are a human. But why are you so young. Isn't this kingdom 100 years old? But look at your face like you are 17 years old. What race do you actually have if we can know? "Asked the child's mother.

Hearing this made Elusyan surprised. "Uh that. Hmm, can you not talk about the problem, because this is a very secret matter and also please keep our conversation with anyone, and don't tell anyone that I am your king. Heheh "Elusyan replied to them with a small laugh. "Forgive us, Lord, if we ask too many questions. With great pleasure we will take care of it. "They answered both.

"well. Thank you, and also don't be too formal with me. It's normal. "Elusyan said to them. "Hhm, sir, sir. Sorry for us. "They replied. "Hmm sorry. I live first, "Elusyan said. "Oh yes. Forgive us for interfering with your important activities, king. "They said with a nod of their heads." Eh you don't need to apologize. This is just an ordinary activity. I go first. Goodbye. "Said Elusyan greeting" yes master king. "Reply them both.

They also broke the magic connection to the magic ball. "Whuaahhh mother do you hear and see it?" Virs asked his mother. "Yes mom saw it. Hwuaahh, handsome, cool, and very kind. Not to mention the status of a king who is fair and extraordinarily wise. Hahahh. Suppose the mother is still young. Maybe he has fallen in love with him. Hmmm. So cool Oh yes, unfortunately mothers only have 2 sons. If you have a daughter, you might try to get married by her. Hahaha. "His mother replied, fascinated and even imagined because of her admiration for the king.

"Whaah mother is so right. Hmm, if I were a girl. I will definitely pursue him to be his wife. I don't mind a wife who can continue with him. Hmm. Well, I'm starting now better to be the best and even be proud of this kingdom. "Virs replied to his mother.

"You are right. You have to do your best. I will support you. Whaah, if your father and brother know that we have talked with the king maybe they will be very jealous. "Asked the mother of the child." Of course mother. Not only are they both jealous, maybe the whole city will be very jealous of us. Heheh, "replied Virs.

Chapter 5 {moving to the land of dreams}

Elusyan returned to eat together. When eating everything he noticed Elusyan except Viper and Leona who used to eat the food served. "Elusyan, what was the purpose of the child?" What does the king mean there? "Eleonora asked suddenly.

"Akh it. He thought I was their king, because many thought that I was like a king, great, huh, huh, heh. "Elusyan answered with a small laugh and then scratched his back head. "Hmmm," Irisyviel said, watching Elusyan "eh Irisyviel. Why are you? "Asked Elusyan. "nothing. I just think that you are like hiding something to me, hemk. "Irisyviel said, looking away.

Finally they also ate together until finished calmly. after it finishes. Eleonora opened the conversation. "all. I have something to say to you. As you know, we are experiencing a lack of funds. Even to face the next month we don't know whether we can survive or not.

To work even in this place is very difficult. To where the Dungeon is required to pay. And the tax that applies here is very big. I myself think we can survive until this day is truly a miracle. Therefore I have a solution for all of this. We will move. "Eleonora said firmly.

"What.? Wait for Elenora-san. Where are we moving? You already know that there will be no place for us to survive, even we here can build this place because there is someone who gave this place a very cheap price. Then you buy it. You also began to pick us up with children on the streets who were starving and those who had no place to live.

For financial problems we are also selling snacks and flowers. We beg you not to move. We all need a place to live for shelter. "The nurses answered asking for Eleonora not to move. "take it easy. I invited you all to move not to a worse place than here, but to a better place. Even the best for you. How? "Said Eleonora calming them all.

"Then where is Eleonora-san. Is there a place like that? "Asked the nurse again. "Of course. That is where Elusyan lived first. He wants to help and provide shelter for you. Isn't that Elusyan? "Eleonora answered by asking Elusyan. "Hm of course. You may not believe it, but if you don't believe me, try to trust Eleonora who you respect and respect more. So please come along. Tomorrow we will start leaving, so I ask you to get ready today. "Elusyan said. Hearing Elusyan's words, all of them were worried and confused, but this was because Eleonora's request agreed.

When they are going to rest, suddenly there is a light that is so bright outside. Then Eleonora came out and wanted to know what light it was. When he came out he saw Elusyan and Irisyviel outside first. Eleonora was initially jealous but her attention was distracted by the light. It turned out that the light was a giant magic circle. Eleonora was shocked and then rushed to wake the children who were fast asleep. When he was about to move, Elusyan stopped Elenora from waking them up. "Eleonora, don't wake them up. You just use the binding magic to all of them then connect with me. "Elusyan said to Eleonora.

"What will you do?" Asked Eleonora. "Just do it quickly." Elusyan shouted. Finally Eleonora used the binding magic to all of them and was connected to Elusyan. "Irisyviel is here." Elusyan said then hugged Irisyviel's body. "I ask for something that gives me the strength to help others. I ask permission for his strength which always helps me in helping others. Now I need your strength to help others. Give me strength right now. Maximize Magic. "Elusyan released a magic that made his body filled with which were extraordinary. "Teleportation" Elusyan shouted using his teleportation magic. With the release of the magic, it made everyone connected to it carry along with the magic. Everything disappears except their luggage.

Because his strength was so extraordinary, everyone who was awake even fainted including Eleonora and Irisyviel. Not long after they awoke from fainting. Irisyviel was very surprised because she woke up and she was being hugged tightly by Elusyan. "I'll wake up Irisyviel." Asked Elusyan who was so close to his face with Irisyviel. "Eeh. Hemk. What happened to El-kun? "Irisyviel asked Elusyan.

"I teleported you to where I live. That look at the little kingdom there, that's where I live heheh. You can wake everything up.? "Elusyan asked with a smile. "Heehhmmm." Irisyviel answered, putting on a sullen face. "Why are you?" Elusyan asked "I'm still angry to know" Irisyviel answered by looking away. "Angry why?" Elusyan asked again. "You don't know when. Basic hemkens are insensitive. I'm angry because you seem to be hiding something. "Irisyviel replied irritably.

"Oh that was the problem. Didn't I answer honestly, right? "Reply Elusyan. "I know you if honest, how about El-kun, that was when you were covering up something. Can you be honest with me, haven't we promised not to cover up with each other again? "Irisyviel asked. "Hmmm, sorry, if so. Hmm, whatever for this problem I still can't tell you the truth or anyone. Sorry. "El-kun answered.

"Hmm, I see. If it's so secret that you can't say the truth, I'll forgive you, but with one condition for this one. "Reply Irisyviel. "Hmm what is that?" Asked Elusyan. "Kiss me now too" replied Irisyviel. "Uhh, here? Are you sure.? What if everyone saw us? "Asked Elusyan who was surprised. "It is okay, right. After all, this is right when doing this, the situation is supportive. Come on quickly before they approach us. "Irisyviel answered by bringing her face closer. "Hmm alright" answered Elusyan. Finally they kissed each other intently.

Everything was awakened then approached by Irisyviel and Elusyan. "All. Get ready we have arrived. Up front there is the kingdom where I live. I rushed there. "Invite Elusyan. "Wait for Elusyan. The other items are not there because they are left behind. What about the preparation of food and our clothes. While our money is also left behind, "replied Eleonora. "Just calm down is nothing to worry about. I will take care of it. "Elusyan answered.

they go to the kingdom. after arriving, everyone was so surprised because it was so beautiful the place they visited. Here there are many foods and places to sell. There are also many benign monsters that roam and many are used as mounts.

The traders and buyers and the people they saw were very classy and almost close to the nobility status class because of their clothing and mounts. When they arrived, many noticed, at first they were very insecure and even ashamed to come and pass the people around.

Until finally many people approached them. "Nee are you newcomers or a traveler." Asked one of the residents. "Oh we are a refugee and looking for a place to live. We are from people who have nothing but the clothes we are wearing right now. "Explained Eleonora.

"Waahh. What a pity. All of them (shouting calling) are newcomers who are in need of our help, is there anyone who wants to help? "Shouted the resident. Simultaneously hearing that many residents approached them and offered their assistance. From starting clothes, shelter, work. Food to other needs. "OK, I live first. Irisyviel. follow with others. You all don't need to worry about money. Just say you don't have money. And to be honest as always. Oh yes you are free everywhere. Please enjoy. "Elusyan shouted leaving them.

They were also taken around the kingdom. starting from being given good and quality clothes for free. Give good food and fill them all. Then take a bath together in a luxurious public bath. Until finally they shop their basic necessities for free without spending any money. Then they were ushered to a large house that was as big as the house of a nobleman in another regional country and then asked to live there with the right of land and building ownership certificates.

They also entered and looked at the contents of the house. They look very happy. But they were astonished and did not end up thinking this was actually a dream or reality. "Eleonora-nee san look at it. All my new clothes are very nice and cute all, "said one of the children. "Look at Eleonora-nee san. "This toy is free for us. We are even given these knowledge books for free," said another child.

"Look at Eleonora-san, there are lots of ingredients and our cooking and eating equipment. Everything is complete without any shortcomings. Even on the page there are tame monsters for riding. Great Hwauaah. Is this really, "said a nurse who was very amazed.

"What exactly is this? Is this all a dream? This is all impossible to happen right? How could it be.? Someone please realize me. I do not want to fall asleep in this dream, "Eleonora said, who did not believe what had happened to her. Then Irisyvel pinched Eleonora and Eleonora's cheeks in pain "This is no dream. Hwuahahhahaha "Eleonora shouted, happy to cry and cry. Seeing Eleonora cry all of them also cried in a very touching happiness. "There is not one area that I know of and I visit as great and beautiful as this place," Irisyviel said.

"You are right. This is all like heaven in the world. Something that is very difficult to forget. Even imagined, "Elenora said. "This is all because of El-kun. it's just right he wants to go home here soon, "Irisyviel said. "You are right. All. When Elusyan comes we must welcome him. "Eleonora invited all of them. Finally they enthusiastically prepared a fancy party to thank Elusyan.

Until all of them had finished they eagerly awaited Elusyan's arrival. Night arrived until late. But Elusyan hasn't returned yet. They were very worried about Elusyan. Until the next day when everyone was sleeping because he slept too late at night Elusyan came and prepared breakfast. Because the food they prepare for the party is stored and then cooked again to be eaten next time.

When the food is ready. Elusyan wakes up all who are sound asleep. All of them got up and were shocked. Elusyan invited them to eat together, but their faces looked very angry and irritated until Eleonora finally opened the conversation. "Elucchi. ! why didn't you go home yesterday? Do you want to leave us because you gave us all this? "Eleonora shouted irritably.

"Hmm Eleonora what do you mean? Isn't this all a gift from the residents here. I am also the same as you, where I am given kindness by all of them. And why didn't I come back here at night. Because I see you're getting ready to do a party for me. and I really don't like it. You know and Irisyviel is the same. That I really don't like a confession to do a party. I really don't like it. "Elusyan answered by trying to calm Eleonora" I know, but it really doesn't make sense if we don't give thanks to you for helping us to feel all this, you have given way to get All of these. Then you ask that we not thank you? Do you have the heart to make us feel like we don't have self-awareness? "Eleonora replied, still annoyed.

"I don't mean I mean Elonora. Please understand. You and Irisyviel know exactly what I mean. why do you like to think of me as the person who wants to repay his kindness, as if I am evil, am I so badly seen by you? "Elusyan answered. "Eh that's not what I meant. I did not mean it. We and all of us just want to thank you. That's all. "Eleonora replied feeling guilty.

"If it's true, then even seeing you happy and happy is enough for me. It is done, right.? Let's eat. "Elusyan replied. "Hmm, I won't accept it. Hmm. Alright, at least give us any command and we will do whatever it is, "replied Eleonora.

"Okay, then I have 1 request," Elusyan said. "What is that?" Eleonora asked excitedly. "I want you to be happy and always smile and please follow the rules here. As well as I ask, keep on doing your best so that you can help other people who are in trouble, "Elusyan said firmly accompanied by a smile on his face.

Hearing and seeing it are all good. Then Eleonora who looked down at Elusyan then pulled her clothes down to Elusyan's face, suddenly Eleonora kissed Elusyan's lips which felt wet on Eleonora's cheeks.

"You are really unfair and evil to say that sincerely. You know, after all this is really impossible I can withstand all the feelings that I am trying to hold on to, everything feels exploding when you say all that sincerely. From now on you must be responsible. Elucchi. "Eleonora said who was crying happily with her beautiful smile.

Seeing the incident was all like being struck by lightning and very surprised. Then they approached and tugged and hugged Elusyan's body. "Wait everyone. Stop it. "Eluyan shouted, who was getting annoyed. They were silent "All of us eat first then I'll explain something to you when everyone finishes eating. Then they obeyed and ate together. After eating together.

Elusyan explained something to them. "Everyone please listen to me. Here all of you are required to study and enter the magic academy in this kingdom ... because there are only 3 academies so you should not all vote for it. Remember everything learns. No one should not. For daily needs you can sell or ask for help from people here. And if you have ever known and ever entered the Dungeon. You can practice and look for selling materials there. However, it is required to look for selling materials only, not to run Quest from other people. Then you are required to be accompanied by several Knights and Wizard here. For the rules themselves.

You are allowed to do anything. But here have strict rules. That is not allowed to hurt each other and harm anyone. And it is recommended to help each other with anyone. Remember, you can't harm and hurt anyone, not the place. And it is strictly forbidden to act arrogantly. Because it will be punished very heavily.

And there is one mistake that the punishment is very heavy. That is betrayal to the Kingdom and planning or not. Remember everything. Please follow the rules. If it's clear. me, Eleonora and Irisyviel and Viper and Leona will be back. If something is still incomprehensible, I have asked for help from some royal soldiers to help you, so you don't need to hesitate to them. "Elusyan explained to them. "Wait for Elucchi, where are Viper and Leona-sensei?" Eleonora asked. "Oh they came home first. Come on, get ready, we will go home. "Elusyan replied. When they were about to go home, the three of them held hands and went to LEUTHANIA's kingdom.

Chapter 6 {preparation for the Holy War Festival match}

After using Elusyan's teleportation magic, they all arrived at their destination in an instant. "we have arrived. I'm first, "Eleonora said. They parted ways and Elusyan returned home with Irisyviel. Elusyan watched Irisyviel and felt something was wrong with him. Because it looks very moody and silent. "Why are you Irisyviel?" You look very depressed. "Elusyan asked

"Hemk. It's OK. It's just that I'm thinking about something. "Irisyviel shook her head" What do you think? Not like you usually like this, "Elusyan said. "Oh, El-kun. can we talk alone without anyone bothering us? "Irisyviel asked, holding Elusyan's sleeve. "Yes, can. But what do you want to talk? We can talk at home later. "Elusyan answered.

After arriving home. They fell silent to each other without a word spoken. Elusyan felt strange about Irisyviel's quiet attitude and felt she liked Irisyviel's attitude now, she thought that Irisyviel looked more mature and cute and beautiful when she was as quiet as she is now. "Ahemk What did Irisyviel want you to say? "Asked Elusyan. "El-kun. can you answer me honestly? "Irisyviel asked.

"What answer?" Asked Elusyan who was confused. "Do you love me?" Asked Irisyviel who faced her face with Elusyan. Elusyan really felt his heart pounding with Irisyviel's current attitude. "Irisyviel. What's the truth with you? What has happened to you? "Elusyan asked by holding Irisyviel's shoulder and then tried to resuscitate him. "Just answer all my questions. I'll answer all your questions later. "Irisyviel shouted in tears. "Of course I really love you, why do you doubt it?" Elusyan answered. "Then show all your love. How much is your love? "Irisyviel asked. Then Elusyan hugged tightly and held his body with tenderness and warmth like someone's lover. "Is this not enough?" Asked Elusyan in a whispering voice and so soft in Irisyviel's ears. "El-kun." Irisyviel replied with surprise and calmed down from her crying.

"Forgive me. This is all because of my lack of sensitivity towards you. And because of my mistakes that made you worry. I'm also sorry about yesterday's incident. Sorry, I made another woman fall in love with me to make you hurt. Forgive me for making you jealous. Forgive me who has made you pain again. And please forgive me for all my mistakes that made you suffer. But only one can I confirm. You are the one I really love Irisyviel, "Elusyan said apologizing with very soft words and voices.

Hearing Elusyan's words made Irisyviel unable to resist her cries, until finally she cried profusely. They hugged each other until they finally slept together. The next day they were eating breakfast together. "Nee Elusyan." Irisyviel said with a very cheerful atmosphere. "Yes, what's wrong with Irisyviel?" Said Elusyan, who asked "what do you think I am so selfish if I have you completely without sharing with anyone?" she asked.

"Hmm, I told you, what made you suffer was something I didn't want to do. If you suffer by not using your selfishness then use all your selfish feelings. "Elusyan answered. "Hmm, I see. But do you also have feelings for those who love you? "Irisyviel asked curiously. "Hmm I'm confused to answer that. Because I don't know the answer that will make you happy. I'm afraid if my answer will make you sick and suffer again "Elusyan answered.

"How come it's like that?? Just answer honestly, I'm fine, I didn't feel good yesterday. Now I have improved so answer honestly, "replied Irisyviel by asking. "Hmm alright. Of course I have love and affection for them, because they want to even love me like this. But my love for them is only limited to protecting and protecting it. It's no more, certainly different from you. "Elusyan answered. "Hmmm, I didn't expect now that you have started proficient in speaking and seducing a woman." Reply Irisyviel.

"Eehh, you said I have to be honest. Come on, let's hurry to go to school. "Firmly from Elusyan. They also left school after arriving at the school they met Eleonora then Eleonora tightly held Elusyan's left arm which had been held by Irisyviel on her right arm. At first they were surprised and allowed Eleonora to do like that. Until Elusyan split up class.

"His delicious waah being a very popular person was held by women. Hopefully there is a woman and her right is a woman. Well, it's like a king who has many concubines. Hahahah "said Aldeis who complained. "Keep your mouth basic with mutters, it looks like you still haven't learned in the etiquette hah?" You stupid. He is our coach, have you forgotten. If you know this, I'd better let you be eaten by Gigant Basilisk. "Dominica shouted in annoyance.

"What did you say, the four eye witches who failed. At that time I should have let you be killed by Goliath. Hahaha. "Aldeis replied by laughing at the Dominican" did you say that? "The Dominica said irritably.

When they will begin the ritual Eleonora yells at them. "Stop the two of you fools. Are you so great that you dare to insult Elucchi? "Eleonora shouted irritably. Finally they stopped the ritual and apologized to Elusyan. "I am very jealous to see Elusyan who is so popular in front of women." Aldeis said regretfully.

"Hem. You loser. "Said the Dominica. "Hey Dominica, don't you have jealousy?" Asked Aldeis. "Of course I have a fool, but I still have a sense of who makes me jealous. If that's Elusyan, why should I be jealous, you fool. Do you want to be jealous of someone who has helped you a lot and saved you. "The Dominica answered firmly.

"You are absolutely right. It's very rare for you to be like this, "replied Aldeis. "Sorry, Elusyan." Said Aldeis apologizing. When apologizing he saw Elusyan not paying attention to the behavior of the three of them. "Waahh, he has returned to his world." Aldeis said. "We have left it alone. We are in our respective places. "Reply Dominica. "Hey Eleonora. Let's sit down. Don't disturb him. "Said Aldeis inviting Eleonora who was still watching Elusyan.

"How cool are you Elusyan? Neehh Elucchi, "Eleonora said, holding Elusyan's palm. "What's wrong?" Elusyan asked. "I love you," Eleonora said with a happy smile. "Ehek, ehek, ehek." Elusyan coughed "hwuauahhh" shouted Aldeis and Dominica.

"W-what are you saying Eleonora? Are you crazy? "Aldeis said. "Hmm, what do you mean, Aldeis is stupid. I'm certainly not crazy. I just say what I really feel. Shouldn't it be.? "Eleonora asked. "What really happened to you two? I don't think you are someone who is rude and does not like to like a man saying something like that? "Said Dominica.

"Of course secret. Hehe. See Elucchi coughing. Heheh, the expression is so funny. "Eleonora answered, watching her face Elusyan happy. "Hey Eleonora, do you know that Elusyan already has a lover? Have you forgotten? "Aldeis shouted. "Of course I know. But still I love him and want him to love me too. Heheh, "replied Eleonora. The time of entry has arrived. Then they sit in the usual place.

Leona-sensei arrived. After giving greetings and sitting orderly as usual. Leona-sensei said something. "All right, there's something you want Sensei to tell you. 3 more months there is a fertile Holy War match. So all of you who will take part in this competition are required to take special training. Then those who participated were from class A, Meisya Talyna Tyana. Irisyviel Vallerya Tsuya. Stroopa. And from class F only Elusyan Vin Gabriielin. So those who compete will be expected to gather in the principal's room.

And there is also one who will participate but he will come when the match will begin. Well that's all that's what Sensei conveyed. You can all go home and what was mentioned earlier. Elusyan-kun please go to the principal's room. "That was the delivery of Leona-sensi to all of his students. The lesson hours ended and all of them went home and the students who took the match examination were staying. Elusyan went to and entered the principal's room. "Waaah. Hahahha. Who is this coming? A commoner who is lucky and doesn't know himself. "Stroopa said when Elusyan entered the room. Hearing that Meisya and Irisyviel looked very angry.

"All right, sit down," said the headmaster, asking them to sit down. "All of you already know, why are you all called here?" Asked the headmaster. "Yes, we already know." Meisya replied "OK if you already know, I will go straight to the point." Reply to the principal. "You will take part in a very big and highly anticipated match around the world. Because those who follow it are from schools recognized by the world government. So I hope you can boast this school.

There are some important things that I have to say to you. As you know, this match is held once a year. And last year our party did not even enter the top 5. And that is all the board members who follow it. And now it's even harder. Because the chosen ones are level 10 graders. This is very worrying. But you have to keep up the spirit. Maybe that's all I can say, if anyone asks please. "Explanation from the principal.

Hearing that actually makes them confused. Because the information is not very clear. "My principal wants to ask." Meisya said. "Yes, please" the headmaster invited "if only board members are able to get on the top 5. Then why is it appointed this year why only we are not from 12th grade who are more experienced than us. Then why only Elsuyan-kun from class A is invited to participate in this match? Then also where are the first students who competed with us? "Ask Meisya

" Your questions are very good. I'll answer everything. Why are you not chosen by others. Because of this the decision of all teachers was even the result of negotiations from all members of the kingdom and nobility. Then why was Elusyan elected? Because if we don't include him this is a very big mistake and it will even make a difference in status very visible in this school. And the result will be riots in this kingdom. Then for one more student, he will come when the match starts. "Replied the principal.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Asked the headmaster. They did not answer. Then the indoor conversation is over. Then the headmaster tells them to rest and come when the time has arrived in a healthy state and ready to fight. Finally they dispersed to their homes. Irisyviel, Elusyan and Meisya returned to Elusyan's residence. After getting Elsuyan to look a little tired and upset.

"How come ... all of you. I know I am the one who asked all of you to live together. But after I see. This place is not enough for the five of us. "Elusyan said irritably because the bed room was very dense. "Of course Elusyan looks solid. This place should only be able to accommodate 2 people sleeping. So from that you all go quickly and let me and Elusyan live here alone. Hush hush. "Replied the Viper holding Elusyan's arm spoiled and then drove Meisya, Leona and Irisyviel.

"Hah, what are you saying, Viper. We are all just as stupid, there is nothing to be privileged by Elusyan. Except maybe Irisyviel. Because only she is not Elsuyan's tool. "Meisya replied irritably. "Haahhh. Basic Meisya is stupid. I do not care. I just want to be with Elsuyan. "Viper replied with a spoiled whine towards Elusyan.

Epilog {looking for a new place to live}

Hearing their argument made Elusyan even more upset. "Shut up everything." I shouted. All of them were silent. "Haaahh (sigh) alright. Sorry, I shouted to you. But I need to emphasize that this place is not mine so I could have been kicked out and fired from this job if it was found to take you and let you stay here.

Heehh. (Sighed again) I'd better talk to Krusya-san to ask him to find a cheap place to live so that we can all occupy it, "Elusyan said. "Hmm, you're right El-kun. OK. I'll accompany you tomorrow, "said Irisyviel. "Heehh I also want" Viper replied spoiledly to Elsuyan.

"I want it too," Leona replied with her flat face. "If everyone comes along, then I will also come along," replied Meisya. They all went to Krusya the next day to find a new and cheap place to live. "Elusyan-kun?" (Putting on a confused face) what's wrong? Why is the class leader and Leona-sensei with you? And what do you want? "Asked Krusya. "Uh sorry if you surprised you. I ask your help to find a place that is quite large and cheap. Can you help me? "I answered.

"Oh so, hmm alright. If you want to know, are looking for a place to live like what and who lives. Hhmm (thinking) for 3 people? "Asked Krusya. "Uh, actually for 5 people. Heheh (smile with scratching the back head) "I replied. "HAH.? 5.? Anyone.? "Krusya asked in surprise. "Both of them (pointing towards Meisya and Leona)" I answered accompanied by Meisya and Leona raised her hand. "HAH." (Surprised). How can the class leader and Leona Sensei stay with you? "Krusya asked. "The story is very long. Can you search it? "I answered. "Okay then. Come with me, "answered Krusya.

When they were picking up the many residences offered by Krusya they finally found a suitable place to live at a cheap price. The transaction is complete. They all prepared the items. "OK. Because here there are 3 rooms and there are 5 of us, meaning you two in 1 room and myself in 1 room. Now prepare your belongings and come back and to arrange for anyone in your room to take care of yourself. I want to prepare the items first to go back to my room. "Elusyan said to the others.

"Eehhh I want one room with you." Viper said with a spoiled whimper. Then everything says the same. "No, I can't. Or I'll be angry." Elusyan replied angrily. They agreed then returned to their respective rooms. Irisyviel is one room with Leona and Meisya one room with Viper. The next day they wake up and have breakfast together. The one who cooks is Elusyan. They have breakfast together. "Akhhh as always Elusyan cuisine is always good." Viper said.

"Don't overdo it, instead usually we all often eat Elusyan-kun cuisine." Meisya replied. "It's been nice to be you guys," Irisyviel said. "Already don't talk much, just eat calmly like Leona." Elusyan answered. "Eehh, isn't he already like that from a long time ago, a lot of silence and no emotional expression." Viper replied sarcastically. "Don't be like that. I left first, "Elsuyan said after eating" be careful El-kun "Irisyviel said. They also carry out activities as usual.

in this series will continue about the part of the kingdom of dreams. and whether Eleonora's family moved or not. here is discussed then there are further preparations in the holy war Festival

Mr_L30creators' thoughts