
Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone

Illusiveone · 电视同人
106 Chs

Is That Barbie?

Haley lay sprawled out on her bed, her back against a pile of pillows, legs stretched out, and one arm lazily draped over her stomach. Her other hand held her phone close to her face, her thumb swiping up and down as she scrolled through messages. Her expression was a mix of annoyance and impatience, her brows furrowed slightly, and her lips pressed into a thin line.

On the other side of the room, Alex sat on her bed, a thick book in her lap. She was engrossed in her reading but occasionally glanced over at Haley, noticing her sister's growing frustration. Haley, oblivious to Alex's subtle observations, continued to check her texts.

Hey, are you busy?

You said we were going to hang out today. Did something come up?

Hellooooo? Are you alive?

I'm starting to get worried. Text me back when you see this.

[Haley Commentary]

"Things with Daniel have been... pretty amazing, actually. I mean, he's my first boyfriend, and when I look at my friends' first boyfriends... yikes." Haley began.

"Daniel is, like, on a whole different level. We just click, you know? We're totally in sync, and, um..." 

 "...let's just say we're very compatible in bed."

Haley laughed nervously and brushed her hair back.

"And of course, he's famous and very rich. It's like I hit the jackpot! But... sometimes…I feel insecure… about our relationship"

"I mean, I see the gossip online and hear what people say about us, and I know they're just jealous, but it still gets to me."

Haley's expression shifted to one of concern. 

"I don't even know what I'm going to do after I graduate—if I graduate. I might have to repeat a grade or go to summer school. And compared to Daniel, it's like I'm nothing." her voice became more urgent. 

"At least Alex is smart and will probably end up being some big scientist or something. But what do I have?"

She sighs. "Daniel's been really busy lately, too. We haven't seen each other much in the past few weeks. It's mostly been quick texts and calls, but... it's not the same."

She stops.

 "I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking things."

[Commentary End]

"Okay, what's wrong with you?" Alex finally asked, putting her book down.

"Nothing, mind your own business," Haley replied, not bothering to look up from her phone.

Alex sighed, clearly not willing to let it go. She closed her book and shifted on the bed, giving Haley her full attention. "Come on, Haley. You've been sulking for days now. What's going on? Trouble in paradise with Mr. Hollywood?"

Haley's eyes narrowed as she finally looked up, her glare icy. "What? No. Everything's fine. Daniel's just... busy, that's all."

"Too busy to answer your texts?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

Haley sat up, her posture defensive. "He's a busy person, Alex. Of course, he's busy. Not everyone has time to just sit around and read all day."

"Oh, right," Alex shot back sarcastically. "Because reading and getting an education is such a waste of time compared to waiting around for a text."

"Why don't you just shut up and keep your nose in that book of yours?" Haley snapped, her voice sharp with anger. "Like you would know anything about relationships barely been in one."

Fury flashed in Alex's eyes as she bit back, "Maybe I don't, but I do know that Daniel could do a lot better than you. He's basically surrounded by beautiful, talented people all the time. How long do you think it's going to be before he realizes that?"

The room fell into a heavy silence as Alex's words hung in the air, their impact hitting both sisters hard. Haley's face went pale, her eyes widening in shock and hurt. Alex instantly regretted what she'd said, the harshness of her words sinking in.

"Haley... I-I didn't mean that," Alex said. "I'm sorry, that was... that was way out of line."

Haley stared at her for a long moment. Without a word, she slid off the bed, clutching her phone tightly in her hand. She walked out of the room, the door slamming shut behind her with a resounding bang.




Daniel POV

As I stepped into Lucy's office, I was greeted by her smirk. "Aha, there he is—our next bestseller. Come on in, George."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Ha ha ha, very funny, Lucy."

"What? Are you telling me that you're not?" Lucy teased, waving a stack of papers in her hand. "George R.R. Martin, the mysterious writer behind our next major publishing sensation."

I sighed, slightly exasperated but mostly amused. "I could have been called Heisenberg, but Raj had to veto it."

Lucy smiled. "It was... okay."

I laughed. "It is a badass name, but George is fine. The book will be out there, and that's enough for me."

"Well, I'm off for the day. Julie will be bringing you a summary of my next project under my real name. Tell me what you think of it," I said, getting ready to leave.

"Okay, have a good evening," she replied, waving as I walked out of her office.

The new book, which would be my gateway to gradually transitioning to more mature themes, wasn't something I completely borrowed from my previous life. The idea had sparked when I was at Arcaneum HQ with John. I had somewhat obsessively played Elden Ring in my previous life during a rough patch when I had been laid off. For a month, the game was the only thing keeping me sane during one of the lowest points in my life.

This new book wouldn't be a direct adaptation of the game's events but rather a semi-original story deeply rooted in the game's rich lore. The world of Elden Ring was vast and filled with mysterious elements—ancient gods, cursed lands, and tragic heroes—all of which could be woven into a unique narrative.

The story I envisioned would serve as a bridge between the more fantastical elements of Percy Jackson and the dark, intricate plots of A Song of Ice and Fire. It would incorporate the mythological depth and epic scale of Elden Ring's lore but be crafted into a new story that could stand on its own. Later, once the book had established a solid fanbase, John and I could develop the Elden Ring game; but here it would act as a continuation of my books.

I arrived at the parking lot and began to walk towards my car. I wasn't heading home but to a restaurant to meet Scarlett. We had planned this meetup about a week ago, wanting to catch up since the last time we had seen each other in person was when I visited Chicago two years ago. A lot had changed for both of us since then, especially for Scarlett.

Scarlett's career had been on a steady rise since her role in Blair Witch. She managed to land a small but memorable part in the 2009 Star Trek movie, playing Captain Kirk's mother in the intense opening scene. It was a brief role, but it was enough to start getting her name recognized. Since then, she had taken on several supporting roles, gradually building her reputation in the industry.

But it wasn't just her acting that was gaining attention—Scarlett was also making waves in the modeling world. Her striking looks and strong presence in front of the camera had quickly made her a sought-after model. Despite her success in modeling, Scarlett was clear about her passion for acting. She didn't want to be just a pretty face; she wanted to be taken seriously as an actress.

When I heard about the casting for Black Widow in Iron Man 2, I immediately helped her get an audition. I felt I had to do it as a fan of the MCU. She was younger now than the Scarlett Johansson from my previous life, but I believed that made her even more suited for the part. She could potentially stay in the MCU for years, making a name for herself.

Convincing her to audition for the role hadn't been easy. Her agent had warned her that taking on a comic book character might typecast her or limit her options in the future. But I was able to persuade her, and I had been eagerly waiting for her to confirm whether she got the part or not.


I pulled up to the small café where Scarlett and I had agreed to meet. It was a warm evening, the kind that hinted at the heat of summer just around the corner. As I parked the car, I reached for my phone to call her, only to realize with a grimace that I'd left it back at the office.

"Great," I muttered to myself before stepping out of the car.

I scanned the outdoor seating area, and my eyes quickly found her. Scarlett was hard to miss. She stood out effortlessly. Her blonde hair caught the fading sunlight, cascading down to her shoulders in loose waves. She wore a light summer dress, the soft fabric clinging to her curves in all the right places. The dress was perfect for the warm evening—airy and simple, yet undeniably stylish.

As I approached, she turned and spotted me, her face breaking into a bright smile. We met halfway and embraced each other in a warm hug.

"Hey, stranger," Scarlett said, pulling back to look me over. Her eyes widened slightly as she took me in, and she gave a playful grin. "Wow, someone's been hitting the gym. You've gotten taller... and these," she added, giving my bicep a gentle squeeze, "definitely weren't here last time."

I chuckled, feeling a slight blush creep up my neck. "You know, I could say the same about you. The blonde hair... it really suits you, Scarlett. You look amazing."

Scarlett flipped her hair playfully, her grin widening. "Thanks! I thought it was time for a change. You like it, huh?"

"Definitely," I replied, my tone sincere. "It suits you. But then again, you could probably pull off any look."

She laughed. "You always know just what to say. But seriously, it's good to see you. It's been too long."

"Yeah, way too long," I agreed.

I held the door open for Scarlett as we stepped into the restaurant. The place was perfect—dim lighting, soft jazz playing in the background, and intimate tables scattered around the room, each offering a sense of privacy that was hard to find in more upscale, bustling establishments. The walls were lined with dark wood paneling, and the flickering candlelight on each table added to the charm and seclusion, making it ideal for a quiet evening away from prying eyes. I had chosen this place specifically for that reason.

As we made our way to a table tucked away in the corner, I couldn't help but steal glances at Scarlett. She made it impossible to look away. And from the occasional smirk she flashed me, she was fully aware of my wandering eyes and didn't seem to mind in the slightest. In fact, it almost felt like she was encouraging it.

We reached our table, and I pulled out a chair for her. She accepted with a playful smile before sitting down. I took my seat across from her, trying to focus on the conversation rather than the way the candlelight highlighted her features.

A waiter approached our table, a young man in his mid-twenties with neatly combed hair and a professional demeanor. He handed us the menus with a polite nod. "Good evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?"

Scarlett glanced up at the waiter. "I'll have a glass of Chardonnay, please," she said, her voice smooth and confident.

I looked at the waiter and smiled. "Just a soda for me, thanks."

The waiter nodded, jotting down our orders. "I'll have those out for you shortly," he said before disappearing back toward the bar.

As the waiter left, Scarlett leaned forward slightly, resting her chin on her hand as she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. "Oh, I almost forgot to mention—I invited a friend to join us tonight. She's new in town, and I've sort of taken her under my wing."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? Did she not come with you?"

Scarlett shook her head, her hair shimmering in the low light. "No, she had an audition today, but she'll be here soon. I thought it would be nice for you two to meet."

"What's her name?" I asked, intrigued.

"Margot," Scarlett replied casually, taking a sip of water.

I paused for a moment. 'Huh, that's a familiar name,' I thought.

Scarlett grinned, but before she could respond, the waiter returned with our drinks. He set the glass of Chardonnay in front of Scarlett and placed my soda on the table with a courteous smile. "Here you go. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"We're good for now, thank you," Scarlett replied, raising her glass. She looked at me with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. "Well, first things first," she said, lifting her drink higher, "a toast to the youngest screenwriter to win an Oscar."

I chuckled, feeling a mix of pride and bashfulness. "Thank you, thank you," I said, raising my glass as well. We clinked our glasses together.

We both took a sip of our drinks, and I leaned back in my chair, feeling more relaxed. "So, tell me," I began, "what's new with you? How's the modeling going?"

Scarlett set her glass down and sighed contentedly. "It's going really well, actually. I've been getting a lot of offers, but I'm trying to be selective. I don't want to get pigeonholed as just a model, you know?"

I nodded, understanding. "I get it. You've always been more about being an actress."

"Exactly," Scarlett said, her eyes lighting up as she spoke. "I've got a role in this new film about Anne Boleyn. It's a historical drama, really intense. I'm so excited about it. The character is so complex—there's so much emotion to tap into. Plus, the costumes are just gorgeous. It's going to be a challenge, but I'm ready for it."

I smiled, genuinely impressed. "That sounds amazing, Scarlett. I'm really happy for you."

I leaned forward slightly, lowering my voice just a bit. "So, did you get the Black Widow role? The one I arranged the audition for?"

Scarlett's expression turned serious, her lips pulling into a slight frown. "No," she said with a faux sadness, her voice soft.

My face fell, shock and disappointment clear in my voice. "Really? But you were so perfect for it."

She held the serious expression for a moment longer, then suddenly broke into a wide grin. "Just kidding, I got it!"

I let out a laugh, relief washing over me. "I knew it! Congratulations!"

Scarlett smiled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thanks! They're going to announce it at…"

"Yeah, Comic-Con," I finished her sentence. "I'll be there as well."

"For your comic?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"That and another thing," I replied, my tone slightly mysterious. "I know you can't talk much about your contract with Marvel, but all I can say is, we're doing something similar."

Scarlett's eyes widened with realization, and then a playful smile curved on her lips. "Well, looks like we're going to be in a competition, then."

"Yes, let's hope it's a friendly one," I said, grinning back.

"Don't worry," she teased, leaning closer. "I can be your girl on the inside." She winked at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat, my pulse quickening at her flirtatious tone.

"Oh, and one more thing," Scarlett added, her voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What's that?" I asked, curious.

"That won't be the only movie I'll be doing with Downey Jr.," Scarlett revealed, her smile widening.

"Really?" I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah," Scarlett continued, a hint of excitement in her voice. "When I was selected, I met him, and he asked if I wanted to audition for one of his upcoming movies."

My eyes narrowed with recognition. "Wait, that movie would be…"

"Sherlock Holmes," we both said together.

"It looks like I'll soon be an Adler as well," Scarlett said, smiling.

"Irene Adler," I repeated. "Damn, that's a lead role. Holy shit, Johansson, welcome to the big leagues."

"I know!" Scarlett said, her excitement bubbling over. "To think, three years ago I was failing all my auditions." She reached across the table and took my hands in hers, her eyes filled with gratitude. "All thanks to you."

I squeezed her hands gently, my voice soft. "You're my friend. I always help my friends."

Scarlett smiled, her expression softening as she held my gaze. "And I'm so grateful for that, Daniel. More than you know."

As Scarlett and I shared our moment, a cheerful, almost melodic voice called out, "Scarlett!" The sound instantly caught our attention.

"Oh, she's here," Scarlett said, glancing behind me. I turned around in my seat, curious to see who had joined us.

Standing just a few feet away, making her way towards our table, was a woman who looked like she had stepped straight out of a magazine. She had a radiant smile that lit up her face, and her blonde hair was styled in soft waves. Her striking blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she waved at Scarlett. Dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit—a simple white blouse tucked into a pair of high-waisted jeans, showing her slender figure—she was effortlessly beautiful.

It was unmistakably Margot Robbie.

"Holy shit," I whispered under my breath, unable to hide my surprise.

I quickly stood up to greet her as she approached the table.

Scarlett grinned and gestured between us. "Daniel, this is Margot… Margot Robbie."

Margot extended her hand with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Adler."

"Oh, please, call me Daniel," I said, taking her hand in mine. Her grip was firm but gentle.

"Then please call me Margot," she replied, a playful twinkle in her eye.

We all took our seats.

"So, how did you two meet?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Scarlett leaned back in her chair. "Well, I was looking to rent out an apartment that belongs to my aunt—the one I used to live in when I moved here. It's a quaint little place, very private. I put the word out through a few friends, and Margot was one of the first to respond. We met up, and as soon as I saw her, I knew she'd be perfect for the place. We hit it off right away."

Margot laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, Scarlett was a lifesaver. I was new in town, trying to figure things out, and finding that apartment was like striking gold."

Scarlett continued, "Margot's a bit of a celebrity back in Australia. She's incredibly talented, and it's only a matter of time before she makes it big here too."

Margot blushed slightly, brushing off the compliment. "It's nothing, really. Over there, I'm just a bit famous. But here… well, here it's a whole new game."

I leaned forward, a smile tugging at my lips. "Well, with your looks and if you have even half the talent Scarlett says you have, then you're definitely set."

Scarlett nodded in agreement. "And that's why she's here tonight. You're the only producer I know personally and trust, so I wanted you to meet her."

My smile widened as I met Margot's eyes. "Well, I'm glad you did. From the moment I saw you, I already started thinking about you in one of my projects."

Margot's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of excitement and disbelief on her face. "Really?"

"Yes," I replied, my tone confident. "But it's a few years away. Still, I'm convinced," I said, my gaze lingering on Margot, my voice filled with certainty.

"I told you," Scarlett said, looking at a very happy Margot.

Our conversation flowed naturally as the sun dipped below the horizon. We talked for hours, with me spending much of the time offering Margot advice on navigating the industry. As someone new to the business in this city, she was eager to soak up all the guidance she could get. I was grateful Scarlett had been there to help her so far, knowing all too well how easily newcomers could be taken advantage of.

Eventually, after a delicious dinner and more conversation, the three of us found ourselves standing outside the restaurant.

Margot reached into her purse and pulled out a business card, handing it to me. "Here," she said with a warm smile, "this is where you can contact my agent for all things business."

I took the card, nodding. "Thanks, Margot. I'll make sure to reach out."

Then, with a slight grin, Margot handed me a small slip of paper. "And this," she said, her voice a little softer, "is my personal number."

I raised an eyebrow, surprised but amused, as I accepted the paper. Before I could respond, Scarlett laughed and teased, "He has a girlfriend, Margot."

Margot's cheeks flushed a delicate pink, but she quickly recovered, smiling playfully. "No, no, it's all right," I interjected, trying to ease the moment. "I think we're going to be working together very soon."

Margot beamed, her eyes bright with excitement. "I hope so. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Daniel."

I smiled back. "Anything for a friend of Scarlett."

We exchanged our goodbyes, with Scarlett giving me a tight hug. As we parted, she leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "That offer's still on the table," before stepping back and winking at me, a playful smile on her lips.

I felt my heart skip a beat at her words, but I simply smiled back, watching as Scarlett and Margot walked away, their laughter lingering in the air.

As I turned and headed toward my car, reaching for my keys, a thought struck me. "Oh, right. I left my phone back at the office," I muttered to myself.

With a sigh, I climbed into my car.

"First Scarlett now Margot Robbie…Damn" I muttered.

