
(278) Millennia

Geth opened his eyes. He patiently waited for the Goddess in front of him to finish meditating.

He looked her over, rolling his eyes when he saw that she was stripped bare. While he waited, he wondered if all of the Celestials were like that or just her.

"Enjoying the view?" Apate opened her eyes, flashing him a pleasant smile.

Geth sighed, "How long was I out?"

"Ohh... around thirteen days?" She answered.

He grimaced and looked around. It was dark out, and a light glow came from a Rune that had been carved on the ceiling.

"We'll leave in the morning. Did anything happen while I was out?"

"Nothing too exciting," Apate sighed. "It's been pretty dull. I did get to chat with your friend, not that he was a great conversationalist. Wonderful listener, however."

Geth was confused until he felt a tug from his mental sphere. The little Slime was peaking out of the door to its own dome.