Crystal wrapped her arms around Geth as he walked up to her. She cupped one of her hands around his cheek and smiled before turning to Zolis.
"He hasn't given you too much trouble, has he?" She asked.
Zolis couldn't help but laugh while wiping her eyes.
"Nothing that I can't handle. Where are the kids?"
"Til is heading to get them now. He'll be back in just a minute," Crystal answered. "Catch me up on what you two have been doing."
Geth interrupted the two women this time.
"That can wait for a bit. We will gather everyone later, and I'll handle the briefing from there."
His mom pouted a bit and still pestered Zolis with her questions. Geth just rolled his eyes.
He waited impatiently for Til to come back with the children. They hadn't been in the Dungeon when the transfer took place.
His mom said as soon as the glowing started, they became worried. Bruce led the children out of the Dungeon along with his sisters.