
Red Thread; A connection between our souls

When Barry opens his eyes after driving his car into a river, he realizes that the body he possess right now belongs to Ryan. Ryan; who's considered as the secret lover of Vincent who Barry hates the most. ... But, as a spy in the police department, Barry is determined to find the reason behind his death no matter what.

Washroom_Mobile · 奇幻
1 Chs

Chapter 01 :I'm Ryan


A whisper colder than an iceberg. It's echoing through Barry's head. A familiar voice. A voice that comforts him at the same time it makes him a bit uncomfortable as well.

'Who is it?! Who's calling me? I.. Where am I? Why is it so cold here? I couldn't breath...' Barry couldn't figure out anything but, his head is filled with too many questions.

Who would stay calm at a situation where he couldn't figure out anything at all.. where he couldn't remember anything other than his name.

Barry... his name. What's his last name? He couldn't seem to remember.

After going through a lot of struggle, he finally opened his tightly shut eyes only to be met with endless nothingness.


That voice again.

He turned to the side where that voice came from and saw a guy standing in that vast nothingness staring back at him with cold blue eyes. His eyes are even more colder than his voice. Barry stared at that face for a long time but, he couldn't figure out that particular burning sensation he feel deep in his heart whenever thier eyes met. He can feel that this particular face is a very familiar one to him but, he couldn't remember to whom that face belongs to. Who's that tall, handsome guy standing infront of him. He didn't know. A familiar yet an unfamiliar feeling.

"Who are you?" Barry was about to spill those words and that's when a lot of people started to appear around that one guy and they all chanted one single word.


"Barry..." "Barry.." "Barry!!.."

All he can hear is 'Barry'.

He felt a surging pain in his head as the noise around him gets louder and louder by the time. Bearing that pain, Barry didn't give up and searched for those cold eyes in the crowd around him.

As the pain got to a point where it's unbearable and just when he's about to lose his consciousness, he heard a word other than 'Barry'


That voice again. But, he heard that voice so clear as if that guy was standing infront of him. He looked up in an instant as the unbearable pain in his head vanished and just as he expected, he met those cold eyes looking back into his almond eyes in a closed distance. That guy's only one step away from Barry.

"Ryan?!.." Barry repeated.

"That's right. It's you. Ryan."

That guy said without changing his expression while piercing a hole through Barry's head by his stare.

"Who are you?" This time, Barry didn't miss it. But, before he could get any answers from that guy, everyone who stood around him disappeared leaving that same vast nothingness as before. Even before Barry could process anything, his surroundings suddenly filled up with water, leaving him drowning.

He could see the bright light coming from above his head and as he was so desperate to survive, he gathered up all the energy he had and swam up his way through that cold water.

"Cough! cough! ughh!.. coughh.."

He laid his back on the floor as soon as he got out of the water.

"Ryan! Ryan!! Are you okay?!"

Barry looked at the fair skinned bunny-like pretty woman who's infront of him wearing a worried expression on her face. He was confused.

He was confused because she's calling him Ryan. He was confused because he actually knows the woman who's infront of him right now is Betty Hamilton; girlfriend of Mr. Hunter who's first name is 'Ryan'.

"Ryan.. Me." He said in a low voice.

Eventhough Betty's calling him Ryan the whole time, his mind still refused to believe it. He got up in a hurry and turned only to face another proof that says that he's Ryan.

A tall, lean and handsome guy was staring at him with a provoking smirk tugged on his lips.

"Why?! Did falling into the pool had put you in an utter shock that you actually forgot who you are?" That guy asked.

That voice. Those cold blue eyes that makes his heart burn with just a single stare. It's him. It's that guy who appeared infront Barry before.

But, this time didn't feel the urge to ask who he is because, he managed to recognize him right away this time.

"Vincent Potter.." Barry said in a hoarse voice.

Vincent Potter who's the arch enemy of him. Not to mention Barry has been working on a case against Vincent.

But, he just couldn't process anything at the moment. Because, Vincent appearing infront of him only proves the fact that he's Ryan. Because, Vincent is the closest person to Ryan Hunter eventhough no one knows what's thier relationship is.

"I'm Ryan?!!"

Only confusion is what's left in Barry's head... no- in Ryan's head.