
Three Tests

編輯: EndlessFantasy Translation

This is the epitome of becoming ultra rich in one night!

During the war at Overgrown Forest Planet, Chen Xiaobei had spent a total of 100 million Spiritual Stones to make millions of Demonic Beasts enter the Verdant Emperor's Divine Gourd. Because of this war, Chen Xiaobei had yielded 500 million Spiritual Stones for himself.

This could definitely be considered as good karma. Without that war, Chen Xiaobei would not be so highly valued by the temple overlord and Tie Hongji would never be afraid of him. Most importantly, he would not have received such a ridiculous amount of Spiritual Stones if he did not win that war.

Everything was connected in this issue. The things that one does would have it's consequences., and these consequences would impact one's life in a good or bad way.