
Making money from the enemy!

&Quot; I'll set the bait and fish. You just have to listen to my arrangements. &Quot;

Chen Xiaobei did not give a detailed explanation.

After that, Chen Xiaobei and Wu Shanhe also left the house.

&Quot; there are still three days before the martial arts competition. I might as well find a place to sell the Qilin's corpse and the Holy ancestor black resin! &Quot;

Chen Xiaobei did not want to waste three days of his time. He immediately came up with a plan.

After all, energy was something that Chen Xiaobei was very interested in.

The Qilin's body and the Holy ancestor Mystic resin could be sold at a sky-high price. If he succeeded, it would be an astronomical amount of wealth for Chen Xiaobei.

&Quot; en, if I want to sell these two items, the best choice would be to go to the Supreme sacred tribe, the sacred Shi tribe, and the sacred life tribe. These three Supreme sacred ancestor clans! &Quot;