
Red Dragon Emperor of Reincarnation (High School DxD)

A Young man dies. He believes it to be the end. Until he awakens somewhere not in this Universe, conversing with a system thought to be from fanfiction. When the system gives him the option to visit and travel among his favorite Anime, game, movie, and TV Universes where will he go? To High School DxD of course!

G3neral_Kenobi4_ · 漫画同人
17 Chs

Chapter: 13 Grinding! (Part 2)






[Thursday, 12:38 A.M.]

After resummoning my crimson soldiers. I summon 100 crimson ravens and dispatch them throughout the enchanted forest in search of the Ork Lord's position. Meanwhile I set up my crimson soldiers in a perimeter defense around the Goblin Village.

While waiting for my crimson ravens to inform me of any information they find I begin scrolling through my inventory seeing what rewards I've gotten so far.

[Items Received: [x1 Platinum Chest] [x2 Gold Chest] [x45 Silver Chests] [x140 Bronze Chests]

[Bronze Chest x110] <Simple Green Goblin>

Rewards: [x10 goblin meat] [x5 poor leather helmets] [x24 leather] [x11 Stone Daggers] [x6 Poorly crafted wooden bows] [x18 flimsy arrows] [x6 Stone short swords] [x21 bone necklace's] [x9 Goblin bones]

[Bronze Chest x30] <Ork Warrior>

Rewards: [x7 crude iron longswords] [x3 crude iron spears] [x5 fur pelts] [x3 Ork meat] [x12 Ork bones]


Most of the loot turned out to be either crafting materials, bones, or items that I turned into crafting materials. Except for one reward. The Platinum chest.

[Silver Arrow Sword] - {385 Attck DMG}

Durability: 240/240

Equipping the [Silver Arrow Sword] I place the [Ancient Chinese Sword] back into my inventory before dismantling it for materials. When looking thoroughly through my inventory I spot that I still have the [Undead Pet Summon] sitting in my inventory.

Taking it out and putting it in the palm of my hands is a pale white and gray egg with a slot machine slot in the center of it with 'SPIN' written in gold underneath it. Pressing on 'SPIN' I watch as the slot machine spins before landing on a pet that is glowing orange and yellow.


*You Received*

[Legendary Pet: Zombified Tyrannosaurus]

The egg slowly starts to shake, shooting out of my hands and onto the ground before cracking and shining a brilliant golden light. After the light fades away, I look down to find the egg gone and in its place is a barely 1-foot-tall Zombie T-rex.

[Zombified Tyrannosaurus] <Undead Pet> - Growth Rate 1 --> 2% (Baby)

"Looks like we'll have to kill some more things to speed up your growth. Huh buddy." I speak while crouching down and patting the top of its head.

"What am I going to name you?... I got it! Chompy!"

(This thing is an abomination)

'This 'thing' is a legendary pet, so I don't really care.'

'Caw! Caw!' I hear through my mental communication with one of the crimson ravens. Using one of my new summoner abilities, I enter the raven and see through its eyes. Watching as Ork's walk along hastily constructed battlements on top of a wooden fortress and set a ballista turret up in place on one of the two wooden towers before closing the main gate.

(This might be a challenge, Partner)

'It wouldn't be fun if it weren't!'


Marching through the forest towards the Ork Fortress I can't help but notice how fast Chompy is growing.

[Zombified Tyrannosaurus] <Undead Pet> - Growth Rate 17 --> 20% (Kid)

'He's growing crazy fast! Despite not eating anything!'

(It might be possible due to it being undead)



Turning to my left where the sound came from, I watch as 8 of my crimson soldiers are impaled by a 6-foot-long ballista bolt.

'Everyone get behind the trees! Take cover!' I mentally command while sprinting behind a massive bayan tree and activating the boosted gear.

Pulling out [The Black Bow] I lean around the tree and knock an arrow in place. Pulling the string back and converting 2,000 MP into added damage a black and purple light forms at the end of the arrow tip. I loose the arrow and watch as the arrow turned laser decimates the ballista tower. Knocking it over and killing several Ork's in the process. I was also able to destroy the main gate that is now wide open where Ork defenders can be seen panicking.

* -- You have earned 8,000XP from [Ork Warrior (x8)] -- *

* -- You have earned 16,800XP from [Ork Archer's (x14)] -- *



Briefly telling Chompy to stay here and commanding 2 soldiers to guard him. I unequip my bow and equip my new Silver Arrow Sword. Sprinting to the main gate, with my soldiers and Igris behind me.

As both conflicting forces clash, I turn to Igris and order him to take command of the attack, and that I'm going after the Ork Lord. Igris responds with a brief nod before jumping over three attacking orcs and slicing their heads off in mid-air.

Igris twirls and lands and then continues to decapitate Ork after Ork with only a single swing of his sword.

Taking my eyes off Igris I turn my attention to the main fortress where there are massive open arrow slits big enough for people to walk through and they are filled with Ork archers.

'Igris throw me up there!' I communicate as I point towards the people size arrow slits. Igris nods, cups his hands, and kneels, dodging underneath the swing of an Ork battle-axe in the process. Sprinting towards Igris cupped palms, I pulled out my dagger from my inventory and threw it at the Ork who had swung at Igris piercing it in between its eyes.

Leaping onto the outstretched hands of Igris. I skyrocketed forward through one of the arrow slits. Landing and rolling once inside, turning around, and stabbing the [Ork Archer] in the chest before forcing my sword up and out, cutting his head in half vertically.

Turning to my left where the 9 remaining Ork archers now have their massive longbows drawn on me. Instead of my soldiers, I grin and sprint forward. Dodging underneath the first 2 arrows and slashing the next 3 in mid-air.

Reaching the first Ork I shove my arrow sword into his stomach, twist and pull. Causing his intestines to flood onto the floor. The second Ork goes down with a stab piercing its throat and going out the back of its neck. The third a slash across the throat, spurting blood across the stone wall next to me. The rest of the Ork archers go down in a similar gory manner.

* -- You have earned 10,800XP from [Ork Archer's (x9)] -- *

Sprinting through the fortress hallways and only running into 6 Ork warriors wasn't a surprise considering the battle was still raging on outside.

* -- You have earned 6,000XP from [Ork Warrior (x6)] -- *


The wall in front of me explodes and a figure comes flying through the wall. Crashing onto the ground in front of me.

'Who the hell? - IGRIS!'

Sprinting over towards the downed Igris I look at his stats.

[Summon: Crimson Knight] <Active> - Lvl. 16 (Novice)

[HP - 874/2,100]

[MP - 100]

[DEF - 356/500]

'What the hell could do this!?'

"HAHAHA PUNY HUMANS! YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE ON THE ORK LORD!" I hear a guttural booming voice from the middle of the courtyard. Looking through the massive hole in the wall, I see the Ork lord standing there in all his trashy glory, with two heavily armored Ork's standing by his side.

[Enchanted Forest Lvl. 36 <Armored Ork Guardsman>]

[HP - 3,200/3,200]

[MP - 540/540]


[Enchanted Forest Lvl. 36 <Armored Ork Guardsman>]

[HP - 3,200/3,200]

[MP - 540/540]


[Enchanted Forest Lvl. 40 <Ork Lord>]

[HP - 4,000/4,000]

[MP - 800/800]



[Class: Summoner has reached Lvl. 50]

[Skill Gained:]

[Summoner: Promotion] <Active> - Lvl. MAX

Info: Similar to how devil servants are able to promote through rating games, you will be able to promote certain subordinate's that you deem as unique or invaluable. There are three different promotion ranks. [Captain, Commander, and General] Upon reaching general rank your promoted subordinate will undergo a mutation, making them exponentially stronger while also giving them a unique title and changed look.


You may only use [Promotion] on one unit from each division. 1 from the crimson soldiers. 1 from the knights. 1 from the <Locked>.


Turning to still prone Igris and immediately using the [Promotion] skill on him. I watch as he is enveloped in a crimson light. When the light dies down Igris is no longer on the floor but is instead standing straight and tall and-

'Did he get bulkier?'

(No, now get focused!)

'Right, got it!'

Using [Perverts Gaze] on him to make sure he's at 100% and ready to fight. I am surprised to find that his stats have increased!

[Summon: Crimson Captain Igris] <Active> - Lvl. 16 (Novice)

[HP - 3,000/3,000]

[MP - 200]

[DEF - 750/750]


'Igris occupy the armored Ork's for as long as you can'

Seeing a nod in return, I shift my attention back on to the Ork lord who is clearing his way through my soldiers like they are nothing.

Clenching my fists, I watch as he decimates my summons with his massive battle-axe and sword.

[Cude Steel Battle-Axe] - {500 Attck DMG}

Durability: 52/100


[Crude Steel Great Sword] - {300 Attck DMG}

Durability: 39/100


Slowly the Ork Lord Turns towards my position and his armored Ork's start making their way over towards the opening in the fortress wall, but before they can they are both engaged by a freshly healed and stronger captain Igris.

The Ork Lord is now standing in front of me, swinging down his massive battle axe with the intent to annihilate me.



Jumping towards the Ork lord causes his swing to tear down half of the wooden fortress's walls and miss me entirely. Smashing a right hook with the boosted gear into his lower jaw causes his jaw to dislocate and him to fly backwards, landing on some of his own forces. Stretching out my hands and casting [Fireball x20] causes 20 basketball size balls of fire to be made before being thrown at the ork lord's exposed chest.

[-3,000 MP]


[Enchanted Forest Lvl. 40 <Ork Lord>] - {Status Effect: Burning - 0:25}

[HP - 800/4,000] - [-25 DMG per second]

[MP - 800/800]


"AHHH!!" The Ork Lord bellows. As one of his arms is blown off and over half his body is engulfed in flames.

Landing in the middle of the courtyard where the battle is mostly over and the only threats remaining are the barely alive Ork lord and his armored guards. I make a beeline towards the Ork lord who is struggling to stand.

The Ork lord's head jerks up just in time to see me swing my sword downwards towards his head. Missing the swing I attempt to jump away but the Ork lord grabs me and throws me towards the fortress wall.


[-1,700 HP]


Getting back up I am barely able to recognize the giant grayish-green fist that comes down on me.


[-1,000 HP]


[-1,000 HP]


[-1,000 HP]


[-1,000 HP]


All I feel. Endless Pain.


'Huh? Ddraig? Where am I?'

(In the dungeon Partner, and you are DYING!)

Widening my eyes, as the concussion I received takes a back seat and Ddraig floods my brain with memories of the past half hour. I look up and find the Ork lord looking down on me with a smug smile on his lips.


'This annoying mother fucker'






[Thursday, 2:13 A.M.]

The Ork lord's smile fades and turns into a grimace. He turns and grabs his sword, raising it above his head and swinging downwards towards the human that dared to challenge him.

The blade is stopped before it is able to hit it's mark. The Ork lord attempts to lift the blade, but to no avail. The Ork Lord looks down and sees the boy holding the blade in the grasp of his red gauntlet.

With only two fingers.


"You ready to die you ugly fuck." I say calmly before disappearing and reappearing in front of the Ork Lord's very eyes. Sending my fist into his face. The Ork Lord's face explodes and his body is launched and crashes into the nearby fortress wall, flying through it and into the enchanted forest.


* -- You have earned 3,200XP from [Ork Lord] -- *

I raise my hand to cover my eyes from the glaring artificial sun and turn to the Ork blood covered Igris.

'I assume the armored orks weren't a problem?'

'No, your Majesty'



*Quest Completed*

[Slay a Lord!]

Objective: Search the Tier 2 dungeon and find and slay the Ork Lord.

Reward: 7500 XP [Nightingale Armor] [Nightingale Gloves]


[Nightingale Armor] <Gear> - Armor - {+ 210 DEF} - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Abilities: Levels with the user. [Max Lvl. 150]

Enchantments: Increased Light Resistance 5%


[Nightingale Gloves] <Gear> - Gauntlets - {+ 80 DEF} - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Abilities: Levels with the user. [Max Lvl. 150]

Enchantments: Attacks with a Bow do 10% more damage


[Skill Gained:]

[Skill Evolved!]

[Bowmanship --> Archery Mastery]

[Archery Mastery] <Passive> - Lvl. 1 (Novice)

Info: Increases combat proficiency with every type of bow-class weapon, allowing the user to have a faster reaction time, faster draw time and be more agile while wielding one, as well as gaining momentary insight into an opponent's weak point.



*Quest Received*

[Slay a final Monarch!]

Objective: Search the Tier 2 dungeon and find and slay the dungeon boss, the Troll Monarch.

Reward: 8500 XP [?] [?]

Equipping the Nightingale armor, resummoning my soldiers, and going to collect Chompy. We set off on a new quest. One to slay a monarch.



Name: Issei Hyoudou

Level: 38 (10,560/20,000) (After level 20, XP required per level up goes up by 1000)

Race: Devil

HP - 11,500

MP - 6,750

DEF - 610