
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · 奇幻言情
78 Chs

Unveiling Radiance

Inside her house, Anastasia was sitting in her room, engrossed in her book when the phone rings. She picks up the call and sees that it's from Equinox.

Anastasia: Hey, Equinox! What's up?

Equinox: Anastasia, I need to tell you something, but please promise me you won't overreact.

Anastasia: Okay, now you've got me really curious. What's going on, Equinox?

Equinox: "Actually... I am planning on going in Julian's party."

"What? But why?"Anastasia was shocked. "You are going there alone? Is Ezen not going with you?"

"He is mad at me. I can't blame him though."

"He is not wrong. You are putting your life in danger by doing that." She don't understand why Equinox was going there. "At least take me with you. Maybe I can help you find the person you are looking for."

"No way! Julian's main target is you. I can't take you there. It's risky." She didn't wanted to put Anastasia in danger.

"Fine! But at least  tell me who you are trying to find." Maybe she can help. Anastasia thought.

Equinox agreed and begin to tell Anastasia about Dahlia. How she is the only one who can help them kill Julian and Larissa.

"Dahlia?" Anastasia clenched her phone tightly. She didn't expected to hear her name. So does the dreams she sees every night mean something?

"What happened? You know Dahlia?" Equinox could sense Anastasia's nervousness through the phone. "Have you seen her?"

"I mean... yeah." Dahlia started coming into her dream from the time she came back in London.

Every night, in her dream she sees a beautiful woman calling her towards her. That woman wanted to tell something to her. But Anastasia never followed her. She was too scared to talk with her.

But now, the situation was different. Now she needs to find the woman who comes in her dream. As she is the only one who knows how Dahlia looks like, she can easily find her. "I think I should go with you. It's the only way we can find her."

"I agree." It's dangerous but they have to take risk. "You can come but promise me you will always stick with me there. Okay?"

"Yeah. See you on Monday then." Saying that, she ended the call.


The week went normal as usual. Ezen accompanied Anastasia at her university to see if anyone will harm her or not. But thankfully, nothing like that happened.

Anastasia completed all her assignments and homework before only, so she can relax and focus on getting her magic more stronger.

As the days went, the day of the party came closer.


Anastasia stood before a full length mirror and gazed at her reflection. She was currently wearing a a stunning red mermaid dress, its elegant silhouette hugging her curves. The fabric shimmers in the soft glow of her bedroom lights, accentuating her every move. The dress cascades gracefully to the floor, creating an ethereal effect.

This dress was gifted to her by her fashion designer friend on her 19th birthday. She was happy that even after 3 years, she could still fit in this dress.

She never had a chance to wear this mermaid dress. She thought she would wear this on her memorable day but now, she is wearing it to attend the party of supernatural beings.

She never imagined it in million years.

While she was busy applying blusher on her face, she heard a car's honk coming from downstairs.

She knew who it was.

She glanced at her phone and saw a message pop up on it.

[Come down fast. I am here.]

If it was some other day she would haven been terrified to see Ezen here. But today she was not scared.

Because today, her mother and Emily went to visit her distant aunt. They won't be coming back for 2 days.

Claudia insisted on her to go with them too but Anastasia made some excuse to not go with them.

Anastasia glanced at herself in the mirror and was ready to go. She picked a bracelet from the table and wore it on her wrist.

After all, this thing will come in handy if she by chance fell in a problem.

After getting everything done, she was all set to leave. She picked a clutch in her hand and headed downstairs.


Ezen stood near his car, dressed in a sharp suit that accentuated his attractive features. He glanced at his watch, waiting eagerly for Anastasia.

Before, he was not interested in going at the party. But after he found out Anastasia was going there too, he changed his mind.

Equinox can't take care of Anastasia on her own, Her own life was also in stake. How can she handle both things alone?

Just to be safe, he decided to go with them too.

If Julian by chance planned on attacking them then at least he will be there to save them.

Anastasia was still unaware that he was going with them too. He wanted to surprise her. At the university, he asked her to not go there. But still, she didn't listen. Now let's see what her choice will lead her to.

Ezen glanced at his phone to check if she has replied to his message or not. He was about to call her when suddenly, he saw her walking towards him while clacking her heels.

His eyes widen in awe as she descends the steps, wearing a stunning red mermaid dress that accentuates her every curve.

The sunlight illuminates her, making her seem almost ethereal.

"Wow... she looks absolutely breathtaking." He muttered to himself while staring at her.

"Well.. hello there." Anastasia notices Ezen's gaze and walks over to him, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. I see you've taken an interest in my dress."

Ezen got startled when she asked him that. He didn't realised what he said before. "Oh, uh... Anastasia! Yeah, your dress is... it's breathtaking. You look... Uh... like a dream."

Anastasia chuckles softly, enjoying

Ezen's flustered state. "A dream, huh?

That's quite the compliment. Did you rehearse that line just for me?"

"No, no, not at all!" He became nervous. "It's just... I mean, it came straight from the heart. You're radiant."

Anastasia raises an eyebrow, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She grinned while listening to him. "Radiant, huh? You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"I... I didn't mean to come across as... you know, flirtatious. It's just that you look so stunning, and I can't help but be captivated."

Anastasia's teasing smile softens, and she places a hand on Ezen's arm, reassuringly. "It's okay. I appreciate the compliments, and I must admit, I'm flattered by your words. I am not awkward at all."

"Phew, I'm glad. I didn't want to make things awkward." He felt relieved. He thought he messed up by saying that. Thankfully it was not the case. "But seriously, Anastasia, that dress suits you perfectly. You have an incredible sense of style."

"Thanks." Anastasia blushes, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink. "I put some thought into it, hoping it would catch your eye."

"Wait, really?" He got surprised.

Anastasia looked away and bited her tongue, realising what she just said. "Where is Equinox? I can't see her anywhere. Why is she not here?" She decided to change the topic.

"Uh..." Ezen was taken aback when she changed the subject. He knew what she said was just slip of tongue but hearing that made him happy. "Actually... She is still getting ready. She said this is her come back after so many years. She wants all the eyes to be on her. She said she will be late, that's why she asked me to take you with me."

He lied because in reality, Equinox didn't wanted to third wheel between them. Getting ready was just an excuse. She actually wanted them to spend time together. Ezen knew about it, but he can't say this to Anastasia.

"That's nice. She do deserve the attention she will get there. I am very excited to go there." She glanced at the car excitedly. "So... can we get going?"

"Yeah. Sure." He opened the car's door for her.

Anastasia smiled at his manners. Looks like chivalry was not completely dead yet.

She quickly went inside and sat on the front seat of the car. Waiting for their journey to move ahead.


(Inside the diamond palace)

As the grand gates of the palace swung open, a mystical aura filled the air, indicating the beginning of an extraordinary night.

Guests from all walks of life, adorned in ethereal attire, streamed into the opulent halls. Inside, the palace was transformed into a mesmerizing realm where the supernatural reigned supreme.

The ballroom sparkled with radiant chandeliers, casting a soft, enchanting glow.

Luminous fairies flitted about, leaving trails of shimmering dust that created an otherworldly ambiance.

Ethereal music played, blending haunting melodies and intoxicating beats, captivating the souls of those in attendance.

Wizards and witches mingled with vampires and werewolves, their unique features and abilities on full display.

Flames danced without consuming, illuminating the corners of the room, while a levitating magician effortlessly performed mesmerizing tricks.

Julian and Larissa stood near the entrance door to greet the supernatural guests coming through.

After asking the guests to settle down, Larissa came towards Julian with an anxious face. Her eyes still focusing on the door. "Do you think they will come?"

"Definitely" Julian smirked as he stood straight waiting for them. "They have no choice but to come here."

"But... how can you be so sure?" Larissa became upset. "Julian this is our last chance. If we lost then we are dead. We can't take the risk."

"Sissy calm down." Julian was very chill about the situation. Unlike Larissa, he had a lot of Confidence in the plan he made. "They will definitely come. After all, they want to find Dahlia. To find clues about her, they have to come here."

"That's the point. I am scared about that only."Larissa's started to feel chills. "What if they found the truth about Dahlia? If there is anyone who can kill us, it's her. I really don't want to die. It's too early for me."

"Why are you panicking!?" Julian started to get mad. He hated it when anyone spoke something pessimistic about his plan. "Just calm down. Okay!? All you have to do is focus on our plan. You have to make sure everything is going perfectly. Get it!?" He looked around to see if something was wrong. "Is everyone in their position?"

"Yeah," Larissa nodded. "Now let's hope they will fall into our trap."

"They will. But this can only happen if you shut your mouth. Don't get drunk and blurt about our entire plan to Ezen." Julian knew how much his sister crushed on him in the olden times. She was too gullible that she used to fall for anyone. Hopefully her this personality would not turn disastrous for him.

"Don't worry about it. I have made my heart into stone. I won't open my mouth in-front of anyone. It's my promise."

"Good." Saying that, he again went to greet the guests. Leaving Larissa as an incharge of the whole plan, making her more stressed. She glanced at her watch to check the time. "They are so late. God knows where they are right now?"


(In Stafford village)

While sitting in the passenger seat, Anastasia gazed out of the window, feeling excitement and nostalgia.

Last time she came here with Emily. At that time she didn't know her life would take complete 360 as she leave this place.

Many things happened till then. She missed everything from here, even thought she only stayed here for few days.

"You knew I would come here one day, didn't you?" She gazed at Ezen with a smirk. "You waited for me till 17 years?"

"1000 years, to be exact." He chuckled while remembering it. "I was dying to come out of that place." He didn't knew who will take him out, but he always had feeling in his heart. One day, someone will definitely come to take him out from there. 

Anastasia smiled and glanced at Kalana lake which just passed by. She recalled something by then. "STOP THE CAR!"

Ezen hurriedly stopped driving, clenching his car wheel anxiously. "What happened to you suddenly!?"

Anastasia quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and ran out of the car.

"Anastasia don't run!" Ezen got annoyed. She was running so fast with the heels, he was worried she would slip or something. He unbuckled his seatbelt and started to follow her.

"GRANDMA!" Anastasia banged on Isabelle's gate loudly to get in. She missed her so much. Because of all the things happening in her life, she completely forgot her. She was feeling very guilty at the moment.

She again pressed the bell on the gate but no one came outside. "Grandma come out. It's me." She begins to cry.

As Ezen came there following her, he saw her sitting on the ground and crying. "Anastasia? What happened?" He tried to comfort her.

"Grandma is not opening the gate." In her mind, she already started to have bad thoughts. What if something happened to Grandma? She whipped loudly.

While trying to console her, Ezen's eye fell on the note stuck near the gate. "What if she is gone somewhere?" He picked up the note and showed it to her.

"What?" Anastasia stopped crying and looked at it confused. "So grandma is out of town for work?" She sighed with relief. "Thank god she is safe." She was stressing for nothing then.

Ezen chuckled. He didn't know Anastasia was this pessimistic. "You were crying because of that? Why did you even think that? You thought someone harmed her?"

"Don't laugh. Okay?" Anastasia became annoyed. "It happens sometimes. We humans get emotional when we get pessimistic. It's completely normal here." She got up from the ground, dissatisfied. Her make up and dress got ruined because of crying. "I came all the way running from there for nothing." She said with a sigh. "I wasted our time."

"I don't think so." He pointed at something behind her. "Wanna visit that place again?"

"Visit what?" She looked behind to know what he was talking about. She glanced at the place and found out what he was applying. A smile appeared in her face as she nodded. "Why not?"

How can she deny this offer? The place where everything started. The place where they first met. Why would she say no to visit the iconic forbidden forest again?