
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · 奇幻言情
78 Chs

Protecting my family

When Anastasia returned home she was greeted by her mother who also just came home from her work.

"Anna? What happened dear? Is everything okay? Claudia touched her face to check if she was alright or not. "How was your day with your friend?"

Anastasia sighed and hugged her mother tightly. She just wanted to feel some warmth because her day was very weird. "Mom, do you trust me?" She asked in a low voice.

Claudia hugged her back and caressed her long hair. "Of course love, why would I not trust you?"

Anastasia looked at her mother and asked. "Will you believe me if I told you that I still see ghosts and demons?"

Claudia looked away and closed her eyes tightly. She tried various ways to get her daughter out from this disorder. But it feels like it was always there. God knows when her schizophrenia is going to be treated.

She looked at Anastasia and asked her with a concerned voice. "Baby, are you off your meds?"

Anastasia's hope broke when she heard this. "So you still think i am crazy?" She looked away from Claudia to hide her tears.

"Anna, it's not that..." She went towards her to console but Anastasia didn't waited any longer. She quickly ran into her room and locked the door.

Emily who was studying in her room, suddenly heard a noise of a door being shut. She understood that Anastasia was back home and was upset about something. That's why she went to meet her.

Their bedrooms had a secret door that leads them to enter each other rooms. That's why Emily entered from that place like a rat.

When she entered Anastasia's room. She saw her laying on the bed, while burying her face in the pillow.

Emily crawled into the bed and hitted Anastasia's back a few times to wake her up.

"Emily go away! I don't want to talk to anybody!" Anastasia said while being irritated.

"Who said I want to talk to you? I just need your help with my homework. It's an emergency. I need to submit it tomorrow." Emily made an innocent face.

When she heard this, Anastasia sat on the bed and looked at Emily. "Just ask whatever you want. And then leave."

Emily smirked. "Ask about what? Homework? I am sorry sister. But I lied."


"Because I wanted to see that miserable face of yours. Nothing else." Emily chuckled.

Anastasia took a pillow and threw it at Emily. "Don't talk nonsense and go study!"

Emily caught the pillow and threw it back at her. "No! First tell me where were you? You were with your boyfriend. Right?" She said while teasing.

"Stop putting salt on my wounds. I don't have no boyfriend."

"Then go find one. What are you doing here?" Emily threw another pillow at her.

Anastasia caught the pillow and suddenly remembered someone which made her smile. She smirked mockingly while looking at Emily. "Forget about my boyfriend. But do you know who I met in the forest, the day before yesterday?"

Emily became curious. "Who?"

"Gage Spencer..." She teased. "Didn't someone had a crush on him? Huh?" She laughed.

Emily turned red with embarrassment. "Why did you meet him? And what was he doing in the forest?"

"I would have told you, but you won't believe me." She said in a low tone.

"Well, try me.."

"Give me your ear" she went closer to Emily and whispered softly. "He was kidnapped by few evil witches."

Emily laughed when she heard this. "Evil witches? I know he was hot. But not that hot that witches wanted to kidnapped him." She kept laughing. "By the way, why were you there? Were you alone?"

"No, I was with a guy..."

Emily covered her mouth in surprise. "My goodness! Going with a guy alone in the forest at night? Anna... What were your intentions?" She raised her eyebrows.

Anastasia hitted her again. "He was not a normal guy..." She whispered softly. "He was a demon."

Emily bursted into laughter again. "Anna I am telling, get him!"


Emily tried to control her laughter. "I mean, having an affair with a human is so typical. If he is a demon and looks hot. Then why not get him? You would make an outstanding history because of that..."

"To be honest, he proposed me for marriage today. I mean it was not because of love. It was just because of the situation." Anastasia sighed. "I know you are not going to believe me. But I think I have powers." She closed her eyes and said. "I know it is unbelievable, but it's the truth... I am not normal. You can laugh if you want. But..."

She opened her eyes and saw Emily sitting with only one expression. She got creeped out by it. "Emily!?" She shook her body to make her move. But Emily didn't moved a bit. It was like, she turned into stone.

While she was getting worried for Emily. She heard a window breaking noise coming from downstairs. That's why she got more scared...

  - Hide

A small whisper came out from her brain and made her stunned.

"Mimi!? What is happening downstairs? Is mom safe? MOM!?" She screamed her name.

"Don't scream, she is here!" The voice replied

Anastasia became more frightened. "What do you mean? Who is here?"

"Larissa Perez" saying that, Mimi's voice became distorted. It was like someone was stopping them from talking with each other.

Anastasia tried to use her mind power to see what is happening downstairs. But as she could see the person's face. Her powers started to fluctuate. Maybe Ezen was right. Her powers were really decreasing because of the soul bounding.

When she felt like she was helpless. Mimi gave her a hint. "Grimore..."

"Grimore? Princess Amara's grimoire?" This is the book victor gave her. But why was Mimi hinting at it?

She quickly unzipped her bag and took out the grimoire from it and kept it on the ground.

As the book touched the ground. The pages started to flip automatically and stopped in a particular page which showed about how to use your powers if they are fluctuating.

She breathed heavily and got ready to cast the spell. It was little dangerous to use it, but she didn't had any choice. Who knows what the woman downstairs will do to her and her family? She had to cast this spell to be safe.


Larissa entered the house and started to look at the surroundings to find Anastasia.

She noticed Claudia standing like a stone, in one place without moving. This thing made her laugh. She glanced at her voodo locket and smirked.

Thanks to Lilith, she got this locket which could freeze any person in a spot for as long as she wants.

Larissa climbed the stairs and started to head towards Anastasia's room. Because she knew that she would find Anastasia there only. "Come out Little kitten, there is no point in hiding..." She tried to open the door forcefully but it didn't worked. Because it was locked from inside.

Larissa kicked the door in frustration. "Open the door Anastasia! Otherwise, i have no choice but to break it!" She screamed.

Anastasia who was inside, started to get ready to cast the spell. But for that, she needs to wait till Larissa enters the room.

Larissa became more irritated as she waited. She kicked the door with all her strength and saw that the door slowly opening. She thought it opened because of her.. but in reality, Anastasia wanted her to come in.

Larissa saw Anastasia closing her eyes and chanting something repeatedly. Most people would have been threatened by it but Larissa smirked because she was very overconfident about her abilities.

"No amount of praying or chanting is going to help you. Your powers are weak now. That's why, do as I say! Stop being a brat and come with me!" She stretched her hand to drag her outside, but in return, when she touched Anastasia. Larissa's whole body got thrown outside of the house without warning.

The spell Anastasia casted was so powerful that, not only Larissa got dragged outside forcefully. But she got thrown out 50 miles away from the city she was currently in.

When Anastasia understood that her spell worked. Her body slowly became very weak and she collapsed on the ground unconsciously.

Emily, who came out from Larissa's black magic, saw Anastasia lying on the ground in a weak state. That's why she called out for her mother in hurry. "Mom! Something happened to Anna! Come fast!"

Claudia rushed upstairs quickly even though she also felt dizzy. She ran faster when she heard Emily screaming.

As she reached her room. She saw Anastasia laying on the ground, while her nose was bleeding heavily. Claudia got scared by seeing this, that's why she took her phone and dialed numbers to call the doctor. "Hello, Mr Cloman? Please come home right away. Anastasia is unconscious. I don't know what happened. But please come fast." She said in a worried tone.


After some hours, Anastasia woke up from her unconscious state. She sat up on her bed while holding her head in pain. "What the hell happened? Is everything alright?" She looked at the door which Larissa broked for coming inside. But now, the door was back to normal, she also casted a spell to make everything look normal in the house. Just so, Claudia wouldn't know about the thing that happened just now.

Anastasia looked around to find her phone getting charged on the table. When she went to pick it up, Suddenly Claudia grabbed her hand.

"No calling anyone!" Claudia scolded. "Take a rest." She sat on the bed and started to feed Anastasia soup. "Doctor said you are overworking your body alot. By chance, are you under some kind of stress?" She asked with concern.

"It's nothing..." She lied. "Mom, I need my phone urgently. Please give it to me." Anastasia asked pleadingly. She needs to somehow contact with Equinox and tell her everything about what happened just now.

Thank goodness her health didn't decline completely. She was fine now, but what about the future? If something like this happened again then how is she going to protect her family from those people? Her powers are also not strong enough to defeat them.

That's why she made a decision, Anastasia wanted her powers to grow more so she could kill those people who wanted to hurt her.

She was ready to do anything for it, Even if it meant marrying Ezen.

"Why do you want your phone?" Claudia asked. "Anna, Is there something you are hiding from me? Even Emily hides things. I don't understand why you two do that." She sighed. "I know I didn't spend much time with you guys because of my work. But still, that doesn't mean I don't love my kids."

"Mom! I know. You don't need to explain anything" Anastasia held Claudia's hand. "See, if I am in trouble then you will be the first person who I will tell everything. I promise." She looked at her phone which was in Claudia's hand. "But first, I need to call someone ASAP! It's important."

Claudia nodded and handed her phone. "Fine, but take care of yourself. Don't go anywhere outside at night. Understand?"

Anastasia agreed and quickly dialed Equinox's number when Claudia went out.

"Hello Equinox... I need to tell you something..."