
120 years After

One hundred twenty years ago, the USS Seadragon found a portal to another dimension.

Inside the portal mythical beast and magical beings exist.

There are two dominant species, the Elves, and the Demonkins.

Demons are known for their violent nature; they want to devour everything, and they want to rule as the top species.

Elves defend nature; they are good with alchemy, medicine, runes, and architecture.

Both species can utilize mana instinctively. While demons have more strength, the elves are more agile and resourceful.

"Hey goofballs, are you all still tracking ?" The instructor asks.

"Yes, Petty officer," The recruits replied in unison.

The hierarchy of demons consists of 10 levels.

1. Demon God

2. Demon Lords

3. Demon Monarchs

4. Demon Generals

5. Demon Captains

6. Demon Commanders

7. Demon Lieutenants

8. Demon Sentries

9. Demon warriors

10. Demonkins

On the other hand, there are five kinds of elves.

1. High Elves

2. Dark Elves

3. Night Elves

4. Half-Elves

5. Winged Elves (Extinct?)

The Instructor Explained.

"Petty Officer, how does the Demon hierarchy works?" One of the recruits asks.

"Well, According to our intelligence agency, there can only be one Demon God, and he rules everything. He's the strongest demon alive. There are eight demon lords. They are ranked from the strongest to the weakest. They are only below the demon god, then the Demon Monarchs rule over the demon cities, so each city has one, and they have at least six demon generals under them. and everybody else is just soldiers or workers, but they still rank them according to their strength." The instructor explained.

"Any other questions?" the instructor asks.

"No, Petty Officer," the recruits replied in unison.

"Alright, on your feet," the instructor ordered.

"Feet," the recruits replied in unison as they stood up and lined up to their height line and exited the building.

"columns of three port watch forward," Recruit Chief Petty Officer ordered.

"Port watch section forward," the Port watch section leader ordered.

"Starboard watch section stand fast," the Starboard watch section leader ordered.

The Division started marching back to their barracks. After 10 minutes of marching, they got back.

"Columns of file from the left, Last recruit sound off last recruit," Recruit Chief Petty Officer ordered.


As soon as they got back into the barracks, their Division Commanders greeted them with a smile.

"Sh*t, we're F*ck*d; he's smiling; we're probably gonna get It'd," One of the recruits said.

"Just shut up," Recruit Chief Petty Officer replied.

"Put your stuff away and get on the toe line," One of the Recruit Division Commander said.

"Sh*t, I told you, bro," One of the recruits whispered.

"Just do what he says," Recruit Chief Petty Officer replied.

The recruits put their backpack away and stowed them in their racks, and started lining up to their toe line.

"On your six-pack, "One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

"Ice Cold," the recruits replied as they went to the leaning rest position

"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8," One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted 90 times.

The recruits did 90 8 counts.

"On your two-pack," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

"Your next exercise will be Russian twist," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

"1 2 3 4" One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted 70 times.

The recruits did 70 Russian twists.

"Your next exercise is In and outs; get there." One of the Recruit Division commanders ordered.

" 1 2 3 4" One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted 70 times.

The recruits did 70 In and outs.

"Feet" One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted.

"Feet," the recruits shouted in unison as they stood up.

"Your next exercise is Squats; get there," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

" 1 2 3 4 " One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted 90 times

The recruits did 90 squats

"On your six-pack," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered

"Your next exercise is 10 minutes plank; get there," One of the Recruit Division Commander called.

The recruits did 10 minutes plank.

"Your next exercise is push-up; get there," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

"HOOOO-YAHHHH PUSH-UPS" One of the Recruit Division Commander shouted.

"HOOOO-YAAAAHHH PUSH-UPSS," The recruits replied in unison

"1 2 3 4" One of the Recruit Division Commander called 100 times

the recruits did 100 push-ups.

"So why do you think we're doing this?" One of the Recruit Division Commander asks.

"to get stronger, Chief," one of the recruits replied.

"No, Who the f*ck told you guys to march by yourselves?" One of the Recruit Division Commander asks.

"It's the RCPO," the recruits replied in unison.

"Damn, you guys," Recruit Chief Petty Officer replied.

"RCPO get in the black line and do 90 push-ups," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered.

"Aye Aye, Chief," Recruit Chief Petty Officer replied.

"Since y'all f*cked up, Y'all won't have an evening routing," One of the Recruit Division Commander said

"Y'all will shine your boots and march to distribute the laundries," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered

"Aye-aye Chief," the recruits replied

"Alright, Y'all have 45 mins to shower, get there," One of the Recruit Division Commander ordered

the recruits started dressing down to recruit naked and heading to the bathroom by sections.

After 30 minutes, all the recruits are done doing laundry.

They started shining their boots.

After an hour, they started marching and passing laundry while singing and practicing their cadences.

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Left right Left

Division: Uhuh uhuh

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Left right Leffftt

Division: So smooth

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Here we go again

Division: Here we go again

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Same old song again

Division: Same old song again

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Marching down the avenue

Division: Marching down the avenue

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: seven more weeks then we are through

Division: seven more weeks then we are through

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Your Left, Your lefffft, Your left right left

Division: Your Left, Your lefffft, Your left right left

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Your Military Left

Division: Your Military Left

Recruit Chief Petty Officer: Your Left, your right, don't get out of step. Your Left, your right, your left

Division: Your Left, your right, don't get out of step. Your Left, your right, your left

After a few more cadences, they were done passing the laundry and started folding their own laundry.

A few minutes later, they all went to TAPS.

Taps= going to sleep

Recruit Division Commander= RDC

Recruit Chief Petty Officer= Rcpo Pronounce as RPOC

Bathroom= Head

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Gen_Marooncreators' thoughts