

time went by, and the war got heated once more. Kushina had to leave, along with many ninjas who left not knowing if they will return. Mikoto and Fukaku had a small wedding and only invented close friends thanks to this war getting heated once more.

Orochimaru was still in the war as he wanted to become the hokage. Tsunade on the other hand although there was only there to help her disciple and teach her.

Sora paid little attention to the war this time and was forced to study the DNA of each animal. he was mostly looking at how evolution worked, using his ability he evolved many types of animals before studying the changes which happened to their DNA.

He also placed animals in different harmful investments, before evolving them. he came to the conclusion that evolution was just adapting which took a long time.

if a fish was being hunted none stop by a shark, over time that fish's offspring will start to adapt with countermeasure towards shark attacks. Sora's evolution only sped that up by who knew how many years. so the more powerful a bloodline was, the harder it got for Sora to evolve.

getting to this point, Sora tried to evolve into a human. he had many children he could experiment on, so he used this and watched the changes.

the kid did evolve, his skin got thicker, he grew an extra finger, and his skin got more tan. he got 10 times stronger than the normal human, his chakra was also stronger and he heal much better. Sora also noticed when he blinked, that he didn't need to close his eyes as a protective see-through seen covered his eye when he blicked. allowing him to blink without the need to close his eyes,

Sora studied his DNA, and began having a deeper understanding of evolution. one day, he might be able to control which path he used for something to evolve towards.

the child was also much smart than other humans, so Sora had someone have him start to teach him to become a scientist.

reaching the Cosmic level is going to take some time, Sora realizes how huge the gap between being able to destroy a few Star systems to destroying a whole galaxy was. He might need a few years to step into such a high level, but until then he will be forced to study DNA.

"My lord, we discovered the gene code you were looking for." a man came running towards Sora in excitement, Sora who was looking at a butterfly DNA was confused as he looked up

"the gene for adapting, if we could find a way to strengthen this gene. we could have the ability to adapt to things like heat and so on." He said with a smile, Sora's eyes brightened slightly as he took the paper in his hands.

"haha, good. this is perfect. I see a zenkai boost around the corner." Sora said with a smile. what was a zenkai boost, it's when one gets a boost of power from receiving damage. that power boost does not disappear, Sora got this idea from the saiyan bloodline

Sora also wanted to make something likes dooms day, anything that kills someone once they will just come back unimmune to what killed them. So many things that could be done,

"I have also studied the butterfly cocoon thing. add these genetic codes onto someone and watch the transformation will be," Sora said calmly as he wrote something down and give it to him

"what effect is lord looking for?" he asked softly, Sora smiled slightly as he thought of the super saiyan transformation.

"When a caterpillar enters that cocoon state, its body turned into a liquid-like form. and before you know it, it's a butterfly. it pretty much evolves, but in a dramatic way within a few months. what if we can control that, your body can enter, rebuild itself down to the genetic level, strengthen you to new heights." Sora said with a smile, the middle-aged man seriously as he felt.

as he left, Sora looked at the butterfly a few more times before turning his attention to adapting code. the human body was pretty like a computer, a body was built with many codes. learning to rewrite these codes and strengthen them was what Sora was doing.

if Sora knew how to control this gene, he will have an endless amount of abilities at his fingertips. from simple stiff like growing gills to breathing underwater, to more complex stuff like adapting to poison or the body getting stronger from damage taken. there were so many things that could be done

meanwhile, Sora's mean body was on earth running the ship as Teuchi was out with his wife. Sora knew how a child came to this world now, with the extremes he was doing of course he saw some life forms having children.

Sora was slightly annoyed with Teuchi, but he was stunned at how he hadn't had a child went how much they had been together.

"Sora, give my son anything he wants," Sakumo said happily as he walked in with Kakashi. Kakashi was now 6 years old, and shockingly had just become chunin

"he has become chunin, I want to celebrate while I get ready for a top-secret mission," Sakumo said with a smile, Sora nodded slightly as he looked at Kakashi

"so, you want to try our kid's meal? it comes with a toy, it's popular with children around your age." Sora said with a smile. veins instantly grew on Kakashi's forehead as he looked at Sora

"it also comes with toys, you can also play ninja with some of the toys given," Sora said with a smile,

"why would I play ninja when i'm a ninja," Kakashi said angrily, he would come to eat more if Sora didn't tase him so much. Sora shrugged slightly as he got to work

"I didn't order yet," Kakashi said with a frown,

"Today is your big day, you're chunin. I'll give you the best thing that could be given. it's on the house." Sora said stunned Kakashi, who was hit by Sakumo slightly.

"Thank you," Kakashi said softly, Sora just smiled as he showed off his quick-cooking speed. in a few minutes, he placed the food before Kakashi his eyes glowed like stars while looking at the food. but Sakumo suddenly took it

"lets me taste it for you, only the best for my son," Sakumo said as he swallowed his saliva, Kakashi was not having it and instantly tried to get his food back. after some fighting, they agreed to share the food.

Sakumo and Kakashi gave their thanks for the food before they left. time went by once more, and a month later, Kushina returned as her guardians passed away.

Sora of course offered to return her to her youth, but she wanted to pass on to be with her husband. Kushina was depressed for some time when she passed, but she was able to move on after a few days thanks to Sora's cooking.

Kushina didn't return to the war for a few months after her death. a few months after her return, news of Sakumo failing a huge mission spread all over the hidden leaf like a wave

Sakumo and his team were sent on a mission of great importance to Konoha. When his teammates' lives were endangered, Sakumo chose to abandon the mission in order to save them. The impact of the mission's failure caused Sakumo to be vilified by the Land of Fire, the villagers of Konoha, and even those he had saved. Dishonored

Sora hearing the people within the shop cursing Sakumo for his failure frowned deeply. looking at the newspaper he had yet to read, he tried looking for information on Sakumo mission

"Sakumo led an attack on Honzo but retreated when he saw his teammate's lives were in danger." Sora read softly, stunning Kushina who was cooking some ramen

this was an era of war, Sakumo's action was not acceptable during a time of war. Ninjas are willing to lay down their life for the sake of their village, Sora knew that Sakumo choose his comrades over the mission. but ignored the bigger picture.

If Hanzo has died, this would have meant the hidden rain village was out of the picture. a few lives to take down someone like Hanzo, that a tired anyone was willing to make.

"Although this is something big, someone should be fanning the flames to take Sakumo out of the picture. Sakumo is the most likely person to become hokage... this shouls be Orochimaru or Danzo doing... maybe both." Sora said calmly as he continued reading the newspaper

"you're not going to help him?" Kushina asked softly, Sora and Sakumo were on good terms, but Sora shook his head

"i'm on nether side, Sakumo was in the wrong for abounding the mission. but I know his character, he might be the most loyal ninja to the hidden leaf. I can't go against someone who simply tried to save those close to him. so, I will just sit back and watch." Sora said calmly, Kushina frowned slightly as she sniffed slightly.

Sora frowned as well as he held his nose, looking at the door Sora saw Sakumo walking in calmly. the depressing coming off him was too much for Sora to handle,

"stop," Sora said as he stopped him from coming any closer, Sakumo was stunned before giving himself a mocking smile.

"the depression coming off you is... too much. I understand things are hard, but how are they this depressing?" Sora asked in shock, at his point Sakumo will take his own life. Sakumo was stunned for a moment before remembering the events which took place to some ninjas were traumatized or extremely depressed that came here.

Sora seemed to be able to smile at such stuff and was unable to handle the smell. thinking of himself, he understood why Sora didn't want him to come closer

"my own teammates abounded me. it made me question what am I fighting for." He said softly, Sora sighed as he began cooking this guy something to get over his depression.

"if you lost meaning to live, I am more than willing to give you one," Sora said calmly, Sakumo was stunned as he looked at Sora. but a few customers suddenly noticed Sakumo and were instantly displeased

"what are you doing here, a torture such as yourself doesn't belong here." a middle-aged man said coldly as he stood up, but he instantly froze as he felt something lock down upon him

"I say who eats and dont eat here, don't think because your dad is the daimyo I will not forbid you from ever stepping foot here," Sora said calmly

A daimyo, meaning Great Name, is the political leader of a country. A daimyō is responsible for all decisions concerning their country, from forming alliances to the annual budget to the privileges allowed to the country's hidden village. Daimyō is therefore one of the single most important individuals in the entire country and holds the highest degree of political power,

the middle-aged man's face twisted hearing Sora's words, who was he and who was Sora? Sora's eyes narrowed slightly,

"do you think your dad would choose you over me if I chose to forbid even him from touching anything related to me?" Sora asked calmly, the middle-aged man almost forgot how to breathe hearing Sora's words. he didn't think for a second his father loved him more than those books Sora wrote.

"Now sit your ass down or get out," Sora said calmly, through gritted teeth, he sat down not daring to say anything else.

"as I was saying, if you lost meaning, I can give you meaning," Sora said as Sakumo looked at Sora stunned

"what do you mean?" Sakumo asked stunned,

"with your current state, you are both mentally or physically incapable of supporting your village the same way you once did. I understand the blow you might have taken was huge, you can one regain your faith, or two find something bigger for someone of your ability to do." Sora said with a smile as he placed the food for him to get

"what do you mean?" Sakumo asked as he sat down as Sora and Kushina tightened the hold on their nose,

"have you ever wondered what's past the moon?" Sora asked with a smile,