
Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System

https://discord.gg/9HzpZJQHcq Reborn on another planet far outside of the nearest Galactic Empire that was searching for our Hero. His existence already breaks the very fabrics of space and all of creation, yet he sent through to experience another whirlpool of life-threatening problems before the actual problems were dealt with. The Hero originally passes away to be sent forward centuries into the future to awake in the body of the ailing Galactic Empires Crown Prince who shortly passed away before took over the body. From that moment forward, the hero did everything in their power to lead their empire as the Crown Prince, with the belief the new life meant something big, instead all his work was for nought and his own Imperial Familys internal problems caused his downfall and exile as a traitor. Having escaped with the last project he had worked on as the Crown Prince which would have solved many of the issues the Empire faced and helped create a unified Council that controls the Empires within space, instead his sibling’s greed got him killed and reborn once again, this time in the past. Back in a body similar to his old one with the knowledge of the far future and bound with a Primordial System that could make the moon a Death Star and help him create his own fleet of clone troopers with space wizards. He could also recreate the pillars of the old Gods and recreate the Mountain of Olympus and Asgard to serve him. Both on Earth and in Space as the Hero summons legends of anime, video games, science fiction and Humanities perseverance to fight beside him and build a Galactic Empire that cannot be rivalled among the stars…

PhantomMedjay · 科幻
205 Chs

Primordial Superhuman vs. Cultivator: Part 1

Esmond didn't wait any longer and launched himself from above the outer wall, forming a tight air pressure below his feet to give himself a large boost as he kicked off to fly in the direction of the larger mountains, deeper into the Mountain Region.

This action left a sonic boom in its wake, making many cultivators wonder who the man was to cause such a powerful feat.

The turbulent wind left behind in Esmond's wake made Rahzil believe Esmond wanted to create some kind of strong image in the eyes of those who could see him.

'Dickheads trying to be a superhero…' Carter commented as his voice reached Rahzil through the HUD wrist band.

"Who can blame him…

He's a monster… finally on a hunt for its prey after starving for a long time…

God… the Sect Leader will be praying for a quick death soon enough."

Carter couldn't help but agree with Rahzil's thoughts since he knew better than anyone about the raging inferno that burned worser than hellfire.

Actually, Carter had long expected Esmond to explode and go on a rampage during combat.

He felt certain it would occur in Stovi when the noble sent by the Trika Emperor to oversee the Vileta town decided to use his Knights to make Esmond submit to his will.

Yet their poor strength and ability wasn't enough to challenge Esmond, so he quickly finished them in battle, even if his desire for combat wasn't fulfilled.


Esmond flew through the sky, leaving a booming echo as he sped along beyond the speed of sound.

Flying through the air, he looked around to see the various mountains, as well as the different infrastructure built for the Sect members as they built around the irregular shape and nature of the mountains.

The enormous size of each mountain meant they were easily wide enough to be several hundred kilometres, yet they happened to be the smaller mountains as Esmond delved further into the Sect region.

'I never expected the Sect to be this huge…

Jeez… just the density of the air is becoming increasingly annoying the further I head into the Mountain Region.' Esmond thought to himself, as he sensed the immense number of monsters lurking at the very depths of the mountain valleys.

There was a small part of Esmond that wanted to dive deep into the valley and fight against the monstorous beasts, yet he noticed the surge of Undead increasing in numbers in valley closest to the Red Tortoise Outer Wing.

He decided it would be best if Rahzil continued to increase the number of Undead in his control while the corpses went over to the Spatial Ark Star World.

They would enhance the strength of the other beasts and animals within the Space, increasing the quality of materials producible and empowering the strength in Esmond's hand to a greater level.

Through Carters increased skills as an Intermediate A.I Spirit, Esmond knew the beasts which would form in the Space once their corpses were collected would inhabit the lands of the planets in the Sol System.

Most beasts in the Space were hunted by the Great Warring Clans, Predators, G.A.E Humans and others.

Their skin could be turned into leather and even their meat typically was edible.

Certain people tried to tame their own beasts, leading to an increase of powerful pets among the strong citizens within the Space.

Thankfully Gabriel only let those with great strength to control their pets to wonder on the crowded public streets.

Nothing could go wrong in the Space, but just in case, Gabriel wanted to avoid the possibility of something going wrong by accident.

It might not even be the beast's fault and instead the aggressive nature of children that might anger the beast.

Regardless, the value of the beasts in the valley would be vital to help improve the intelligence of the animals and beasts within the Space.

Esmond's long-term plan was for the children of the Space to have their own pets which could protect them from danger while also intelligent enough to understand their owners, down to their individual demeanour.


He quickly decided to push those thoughts aside after he noticed the largest mountain in the distance happened to also contain the densest amount of Spiritual Energy gathered around it, like a formation was drawing it over from the depths of the valley and from the atmosphere.

It also happened to be a defensive formation to keep others out, but in Esmond's case, he knew his brute strength would be enough to break through if it were activated.

Unfortunately, the Sect Leader thought his strength would be enough to take on anyone who came to battle him.

He wasn't aware the Grand Elder had returned, nor did he know about the mass casualty of the Sect students, since the messengers only told him about the battle at the edge of the Red Tortoise Outer Wing wasn't as simple as they first were led to believe.

The Sect Leader became aware of Esmond presence when he reached the Centre Night Sect City, home to the leader and elders of the Sect as well as the greatest students of the Sect.

Esmond found the architectural style to be similar to that of Paifang, a Chinese style known for its arch and gateway structures, but the materials used to create the city of the Sect seemed to be quite costly and wasteful.

Some of the Spiritual Essence infused materials weren't crafted well enough to ensure the energy didn't leak out or connect it with a formation to help guide the energy smoothly into the students' bodies.

Before he could further look around and be bugged by the lack of craftsmanship and care, Esmond heard the Sect Leader call for him, as his voice filled the entire sky above the city.

"… So… you came alone…

Ugh… I await you at the Grand Hall… fool.

Come if you dare…" though the Sect Leader felt disgusted by the lack of strength Esmond possessed, something told him that there was more to the man even if his eyes said otherwise.

Esmond was more than ready to face the man known as the Sect Leader, who evidently cared very little about the Sect or its roots.

Through his heightened senses and enhanced vision, Esmond noticed the brutalness lurking at the depths of the Centre Night Sect City.

Depravity of the body and mind infected the students, disciples, and members of the Sect as the mountains of mortal corpses and rivers of blood were a clear sign of the demonic times throughout the Sect.

Disgusted by the sight, Esmond became further determined to end the life of the Sect Leader.

While he wasn't carrying a might weapon of any sort, Esmond trusted his strength would be enough to utterly humiliate the Sect Leader once his locked power was unleashed.

He didn't need to wait long before testing out his untapped strength once Esmond arrived before the staircase leading up towards the Grand Hall which looked as if the designer had mashed several projects together to create the monstrosity.

Due to his enhanced vision, Esmond often noticed small issues and details most people would miss, often generating a surge of annoyance in Esmond.

Standing before the staircase leading to the Grand Hall gave Esmond a headache since his mind found similarities and cultural style conflicts all over the place.

The staircase seemed to be carved into the side of a prism structure, much like the pyramids in Egypt, yet at the peak of the enormous building was obviously a palace that'd been called a 'Grand Hall' instead, even though it screamed authority to Esmond.

The large pillars soaring into the sky were ridiculous as they reminded Esmond of the Greek architectural style.

To be more specific the palace appeared as if a hybrid of the Athenian Parthenon and Buckingham Palace, but the extravagance of the materials again spoiled image of building and its supposed purpose to the Sect.

'*Sigh* I'm gonna trip this shit down no matter what!

Hell, I'll find the bastard that designed this sloppy mess and beat his head into fucking mush!' beyond furious, Esmond charged up the stairs, ready to teach the Sect Leader a lesson.

For some faint reason, every time Esmond saw a tack object or design aspect laid out throughout the large corridors of the Grand Hall, his mind couldn't help but delve further into madness and unhinged fury.

Esmond did his best to contain most of his emotions after entering the main part of the palace, which happened to be a large hall and a throne near the end of the room.

The large pillars on either side of the wall stretched up to the roof, which was made partially of glass to allow for natural light to shine in the room, however the cloudy atmosphere heightened the already tense and dire tension in the expansive space.

"You've finally arrived…" said the Sect Leader from the throne at the end of the Reception Hall, with several dozen empty seats on either side of the wall, obviously for the Inner Court Elders.

"Well… I found it quite hard to come this far…

Every single step forward would reveal the brash and rough craftsmanship of the hideous palace you call a 'Grand Hall'…

Honestly… I can wait to bury this fucking place after I rip your head off those weak shoulders with my bare hands."

Letting go of his hold on the emotions fighting to be free, Esmond grinned horrendously as his eyes sparkled alive at the idea of beating the Sect Leader to death.

Yet the man in question couldn't help but smirk while swiping away his deep red hair in the way of his deep brown eyes, staring coldly at Esmond in the distance.

"You believe you have a chance to beat me?


I'll crush you with my feet foolish child!" the Sect Leader launched himself from his throne in Esmond direction, with a psychotic twinkle in his eyes.

Esmond on the other hand closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath before saying, "Break…"

Unleashing his strength locked by the System, Esmond's body surged with life as his terrifying power caused the space around him to distort from the sudden disturbance.



[Name: Esmond Manston]

[Xrian Organism Count: 1,010]

[MP: 2,100,000/2,100,000]


[Endurance: 545🔓]

[Stamina: 545🔓]

[Dexterity: 590🔓]

[Intelligence: 630🔓]

[Agility: 535🔓]

[Magic: 450🔓]

[Wisdom: N/A]


Startled by the spike in power coming from Esmond, the Sect Leader couldn't help but step back and steady himself to equip some items to help him in the battle.

Having fought his fair share of powerful opponents, the Sect Leader instantly knew the battle wouldn't be over easily.

He even felt a little fearful of the outcome since it could swing it either persons direction based off his estimation of Esmond new strength.