
Reborn With A Doomsday System

[ Novel is Under Editing.] Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · 都市
109 Chs

CHAPTER 103: We Are Under Attack!!

"Mr maxim, did you tell him we need help?" Zack, head of maxim's soldiers asked.

"Yes, Leo said he is on his way, we just need to hold on for now" maxim said calmly. He placed the AK47 on the table and took the red Crystal.

"Mr maxim, what should we do now?"

"Go and watch the gate. We can't take another surprise attack" maxim said with a sighed.


Before Zack could move, a soldier barged in.

"What is it?! Don't tell me we are under attack again!!" Maxim stood up instantly, picking up his gun.

"The monsters are attacking sir! What should we do?!" The soldier replied, a little shaken.

"How many are they?!" Zack inquired quickly.

"About 300, a woman with half red and black hair is leading them!" The man yelled, even though the two were close to him.

Zack turned to maxim, "What should we do boss?"

"Easy, kill all these motherfuckers!!!" Maxim walked out of the building, followed by the two.

The base... once peaceful and beautiful, with hundreds of thousands of survivors, was now in chaos, countless survivors had run away from the base, just to save themselves. A base is built to provide safety and protection to the survivors, but this base can't do that.

Because of the continuous attacks from the modify humans and experiments, countless soldiers met their end in countless horrifying way.

Maxim walked out of the building, heading towards the gate. In front of the base stood 10,000 of his soldiers. A huge amount you will say.

But in front of the modify humans, this number is as small as 100 soldiers.

When they saw maxim and Zack, they all saluted.


"At ease guys" Zack said calmly. "Report" he added.

"Sir, the enemy hasn't moved for a whole five minutes now. We don't know what they are doing" a military man replied.

Zack nodded, and looked ahead. 50 yards away from the base stood 200 modify humans, and behind them stood 100 experiments. Both zombies, humans and animals. These experiments look more hideous and bloody than the normal ones.

The zombies, which consist of the normal and red zombies have... extra limbs. Some normal zombies have three arms, some have four legs. The red zombies which move on all fours, have a total of eight limbs. Some have two heads. They look more hideous than before. With the black goo flowing out their mouths, which would make any human puke.

"These abominations are with them!" Maxim muttered in a low voice, and roared at the modify humans.

"How dare you come back!! I think we just have to kill more of you fools, so you won't be able to recuperate!!"


A beautiful voice sounded, as a woman with red and black eyes and hair walked out from the modify humans rank.

"What a lovely speech, don't forget I wasn't present when you defeat my friends."

"Who are you?!" Maxim frowned deeply. 'How can this woman spiritual energy be so strong? She is just a master realm.' He thought.

"I go by the name, blood princess, something in your base got my attention, that is why I am here."

"And what is that?!"


"What?!" Now, maxim and his fighters were stunned. "Hearts? How is that?!!" Maxim yelled.

Blood princess didn't answer, but raised her right-hand index finger and summon one of the modify humans to come forward.

The man nodded and dragged a woman with her. This woman was putting on rags, and her hands and legs was cuffed with chains.

"Come my darling, you don't need to be scared." Blood princess moved her fingers around the woman's face, then turned to maxim and his fighters.

The woman was shivering like she was standing in the midst of an ancient beast. She had seen what this woman in Front of here could do. She had killed hundreds of her friends, and capture some of them. Her realm might be low, but her strength is comparable to that of a grandmaster realm.

Blood princess moved and with blinding speed, she plunged her right hand on the woman's chest, and pulled out her heart. The woman's body trembled, her face filled with horror, as she collapsed on the ground, Dead.

Maxim and his fighters face changed dramatically, as they stared at blood princess. Moment next, she raised the heart and slowly took a big bite.

Maxim and his fighters watched her with opened jaws and stunned gazes, as she slowly finished the heart. Blood princess looked at them, as she licked her fingers.

"How delicious, this woman is a member of base, well... was a member. She ran away with her friends and jammed into us. Her friends hearts are tasty, that why I asked her to lead me here. So... here we are"

"You monster!!!" Zack yelled.

"Shssss! You haven't yet seen a monster, so just be patient." She said to him and turned to maxim. Her voice still enhanced with her spiritual energy.

"Surrender, and I might let some of you live longer, if not... my friends here are starving" she said, gesturing towards the experiments.

"This is not our first battle with you guys!! We never give up!!!" Maxim yelled.

"Fine then" blood princess shrugged, the next moment her blood sword appeared in her hands, red light slowly enveloped the sword, starting from the hilt to the tip of the blade.

"I will just have to kill you all then, there aren't many females among you guys, so I will just have to check inside." She raised her sword and yelled.

"Blood wave!!!"


She turned around and released a sideways slashed from her swords, a crescent blood energy moved with blinding speed, heading towards maxim and his fighters.

"What the hell?!!!" Zack was speechless.

"Protective skills, up!!"

Maxim yelled. Countless of his fighters with the water and earth abilities rushed to the front and activated their skills.

Maxim created a Huge wall in front of his base, luckily in time. Before the crescent energy collided with the defense.


To the shock of blood princess, her crescent energy only leaves a crack on the wall.

"How surprising, a master realm enhancer, that why my friends couldn't destroy your base. Don't worry, I will help you turn it to ruins." She said, and with a slash of her sword, three crescent blood energies flew towards maxim.

Maxim's face changed dramatically, as the energies collided with his defense.


The defense scattered like a wall of cards, as him and his fighters, Who were using defensive skills flew backwards, smashing on the ground.

Some of the fighters threw up a mouthful of blood, while Maxim's face changed dramatically. "How is this possible! She and I are in the same realm, how is her attacks so powerful?" Maxim groaned, and slowly stood up.

"Ok, it's time to end this" blood princess said, and pointed her sword at the base.


She said calmly, and all the experiments and modify humans charged towards maxim's base with full force.

"Dammit!! Here they come boys, stand your ground, we got this!!!" Zack yelled at the fighters, as they all pointed their guns at the charging enemies.

"Fufufufu... modify humans, show them guns are useless against us" blood princess said with a small chuckled.

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